martedì, dicembre 31
the year has been utterly interesting. i know that i'll tell my great grandkids about this year. i'll tell them this advice.
- fear the girls who dont grow up
- date. blind dates arent too bad. they're even better when they turn out wonderfully
- when you hear the name of torres, run far, far away.
- life in a box is better than no life at all.
- procrastinate. procrastinate. procrastinate. ;)
i talked to jeff most of today. we talked about harry potter. wow, i've converted him. yay! i reread a part of the goblet of fire today... wow.. that book was funny too!
"I told you!" Ron hissed at Hermione as she stared down the article. "I told you not to annoy Rita Skeeter! She's made you out to be some sort of - scarlet woman!"
Hermione stopped looking atonished and snorted with laughter. "Scarlet woman?" she repeated, shaking with surpressed giggles as she looked around at Ron.
"It's what my mum calls them," Ron muttered, his ears going red.
Jeff likes Hermione! Jeff likes Hermione! Jeff likes Hermione! Jeff likes Hermione! Jeff likes Hermione! Jeff likes Hermione! Jeff likes Hermione! Jeff likes Hermione! Jeff likes Hermione! Jeff likes Hermione! Jeff likes Hermione! Jeff likes Hermione! Jeff likes Hermione! Jeff likes Hermione! Jeff likes Hermione! Jeff likes Hermione! Jeff likes Hermione! Jeff likes Hermione! Jeff likes Hermione! Jeff likes Hermione! Jeff likes Hermione! Jeff likes Hermione! Jeff likes Hermione! Jeff likes Hermione!
but he likes me more.
lunedì, dicembre 30
sabato, dicembre 28
oxvAn es therzxo: so... radness!
kaYteaEsS: hmmm
kaYteaEsS: kool
kaYteaEsS: where in glendale?
kaYteaEsS: like mall friendly?
oxvAn es therzxo: nay.
oxvAn es therzxo: costco friendly!
kaYteaEsS: ooh
kaYteaEsS: okay
oxvAn es therzxo: yup
kaYteaEsS: i suppose that'll do
oxvAn es therzxo: indeed
oxvAn es therzxo: that means it 'down the street' from ih!
kaYteaEsS: YAY!!!
kaYteaEsS: road trip!!!
kaYteaEsS: puahaha
oxvAn es therzxo: hahahahaha!
kaYteaEsS: that should be cool
kaYteaEsS: mimi's and this place!!
oxvAn es therzxo: YA!
kaYteaEsS: idont' know if i can stand the excitement
oxvAn es therzxo: hahahha
oxvAn es therzxo: and tha panda express
kaYteaEsS: really????
oxvAn es therzxo: jah!
kaYteaEsS: i'm becoming giddy!
oxvAn es therzxo: hahaha
girls and food. dont get in our way
december 26th:
i went out with my mom that day. we went to borders today and i got jeff's gift which he later figured out.. GRR! haha anyhoo, i met up with ding and we went to the sharper image for a while and sat in the 'rape chairs' after that, i went home and ding came too. we slept for a while. she got picked up later.
my sister came home and she told me she was going to new orleans the next day. so we decided to go to ross to buy shoes. so after an hour and 6 pairs of shoes later, we decided to drive across the street and watch 'two towers' we got tickets for the 10:45 show so we had and hour and 45 minutes to burn, so we walked around. two towers was [soooooooo awesome. the battle at helms deep was utterly amazing. and legolas... mmm. ] i dont want to give anything away so if you want to read my rant about it... hightlight the space between the brackets.
december 27th:
jeff's hoo-haw! wow! jeff throws a pretty damned cool hoo ha! the pingol's, kat, ding, nan, israel, brian and i, all went to jeff's birthday. we ate at pat and oscars which had the best breadsticks in the world. wowsers. not only that, pj and i went typical hunting.. oh my! so many damned typicals! 'catch me if you can' was a looooong movie. but it was pretty damned good! the ending was soooo cool. on the way back, we were the fob car... so fobulous. wow wow. yesterday was really fun... especially because i got to see jeff and give him his christmasbirthday gifts. i got him a chocolate frog, harry potter and the chamber of secrets and a bottle of ketchup. he got me a moulin rouge poster, a little harry potter lego set and a pic of us from formal... awwwwwwwww! :)
the car ride back, kat only gota japanese station and for a while we were really listening to it. haha. after she dropped off the pingol'ses i turned the radio tuner to the right and we got kroq! hahahaha! :) but we lost it. thanks kat for bring the lot of us! kat rocks!
ok. thats it.
mercoledì, dicembre 25
dropped my sis at work
came home
wrapped presents
blah blah bllaaaaaaaaah
church too at midnight...omg... my sister was all fooling around like "gee, wheres father gard" and like in a fob voice " ai, that father gard, turn this place into a whore house" OMG... but we were in the choir loft... back row, and it was all dark
then iwent home, called up jeff and talked about what not... he's 18 years and 1 day old! ooooo
me: merry christmas!
leslie: feliz navidad!
me: weeeee!
leslie: awwwww
leslie: cute picture
leslie: funny how we are spending xmas mornin on the NET
leslie: hehe
me: i KNOW
me: wow
me: hehehe
tee hee
martedì, dicembre 24
what's YOUR deepest secret?
brought to you by Quizilla
i swear, it wasnt me.
How azn are u?
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more like fob...not like racer azn and yeah tHiS tYpE oF iSh.
* Which Tragic Shakespearean Heroin are You? *
brought to you by Quizilla
i just clicked on all the options that pointed towards desdemona. ophelia was crazy and juliet was... too young... desdemona was rad.
domenica, dicembre 22
"Things change. Friends are different. People get married. Kids get engaged. Restaurants close. Fish die. Krispy Kremes open where they weren't before. Moms buy new couches. Rooms get painted. And apparently, my parish priest had an affair with the cantor and got kicked out of the Catholic church."
sabato, dicembre 21
ok ok, i supposed i should blog about formal...
so i got my nails and stuff done from one to four... wow.. its fun driving up and down western ave. anyhoo, i got ready and stuff... danielle ended up coming back at like... 7:00 so i didnt get to see her until after i got home. i looked pretty snazzy and i was ready to go by 6:00. jeff came to my house by 6:05 something. oh my gads... he looked gdoubleOHd good. oh so spiffylicous. and cute with his nerd glasses on... oh my! *snoppy dance* mmmm...hehe :-D and my mom was all like, "wow jeff, you look good and touching his tie and such. haha. and my corsage and boutonniere matched... we had to swing by the nail place because i left my glasses there. awwww the women there were soooooo nice. they were like "aww you look like a princess!" that made me feel all warm and fuzzy in the freeing cold. we got to the autry by 6:30... and we got it without a patdown. woo hoo! go us. we're slick. we helped set up the center pieces. they looked pretty cute. for most of formal we wandered together outside, on the overlook, at the splash mountainy looking thing, the gallery, and out in the courtyard. we danced a lot. jeff is the most awesomest date/boyfriend.
thats about it. i probably wont get my pictures developed until forever.. so... yah. ask jeff for pics.
venerdì, dicembre 20
giovedì, dicembre 19
mercoledì, dicembre 18
so erin said (11:45:00 PM): um. no.
oxvAn es therzxo (11:45:05 PM): yay
oxvAn es therzxo (11:45:05 PM): !
so erin said (11:46:31 PM): we are that cool.
oxvAn es therzxo (11:46:47 PM): too cool for school.
so erin said (11:47:06 PM): daaaamn straight.
yay for procrastinating!
martedì, dicembre 17
lunedì, dicembre 16
domenica, dicembre 15
- d/led all these versions of carol of the bells
Trans Siberan Orchestra f/ Metallica - Carol Of The Bells
Harlem Boys Choir- Carol of the Bells
Acapella Full Choir - Carol Of The Bells -
Ukrainian Bell Carol - Acapella
Christmas - Carol of the Bells - (Home Alone Soundtrack)
Vienna Boys Choir - Carol of the Bells
Harry Connick, Jr. - Carol of the Bells
- drove to the fish store to buy algae killer, lime away and this plant
- went to church
what i have to do by the end of this week:
- choose what essay to do (brooke one probably)
- choose what colleges im really applying to.
- do my ir memoradum
- website for phys (grr)
- survive in my shoes for the christmas concert
- order a boutonniere
- pick up my dress
- go to winter formal
- clean my room
- clean my aquarium
yeah, thats it.
sabato, dicembre 14
The Ultimate *Which Harry Potter Character are You?* Quiz
brought to you by Quizilla
Which View Askew Movie Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
You are "Dogma"!!!! Sinner's beware, you are on the loose. Armed with a sharp blade, and an even sharper tongue. You are also very good at finding loopholes in almost anything!
venerdì, dicembre 13
The Subculture Label Quiz
brought to you by Quizilla
ha. funny.
funnier is the description of freak.. "You are a... FREAK! Wow, you try too hard. I would also put you in the nu-metal category. You do have a very admirable angsty quality, but you aren't goth. You're simply anti-social and pissy. Chances are Hot Topic is your haven."
What swear word are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
hehehe ASSHOLE.
Which Sesame Street Muppet's Dark Secret Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
giovedì, dicembre 12
mercoledì, dicembre 11
Whose words these are you think you know.
Your paper’s due tomorrow, though;
We’re glad to see you stopping here
To get some help before you go.
Lost your course? You’ll find it here.
Face tests and essays without fear.
Between the words, good grades at stake:
Get great results throughout the year.
Once school bells caused your heart to quake
As teachers circled each mistake.
Use SparkNotes and no longer weep,
Ace every single test you take.
Yes, books are lovely, dark and deep,
But only what you grasp you keep,
With hours to go before you sleep,
With hours to go before you sleep."
hehehe... aww, sparks notes rock my socks!
i say they're waiting for death. or maybe eden's right, they're waiting for God.
lunedì, dicembre 9
You Are A Juicy Kisser!
Your lips are totally kissable baby, and you know how to use them.
You are the perfect kisser - with the right combo of lips and tongue.
It's important to flaunt it, so kiss early and often on dates!
How Do *You* Kiss?
More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva
should be doing my essay..
domenica, dicembre 8
sabato, dicembre 7
- woke up at 7:00
- went to loyola
- sat around
- saw roxanne
- talked about winter formal, and she's like "i dont have a date" and im like... what, the homecoming queen of daniel murphy and sister of a loyola guy doesnt have a formal date?!?!" and shes like "i dont see guys" and im like *gestures to the loyola guys* then roxanne just looks at me. hahahaha :)
- took my writing sat II.. hehe. i feel good about this one. i wrote about nuclear bombs and hiroshima and the arms race and iraq. the prompt was the quote "success can be disastrous".
- got picked up by my mom
- went to buy a dress, saw 'vanessa' katie r. the sophomore
- went to the beverly center
- didnt buy a dress
- bought algae killer for my aquarium
- bought pillows with my mom
- went to payless to buy my shoes for chorus
- saw my cousin wendell
- got home and was called my lisa from st. brendans! i havent talked to her in a loooooong time!
- made rice
wow wow! now im talking to jeff. so, bye!
You are the embodiment of the third book.Heralded by many as the best book, Harry really starts to cook in this one. We are introduced to the characters of Sirius Black and Remus Lupin. You rock hard.
Which Harry Potter Book Are You?
by Mina-Clare
Harry Potter: Which Hogwarts professor would you be?
brought to you by Quizilla
yay! my favorite hogwarts profession.. seriously. lupin was sooooooo rad. and i hear he's coming back YAY!
venerdì, dicembre 6
she's teasing us! i want book 5!!
Congratulations, you're Los Angeles, the City of Angels.
What US city are you? Take the quiz by Girlwithagun.
heh cool
You're Renee O'Connor.
Which Rene(e) are you?. Take the Rene(e) Quiz by Paradox
hhahahaha cool quiz.. in xena's sidekick! what renee are you. renee! take it!
giovedì, dicembre 5
wow, some people really suck. seriously. if anyone has a problem with someone, they shouldnt fuck up their things or screw around with blogs or aim screenames. its just common courtesy to other people to respect their space, especially if they hadn't done anything to you.
[end rant]
comedy sportz was rad. my balloon swan made it to props! that soooooo cool. i drove myself to school and went back. and i got boba for the first time in a really long time.
my pot looks cool. except for the rim. that part is reaaaally ugly >_< i really want to re-paint it!
otherwise, tomorrow's pj's birthday! i made her a bunny hat! its soooooo cool!
ok. im going to estudiar for physiology...
mercoledì, dicembre 4
kost 103.5 christmas music. and robin singing along to "feliz navidad"
anyways... ir homework took a while.. but wow.. i now know a sufficent amount of knowledge to lead a small island country in micronesia. just kidding. i wish.
martedì, dicembre 3
and speaking of commercials, i know its christmas time now that the hersey's kisses hand-bell commercial is making its daily rounds. ahh. the cute little bell at the end that rings its heart out and wipes it brow with the little hersey tag.. heh.
lunedì, dicembre 2
domenica, dicembre 1
sabato, novembre 30
venerdì, novembre 29
THAT'S IT! i applied to college!
*sigh* 5 down, 6512318 to go. just kidding.
me: i suppose so.
antonio: ... even tho i stressed on it a lot in senior year heh
me: heh
me: ah well its just my future.
antonio: no big
antonio: ull get in somewhere i sure
antonio: if not, u can always live of danielle
me: hahahaha
me: oh my god.
me: i've seriously never heard that suggestion
me: wow.
me: thats scary.
antonio: heh
giovedì, novembre 28
mercoledì, novembre 27
i can't imagine all the people that you know
and the places that you go
when the lights are turned down low
and i don't understand all the things you've seen
but i'm slipping inbetween
you and your big dreams
it's always you
in my big dreams
and you tell me that it's over
wake up lying in a patch of four leaf clovers
and your restless, and i'm naked
you've gotta get out
you can't stand to see me shaking
could you let me go?
I didn't think so
and you don't wanna be here in the future
so you say the present's just a pleasent interruption to the past
and you don't wanna look much closer
cuz your afraid to find out all this hope you had sent into the sky by now had crashed
and it did
because of me
thats not even one third of the song! GADS!
i no longer have my sanity.
presenting to you...
[one] finish my uc essay
[two] finish my uc application
[three] remember my writing with style reduction
[four] do my cal state application
[five] buy low heeled shoes for the christmas concert
[six] buy a winter formal dress
[seven] see jeff
[eight] that ir thing
[nine] remember to bring that fucking turkey bone.
[ten] write that stupid paragraph about 'what im thankful for'
[eleven] watch harry potter
[twelve] have a happy thanksgiving.
[thirteen] not saying a thirteen, its bad luck
[fourteen] release my sat II scores because i am a dumbass who has not done it yet..
martedì, novembre 26
aol did an illegal operation and died on me.. right when i was going to post my blog entry for today..
SO... today i had class
hightlights of the day
- art had no slow christmas music
- prayer service was cool [except for some ruuuude people]
- zette drove me home... wowowoow! we talked about boyfriends ^_^
- got the winter formal invitations
- finally got my walk bag.... awwww last walk prize... EVER!
thats all.
i shall return.
lunedì, novembre 25
domenica, novembre 24
sabato, novembre 23
im good
started out at playday. that was interesting. bitzy 8th graders
anyhoo. i was going to see jeff today! that was my thing that i was looking forward to.
so jo, ding and i went to riteaid to catch a ride with mkb.
so we go to my secret garden, and i see chilis and i buy then for jeff. hehehe.and i wrote a card that said,
" jeff, i think you're hot. nessa"
hahahahahah wow yeah ... you shoulda seen the look of wonder,bewilderment and "HUH" on his face. hahahaha yeah
BTW please dont mind the typos ..i'll fix themlater when my thumb isnt throbbing...
anyhoo, we went to pingols' house and we go to th galleria very cool!
at oldnavy: pj's putting on a sweater "ay! its baliktad!" hahahahahhhahaha omgads! so fanny!
and then we went back to pingol's apartment and jeff gave me somethingcool... something RAD!!!!!!
he gave me...
on vcd....
*HAPPY DANCE*!!!!!!!!!!
hehhe yes.
so after that we went to the coffee bean and to albertsons and to the coffeebean again, jeff and i ate chicken. mmmmmmmmm
then we went to the play....
i cant press the space bar with my RIGHT thumb!
its hard to write!
owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! *tearsup* OOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWIE!!!!!!! :(
but we met keith! the boypren! wowowowowowoowoow! another deluspiritusantos! woowowowowwow!
and i got a new tita! pingols' madder! wowowowowowo! shes so cool!
and i saw jeff :)
so yay ! cool day!
venerdì, novembre 22
who knew that the otherside of wilton is... mountainous?
and go watch the little shop of horrors
if you dont watch the musical itself, go just to see the wigs and the plant! kelly rocked as the plant! wow!
unrelated to little shop or horrors but musical related tangent...
sweet thing, let me tell you bout the world and the way things are
you've come from a different place, and i know you've traveled far.
thats from the wiz, which was soooo nice, i watched it twice. but that was two years ago.
but then i thought about it again, and realized that it'd be a horrible idea that would end in me getting ripped to shreds and us never getting any class issues done.
giovedì, novembre 21
so he came in a minute ago asking:
jerel: is that my mach 3 int he shower
me: no, its mine
jerel: you use a mach 3?
me: *blinks*
jerel: is that my mach 3
me: no! i own the venus!
jerel: i thought so, but whos mach three is that?
me: ali's i suppose.
jerel: oh. *leaves room*
*comes back*
jerel: you know a venus is a mach 3 with a green casing.
me: yes, i know
and a happier note, he finally brought back my Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban book. he's had it since september. he said he kept it so long because its plot twisted so much that he had to read it over and over again. heh heh.
today we looked at the models for graduation dresses... bel was a rad model, so was miriam and ashley... man.. its so sad that some classes wore that dress for graduation.. so sad that its funny.
this is my campaign for the dress i want...
mary elizabeth's dress
a V back
yes. we're going to have a kick ass dress. it's going to be pretty, rad and
naked panda. its ok kat. at least you now have a randy side according to her
oh!!! and my adventure with kat!!!! we were walking toward the deans office and we saw a door open that we've never seen open before. so we looked at each other and said.. HMMM. so we looked inside... and inside we saw a stair case... so we walked up the stair case. and at the top of the stairs, there were two doors, one was locked. but the other one... i opened very slowly... very VERY slowly. we peered cautiously through the doorway... and what was there?? THE ROOF! WOW!
rad story, ay? yeah, we thought so too.
Which tarot card are you?
I'm Homer, who are you? by Lexi
What's your sexual appeal?
brought to you by Quizilla
haha. i like that.. forcing people to feel up her tetas. :þ
What's Your Bedroom Personality? (For Her)
brought to you by Quizilla
What Sign of Affection Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
mercoledì, novembre 20
rebe once told me that i look like the most laid back person in the world. but that just what i look like.. inside, i'm positively pertified. i just want to be in kindergarten again. so much easier. only thing that go tme into trouble was throwing dirt in some guy's eyes. wasn't my fault. i was just aimlessly throwing dirt in the air and HE just got in the way of that dirt.
anyhoo... after that bizarre tangent, i'll tell you. i am not stressing. not for reasons that i know what im doing but stressing because i seriously have no idea what im doing. ah poo. smc is looking better and better every day.
martedì, novembre 19
but if you want to download my favorite tori amos song download Tori Amos - Leather.
its just a rad song. always liked it... just forgot about it.
" i almost ran over an angel
he had a nice big fat cigar
"in a sense" he said "you're alone here
so if you jump you best jump far" "
mm hmm.
domenica, novembre 17
Playlist length: 3 hours 16 minutes 54 seconds
Abandoned Pools - The Remedy
Adema - Giving In
Aimee Mann - Save Me
Bad Religion - Infected
Beatles - Eleanor Rigby
Blur - Coffee and TV
Bush - Come Down
Cake - Never There
Coldplay - Trouble
Collective Soul - Spit Me Out
Counting Crows - A Long December
Dashboard Confessional - Screaming Infidelities
Eminem - Lose Yourself - No Skips
Erykah Badu - Tyrone
Fiona Apple - Criminal
Flogging Molly - The Worst Day Since Yesterday
Fugees - Nappy Heads
Get Up Kids - Out Of Reach
Hoobastank - Running Away
Korn - Got The Life
Luscious Jackson - Naked Eye
Metallica - Nothing Else Matters
Miss Saigon - I'd Give My Life for You
Miss Saigon - Why god
New Order - Blue Monday
Nirvana - I Hate Myself and Want to Die
Nirvana - You Know Your Right
Portishead - Nobody Loves Me
Queens of the Stone Age - The Lost Art Of Keeping A Secret
Queens of the Stoneage - No One Knows
Radiohead - High and Dry
Red Hot Chili Peppers - Californication
Semisonic - Closing Time
Smashing Pumpkins - Disarm
Social Distortion - Story of My Life
Stone Temple Pilots - Creep
Sugarcult - Hate Every Beautiful Day
System of a Down - Spiders
The Cure - Boys Don't Cry
Tori Amos - Leather
Tori Amos - Me and a Gun
Tori Amos - Precious Things
Tori Amos - Silent All These Years
Tori Amos - Winter
Weezer - Across The Sea
ahhhhhhhh depressing songs!
giovedì, novembre 14
KillOsama626 (10:12:17 PM): hi
silentxsuccubus (10:12:19 PM): hi
silentxsuccubus (10:12:47 PM): jeff right?
KillOsama626 (10:12:50 PM): yeah
KillOsama626 (10:13:10 PM): so...
silentxsuccubus (10:13:17 PM): ok.. im going to be really blunt right now.. but are you willing to take me to prom?
KillOsama626 (10:13:33 PM): *thank you God a straightforward girl!
KillOsama626 (10:13:37 PM): sure!
silentxsuccubus (10:13:41 PM): hahah WOO HOO!!!
silentxsuccubus (10:13:55 PM): *does funky dance*
i dont want to study for physiology.
random lyric:
"have they lost their heads
or are they just all blind mice
we've heard all their stories
one too many times
hypnotized by fireflies
that glow in the dark
midgets that disguise themselves
as tiny little dwarfs"
imma go study.
this is a break and i was blog hopping and in christines blog, she had lyrics from the phantom of the opera in her blog... and i started to think of les miserables... now i have half of the musical on my mp3 list. dont worry, but i'll delete them later... but man... before joey in dawsons creek slashed and butchered 'on my own' i genuinely liked that musical... especially eponine... she was rad. longing for some dude who already had a girlfriend but they're so in love that he doesnt want to leave her..
one day more.
marius & cosette:
tomorrow you'll be worlds away
and yet with you, my world has started!
one more day all on my own.
marius & cosette:
will we ever meet again?
one more day with him not caring.
marius & cosette:
i was born to be with you.
what a life i might have known.
marius & cosette:
and i swear i will be true!
but he never saw me there! "
now i can find the version of that song that i like... hmph!
mercoledì, novembre 13
start rant:
parents are stupid. they're supposed to know you, right? why dont mine know me?! im vanessa, i like boys. boys are nice, especially my boy. i change my mind about what i want to do. currently, i dont KNOW what i want to do. i just dont. what if what i want to do isnt primarily an occupation that starts out with a job that doesnt pay much. i swear. knowing my parents, if the major i declare isnt what they want, i think i'd be out of the street. who cares.
end rant.
other wise. i had a day. it was a nothing day. it started with puffy eyes and it ended already. i slept at 5, with charles. hahaha.
martedì, novembre 12
1. [spell your name backwards] assenav
2. [where do you live?] los angeles
3. [describe yourself in 4 words] tired, bored, lustful, and awake
4. [ever been to belgium?] no
5. [what's your favorite coin?] dime
9. [wallet] denim w/ pink trim wallet with a pink fairy on it... money and pics in it
10. [brush] light green conair brush
11. [toothbrush] blue and clear mentadent toothbrush
12. [jewelry worn daily] immaculate heart class ring and the jeff necklace
13. [pillow cover] one yellow and one with blue horizontal and vertical stripes
14. [blanket] flowered.. ew
15. [coffee cup] a big mug with a van gogh print on it
16. [sunglasses] kenneth cole reaction
17. [cell phone] nokia 3395 gray case
19. [handbag] bright blue esprit bag, reaction khaki bag, gap messenger bag, some no name brand gray messenger bag, pink woven bag, that woven basket thing and pink and bluething danielle left and gray dickies bag
20. [favorite shirt] alf shirt
21. [favorite pants] my dickies
22. [cologne/perfume] i dont wear pefume.
23. [cd in stereo right now] the somewhat sentimental mix :)
24. [tattoos] nah.. not yet
25. [piercings] ear lobes
26. [wearing] white wife beater, gt sweatshirt and light blue sweat pants. and underwear too.
27. [hair] straight, longish, brown, usually in hair tie
28. [makeup] mac/stila/clinique. too much for one person but not enough to cover my faults. wow, that was deep
WHAT/WHO (is/are)...
29. [in your mouth] (who is) jeff
32. [after this] coloring
33. [talking to] jepprey
34. [eating] nothing
35. [do you like candles?] fire.
36. [do you like hot wax?] yes. in fact i do.
37. [do you like incense?] nag champa
38. [do you like the taste of blood?] to tell you the truth, yeah.
41. [person you wish you could be with right now] ...someone who can grant wishes.
42. [what/who is next to you?] science building stool a newsweek and my imaginary friend.
44. [do you believe in love?] yes.
this is from KAT because she said it best...
" In AP English: " you know what trifles means, girls?" --> Mrs. "R-----" (since this IS a censored blog and all...just think of Mr. R----'s Neighborhood...::rolls eyes::) She's nice and all...but dude...all she ever gets from us are blank stares. And not STUPID blank stares either. They're like blank stares that scream, "DUH!! YOU SWEAR!" "
you swear.
i think i hate school again. well its not that i stopped. i just stopped mentioning it on my blog for a while.
lunedì, novembre 11
goddamn you half-Japanese girls
do it to me every time
oh, the redhead said you shred the cello
and I'm jello, baby
but you won't talk, won't look, won't think of me
i'm the epitome of public enemy
why you wanna go and do me like that?
come down on the street and dance with me
i'm a lot like you so please
hello, I'm here, I'm waiting
i think I'd be good for you
and you'd be good for me
i asked you to go to the Green Day concert
you said you never heard of them
how cool is that??
so I went to your room and read your diary:
"watching grunge leg-drop new-jack trough presstable..."
and then my heart stopped:
"listening to cio-cio san fall in love all over again."
i'm a lot like you so please
hello, I'm here, I'm waiting
i think I'd be good for you
and you'd be good for me
how stupid is it? I can't talk about it
i gotta sing about it and make a record of my heart
how stupid is it? won't you gimme a minute
just come up to me and say "hello" to my heart
how stupid is it? For all I know you want me too
and maybe you just don't know what to do
or maybe you're scared to say: "I'm falling for you"
i wish i could get my head out of the sand
'cause i think we'd make a good team
and you would keep my fingernails clean
but that's just a stupid dream
that I won't realize
'cause I can't even look in your eyes
without shakin' and i ain't fakin'
i'll bring home the turkey
if you bring home the bacon
i'm a lot like you so please
hello, i'm here, i'm waiting
i think i'd be good for you
And you'd be good for me
domenica, novembre 10
cordelia: whats the difference?
oz: well, a gathering is brie, mellow song stylings; shindig, dip, less mellow song stylings, perhaps a large amount of malt beverage; and hootenanny, well, it's chock full of hoot, just a little bit of nanny.
well according to oz, i just had a gathering.. but instead of brie, i had cheesecake. yum. perhaps we can classify that as a hoohaw.
so jeff came to my house for the '3rd' time... and what a freaking close call that was! O.o
sorry to y'alls who got freaked out about it.
well other than the last few minutes i think i threw an ok hoohaw.
sabato, novembre 9
venerdì, novembre 8
I am one of the most blendable flavours; I go with sweet, I go with sour, I go with bland, I go with anything. I am practical and good company, but have something of a tendency to hang around when I'm not wanted, unaware that my presence is not welcome. What Flavour Are You? |
i remember taking this. i did not taste like peant butter
giovedì, novembre 7
not really... but you know, my charcoal drawing of her makes people say "hey vanessa, you're shading a criminal!"
oh yes. very funny. especially from the pot painting d&p people.
what can i say, its easy to draw winona ryder. especially her eyes. far more simple to draw in black than make eye folds.
mercoledì, novembre 6
martedì, novembre 5
- more r & g
- singing in circles
- money in section
- bread
- fingerprinting... gads. i really thought it was vicki that was the thief. but now, i KNOW its chon!
- regan stuff
- student store stuff
- confucius stuff
- charcoal stuff
- after school stuff
now im home. yay.
and someone remind me that i have an unexcused absence. i can't handle a detention. gads.
"if you think that the only way i can make a record is by cussing,
then i'll make a different record to outsmart you and prove you wrong"
hehe, im not a huge eminem fan, but thats rad... i like it when people are proved wrong. even when its me.
lunedì, novembre 4
Which Element Represents You?
created by kefkafanatic @ mental insanity
huzzah, see? i really am the wind
so i did stuff today. school, regular... but omgads... lunch time was rad
so what is the answer of the question? who will orgasm first? a guy who jacks off or a guy who doesnt.
all i know is this!:
- you show me a man who doesnt jack off, and i shall show you a liar.
or.. i stole this pearl of wisdom
"my first time will surely not be my last!"
domenica, novembre 3
first off, i'll fill in the blanks of my 11/2 blog entry.
yes, i took my sat II's
oh lord.. horrible. after i found a ride with aica to forest lawn-glendale and i met up with jeff. we took a look at the little church of flowers, the finding of moses pond, the last supper window, and i visited my grandparents. at my maternal grandparents' grave, i saw my aunts who would later tell my parents that i was at the cemetary with jeff O.o... i'll elaborate on that later. after forest lawn, i went to school with jeff where i showed him around and he met mucho people, like [ names removed to protect their privacy >_< ].
so went home. my parents got mad.. like. FLASHING EYES MAD. wow. talagang scary.
today... i went to church, went home. talked to jeff. wow. we had a fight. it was horrible. horrible i say, HORRIBLE. lord. and it was because i did something stupid and lied. and its so stupid. and i couldnt take it. i was afraid. i didnt know what to do. but we worked it out. yup! jeff and i survived our first huge ass fight. you know what you people? i love him. thats right folks! in the religion II sense of the word!
sabato, novembre 2
giovedì, ottobre 31
mercoledì, ottobre 30
well i had a crappy day. physiology is a subject that i didnt expect to bite me. but it did. scary. at least in chemistry, i did ok in the beginning.
i think i hate school again. even art isnt so great.
and fucking german in chorus is driving me nuts.
and rosencrantz and guildenstern can DIE
ir is sleepy
and im beginning to wish i just stuck to business apps.
martedì, ottobre 29
each and every year, well the past 3 years in which i buy a formal dress that i use practically once, my mother complains of the waste it is for a piece of measly cloth. so i resolved to use my prom dress today as a part of my halloween costume. well i more or less resolved it last year with my torres acid trip costume with my winter formal dress. so what was i today? it first, i didnt know. i just walked around with my prom dress on as if its any other dress. im thinking, this is kinda boring, even people who are in free dress have something cool to say [ "what are you?" "im a public school kid" hehe ^_^ ] i started the day saying that i was a disgruntled prom queen. but for a lack of crown, it wasnt a very complete costume. so i have a bright idea. i'll be a girl who's pissed because she was stood up for prom. har har. so i'm girl who's prom date ditched her ^_^.
man, but i am SO jealous of kat's costume... SHE WAS SPECIAL!
hehe. and after school we had zankou chicken...
lunedì, ottobre 28
domenica, ottobre 27
"Last night, I watched one of my favorite Simpsons episodes. It was the one where Homer had the crayon removed from his brain. Now, the procedure knocked his IQ up by fifty points, giving him a total of 105 overall. Okay, granted Homer was originally at the state of a walking vegetable and the operation greatly helped him in the thinking, speaking, and overall living problems but really . . . 105? What's more amazing is that with an 105 IQ, Homer proved that there was no God. AND he bested Nelson.
So what's the point of the episode? Well, I'm going to take a blind leap here and say the point isn't about Homer's IQ or spiffy nerd ensemble. Rather, the writers are saying that, for those of us who have higher IQs, there are things we should know even with the most basic of intelligence. Thus the whole episode is a crack at the audience more than Homer's intellectual plight."
makes you go hmm.
look! its my jeff! waiting for me to call! awwwwwww isnt he cute! *grins*
ok so.. i went to ucr today to visit jeff.
special thanks to kuya brian omg! he drove me for usc to ucr! super duper rad!
so jeff and i hung out and did stuff... fun times! see thats my mood!!! :)
and i saw my pingol! awwwwwww pingol! like jeff said "i now know why you dont mix the green chemical with the blue chemical, IT EXPLODES! pingol and i jumped around, shrieked and acted like fobs haha
now im home... well i came home earlier. i got home at 7ish, and went to sleep because i was tired. then jeff woke me up at 1 and we talked until
and them i was went online, and jeff was online, so we're talking again.
ok. goodnight!
venerdì, ottobre 25
so i got to school, not finished with equus and i was at pg 69 (no lie) when the bell rang i was like SHIT SHIT SHIT! so i grabbed katie and asked her what happens at the end. apparently, alan has sex with jill after seeing his father at a xxx theater. but while they're fucking, he keeps feeling the horse watching him so he pokes their eyes out.
FUN TIMES! i finished it in ir class even though i took the time reading. leslie was all worried that i wasnt writing anything.. my writing comes sporadically so i could be staring out into space when people around me could be furiously writing ^_^ leslie was like "omg vanessa! i was going to like.. hit you to tell you to start writing!!!!" haha. dont worry leslie!
chrous was in the chapel, man we sound good in was whatever, world religions was buddhist monk chanting filled. amabel and i were trying to chant like "aoieoinvoindjnrknf;osweurawurojasd" yeah. ok
mixed media... OMG. rebe sprayed my charcoal of hands wrong and it glopped and i tried to wipe some of it and it ended up taking the CHARCOAL OFF! i was like.. panicing and i ran to miss douglass and was like "omg! the charcoal... too close... blob.... wiped off" and i hence cracked up and started laughing my ass off with rebe. the charcoal actually look a lot better all broken up. an artistic mistake! looked cool. my hands looked like crap anyways.
physiology was wack. stupid quarter final. fuck you quarter final.
after school, kat, jo, davi and i went to aarons brothers where kat realized that she lost or someone stole her wallet. we searched campus, but my lazy butt got tired and i ended up scheduling my driving test. its on october the 31st at 3:30. yay. uh huh. i know thats halloween. im not stupid.
now im here, im going to go to comedy sportz, against loyola. huzzaH!. YAY. what props should i bring?
giovedì, ottobre 24
today was a pretty cool day.
it started out where i woke up at 7:20 and walked out the door at 7:25.
i was frazzled when i woke up... i thought there were 4 commandments O.o
i got to school.. have english in the library... essayed..
chorus, i was dying because i was so sick.
break.. i just stayed in the library after section
physiology was ok.. we all got 100's
ir was ok...
activity was... ok
lunch was frazzling, i got my walk sweat shirt for the first time since freshman year ^_^
world religions was ok.
art was ok..
after school i went to a newspaper meeting that i really wasnt supposed to be at.
then i went to in 'n out with kat, ding and jo.
fun times in the non cd car singing ozma songs! yay!
laughing times dropping jo off! "oh! HELLO DOG!" -me to a random dog
and kat and i went to see the houses on ferndell.. our new anthem... "back to the beginning! FERNDELL!"
kat was a wand! how rad!
now i have a mood for my blog.. yay! im frazzled today! O.O
me (2:13:18 AM):
jeff (2:13:25 AM): dude
me (2:13:30 AM): dudette.
jeff (2:13:32 AM): i like you w/ headphones on
jeff (2:13:39 AM): they make you look...
me (2:13:39 AM): ...why
jeff (2:13:42 AM): sexay!
me (2:13:46 AM): bummish.
me (2:13:52 AM): i look like a bum
me (2:13:59 AM): this might be my halloween costume
me (2:14:02 AM): bum/collegestudent
procrastination at its finest
martedì, ottobre 22
lunedì, ottobre 21
sabato, ottobre 19
its actually not THAT cold... just a bit chilly.
everyone is pretty nice here. all my sisters friend are pretty cooky.
anyhoo.. its pretty rad that my sis lives in an apartment.. its right outside of georgetown's gates... super rad!
giovedì, ottobre 17
well. day before yesterday was interesting... body butter.. carl jr. a clash.
yesterday was more or less mundane.
i did my school stuff... and i found the cutest ugly thing in the world.
i'm going to washington dc today.
technically... i'll be in new york... in the airport... then i'll be in dc.
if i dont come back, avenge my death.
mercoledì, ottobre 16
martedì, ottobre 15
-except from vanessa's othello essay
wow! i wrote that. yeah i know "oyster's shell" you know. if ms. conklin gives me a horrid grade on this essay, i'll be fine with it. i'd be rather discouraged, but i'll be ok. i liked this essay. i hope i Answered the Prompt
this is my blog for today.i have no time to blog! no TIME!
lunedì, ottobre 14
It's making me crazy, (it's making me crazy)
Everytime I look around
Look around
Everytime I look around
Everytime I look around
Everytime I look around
It's in my face
how bizarre how bizarre...
you know, that song has lyrics to them? yeah its a pretty long song.. so im not going to wast precious blog space for that,
domenica, ottobre 13
sabato, ottobre 12
scratch that... theres nothing like going to the sat's and seeing every single crush you've had since first grade that makes you feel insignificant. well actually its kinda funny. ah well.
there were 18 people from my old school there.. eighteen! it gave me a horrible feeling. i dont know why... its not that i hated st. brendan.. i always felt a little out of place or even sometimes detested. perhaps it was my annoying loudness. but not out of place my whole 9 years there... the last two years there, for lack of a better word, sucked. i tend to feel inferior to them and i feel like i need to prove myself to them and i dont need to prove myself to anyone. ah well. but there is such thing as cool st brendan graduates. really! yeah. it all when down hill the year they got air conditioning... just kidding alexa ^_^
and im amazed at how bougie sbs became. and their uniforms! jeez, black plaid! i mean, when you have plaid uniforms.. you gotta get it right.. the red scottish plaid. haha.. i remember doing the stupid lord of the dance/michael flatley impressions in them. sometimes i wear that damned uniform skirt just for the fuck of it.. but obviously not out of the house. i need get some huevos to wear that red montrose plaid outside the house again.
next time i'll take it at immac. at least i'll be on my home turf.
venerdì, ottobre 11
this was my day... i went to a gym (note the genericness of that... i didnt say any particular gym) with two people.. (not saying who) and we just... did stuff. and they failed to tell me that i had a hole in my shorts in a VERY conspicuous place.. gee thanks ^_^
and at a certain persons house, i watched harry potter and the sorcerers stone, again..
ok.. man, i really need to devise some sort of CODE SYSTEM.. that only people who read my blog should know...
you know... thats a good idea.. the galleria can be like "the mall"...
ok thats insatiably stupid.
giovedì, ottobre 10
nor do i know how to upload pictures.
come now. look.. my info has my obsession of flip flops.
if a faculty member or some one part of administration is reading this, i would like to believe that their views on myself will not change. i feel that the connotation that our dean put on blogs is rather negative. although people have misused ther blogs for no-so-great-heart/right-conscience purposes, there are people, who still use thie blogs for a small output for their miniscule lives to the public, like myself.
no, i dont capitalize. or use apostrophes.
my tag board changed. a flooble thing shows me part of an ip number so i KNOW if you're a stranger out to get me.
mercoledì, ottobre 9
my bad poem:
surprise shrub
I feel so surprise and crestfallen sometimes,
sometimes i want to strike my finger and die,
the shrub is so cool and sad,
the dirt sound like stars .
I feel so surprise and crestfallen ,
nobody understands my blue , streaky pain ,
I want to tease and sneeze in the rain
the shrub reminds me of feeling crestfallen , the dirt mock my anger ,
sometimes i want to strike my finger and die,
underneath the cool , hot sky
make your own bad poem @
uh.. yeah :)
that was leslie said.. maybe shes just saying that... i mean, my charcoal isnt that good.. maybe its just because its of winona ryder... people seem to gasp when they see my drawing. maybe its not because its hideously ugly but because its actually good. my other pictures are kinda hard to do. i really dont think i can draw hands. well if i did this in freshman year, then maybe i'd have some sort of DIRECTION IN THIS FUCKING COLLEGE PROCESS... grr. im so angry. i dont want to do anything. can't i just open a fish store and live in the back room? fish is my hidden passion anyways.
i did just say that fish was my hidden passion. *sigh* i really am confused.
or! I'll be that dude in from on old navy at the market place and sing songs for people passing! like kat says about him, "GO YOU! YOU SING YOUR SONGS!" i'd sing them American pie, the first lines of Disarm, the opening strums of Today, the Chaunukah song and Wonderwall by Oasis... oh oh! and rocky raccoon by the beatles... hahaha cuz THOSE ARE THE ONLY SONGS I CAN PLAY ON THE GUITAR!
and my SAT score on the diagnostic thing went up 90 points to a total of 1200. and yay! i broke 600 on math! that was my only goal in taking that class** so im at least happy about that. i dont care if you got a freaking 800 on YOUR math score... i got my 610.. huzzah. :)
**i put class there because i couldn't rember how to spell course.. see:
me: how do you spell coarse... as in "SAT corse"
Auto response from Kat: damn life
me: yes. damn life
Kat: course
me: i cant even spell
me: OH!
me: hahaha
me: omg.
i knew that was wrong because corse means corpse and coarse rough in texture
ok.. thats all.
martedì, ottobre 8
but isnt that the prettiest ring EVER!?
and i cant go to sleep...
KntUndrstnmYAdng: hey ness
KntUndrstnmYAdng: what's up?
ox vanestherz xo: imman internet junkie
ox vanestherz xo: junKIE
KntUndrstnmYAdng: no hwk, huh?
ox vanestherz xo: nope
KntUndrstnmYAdng: lucky...
ox vanestherz xo: yah
KntUndrstnmYAdng: go to sleep then!
ox vanestherz xo: pish
ox vanestherz xo: nah
KntUndrstnmYAdng: haha...funny how we can seem to stay awake when we don't have hwk and the opposite when we do have hwk
ox vanestherz xo: i know!
KntUndrstnmYAdng: errr!! why are we messed up like that!!
ox vanestherz xo: because we ARE MESSED UP PEOPLE!
KntUndrstnmYAdng: indeed!
ox vanestherz xo: haha
that was really random.
lunedì, ottobre 7
domenica, ottobre 6
these past two days have been surprise filled.
friday: so im sitting at my comp and all of the sudden.. KAT is at my house and she said put on some pants (i was wearing shorts, mind you) and she blindfolded me and took me to eagle rock were kaytea, nancy, ding, norman, stephanie and kua were and we ate. then they all sang me a song! everything i do i do it for you. hehe. then we watched monty python and the holy grail. it was a cool time but jeff wasnt there so after i was glum.
today: sat class, blah blah. i went to te gal to buy pants. before that, ding called "you wanna hang at kats house?" "im like ok.." anyhoo,kat calls me too... "wanna come to my house" im like.. ok.. so... ::kats house:: im on the couch watchin bring it on. and kuya comes in .. like.. hey! and kat and kuya are still looking at the door way and who should walk in?
-[side note]-
kat: see?? so we DID get u jeff for ur bday
kat: haha
me: i couldnt unwrap him tho :-(
kat: hahaha
kat: nerd
me: hahahaha
but the coolest was sneaking jeff and i out.. we were in kat's room "discussing stuff' and kat's dad's like.. where'd they go? and kat sadi that we left O.o so kuya and kat sneak jeff and i into kuyas car... VERY STEALTH! we were under a towel hiding
kuya: haha
kuya: kat and I tried hard to keep her parents from knowing where you were
kuya: haha
kuya: she kept laughing
me: hahahahahahahaha
me: omg
kuya: we tried to be slick but I dunno
kuya: haha
kuya: haha ebryting is a like a operation!
so everyone was in on this! like.. jo!
me: and they got me jeff!
jo: lol! yea i kno ^_^
me: you knew too!
me: everyone knew!
jo: lol, of course!
me: wow!
jo: were ya surprised??
me: omgads surprised!
jo: lol!!
me: like.. yesterday.. when he wasnt at my party
me: i was like. :-(
me: so i wasnt expecting anything.
jo: heheh
jo: aren't we good friends? ^_^
me: SO GOOD!
jeff said it the best:
jeff: supplies!
the end of my cool day!
venerdì, ottobre 4
hiss. emotions. hiss.. har... emotions. man. that just sounds like a bad destiny's child song.
today was like every day this week. we finished all our movies. seven years in tibe was really good. so was courage under fire... times writing... fukien timed writing. more charcoal and cool! october sky!
btw... im not crying.. "this is tension asshole!"
giovedì, ottobre 3
anyhoo.. today...
another ap-practice-test-chorus-led-by-alana-
chair-physiology day...
man.. those stickers are super cool. amazing how bored you get when no ones around.. after school we picked mkb out of the rite aid parking lot because he's still afraid of our parking lot. at kat's house i watched parts of moulin rouge and dangerous beauty again.. man.. dangerous beauty is such a good movie... even with all the nakedness, sex, and tits. i wanna be a courtesean. and beef steak.. MMMMM.. *eats with hands and sits like a fob* wow! we're FOBS!
mercoledì, ottobre 2
lunedì, settembre 30
my birthday is/was today. too cool you guys!
today, i got up by my parents standing outside my door saying happy birthday to me. very interesting. when i get to school, i see gloria with a huge ass bouquet of sunflowers and they're for me! how cool!! 17 sunflowers! incredibly heavy! wow!. the rest of the day was filled with birthday wishes and stuff like that. fun times. english was blah, chorus was cool, they sang me happy b-day.. COOL. section was super cool because it was first time i wasnt unconfortable singing happy bday because i got to sing happy b-day to lauren, my birthday buddy! YAY! break was cookie filled, thanks rikki! world religions was whatever, mixed media was cool, robin s. is so funny
"are you going on kairos?"
"damn you! you're going to be 2 times ahead of me!"
lunch was cool i guess.. phys was cool. kat and i have an exploravision idea! our robot is going to be super cool!
ir was ok. i kept falling asleep. i need more sleep !!!!!
student council meeting was ok, sany happy bday again, and we comment on how daniel murphys dance flyers are kinda scary. O.o i got home and i have a massive head ache and i felt all gross and i fell asleep and jeff, my super cool boyfriend, called me at 7:45 and got his friend vladimir to play on his guitar a happy birthday medly of the happy b-day song, under the bridge by red hot chili peppers, tribute by tenacious d , breakfast at tiffanies by deep blue something. and storybook love from the princess bride! HOW COOL! it was like the sweetest singig telegram! everyone, IM him when he goes online and tell him how sweet he is. not like he doesnt already know :) IM him: D fiSH LkR sHw.
my dad bought me a cake.. pretty 'interesting' cake..
anyhoo.. awesome cooltastic day!
venerdì, settembre 27
well, its didnt start out so cool. it was blah... got to school did my english presentation on epilepsy. chorus was christmasy, break was walk letter filled, ir was date filled, world religions was buddhist filled, lunch was rape filled, art was college scag filled and physiology was book holding filled... BUT the coolest was afterschool.
i thought i was gonna do nothing, but we did STUFF! ding was gonna go out with mkb so ding and i went to the arcade across the street from lacc and we played ddr and we met mkb there. ding was going to drop me off but then she said they were going out with kat to so i was like.. hey! i wanna go out!!! so we went out! WOO HOO! we picked up kat and we went to my house to plan stuff. mkb's no longer a virgin to the inside of my house! so we filled mkb's pockets with snacks for the movie we watched at hollywood and highland... sweet home alabama, in with kat and i kept saying "OOOOOOH AWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!" i think we almost developed a southern drawl. after that we got some MAGIC LIQUID. for jewelry and glasses.. wow! shiney! the guy was so cool! and there are NO scratches on my ring! WOW! COOL! then we went to victorias secret and we looked and bras and mkb got kat and me bras! (we're paying him back) but still! COOL!!!!! BRAS! ITS SOOOOO COOL! I LOVE MY BRA!!!!! thanKS MKB!!!!!!!!!!!!! then they dropped me off at home and my mom ment brain.. wait, was that the first time? i dont even know... and she was super cool about it too.. and so cool when talking about ER! wow!
ok.. whatta wow two days before my birthday outing!
martedì, settembre 24
SENIOR PROOFS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yes. me and my big stack of pics.
and, if put together, you can make a flip book!
lunedì, settembre 23
nan and kat look way better than me in my black pants and halter... and wristband..
ok.. resolution for autumn:
blog and apply.
blog and apply.
blog and apply.
blog and apply.
blog and apply.
so i chilled at nan's place for a long time and took waaaay too many pics with her camera. we're like, obsessed with ourselves. or maybejust unnerved that some thirteen year olds look older than us or prettier.. geez louise. when i was thirteen.. i was... young.
see? does this make me seem boring? nah
and my jeff is away... awaaaaaaay in riverside.. with my paborate pob.. BEL! wow! cool!
anyways.*flashback* mucho people at welcome dance! too many according to the fire marshall! hhahahah! it was better than other peoples! it was COOL! my gosh! little freshman boys! "fresh meat" as kat wong would say. if i were a freshman, i'd get myself a boy. thats ok. i waited and a jeff :)
giovedì, settembre 19
giovedì, settembre 12
i hate my parents.
i hate my parents.
i hate my parents.
i hate my parents.
i hate my parents.
i hate my parents.
i hate my parents.
i hate my parents.
i hate my parents.
i hate my parents.
i hate my parents.
i hate my parents.
i hate my parents.
i hate my parents.
i hate my parents.
i hate my parents.
i hate my parents.
i hate my parents.
mercoledì, settembre 11
martedì, settembre 10
so what did i do today?
i got to school. drove there... got at the upper lot at 7:25 as usual. and as usual, my dad screams at me for not going when he think its clear to go...does he not see the fucking escalade careening 60 mph down los feliz???? no. i dont think so. anyhoo. again, for the 3rd day in a row, i have no locker to go to. and i think the new lockers are weird. there arent any ventS! how the fuck is a living thing supposed to live in there, like, say a furry animal that you have to keep in your locker? pish. why do middle schoolers get FUCKING HUGE ASS LOCKERS THAT PEOPLE could fit in? english was fine... chorus was nothing to write home about. i miss pj though! she not next to me! she BEHIND me! *sob*. break was.... what was i doing for break? uh i dunno. for phys we watched ebola...
me: i dont want to die of ebola
kat: me neither
for ir we watched that 9/11 thing... blah.. we always emerge so zombie like after that show. activity was blah... lunch was blaher... BUY BIDS YOU PEOPLE IMMAC PEOPLE AND CATHOLIC SCHOOL PEOPLE! PLEAAAAAASE... for the sake of my associated student body!
anyhoo.. i had world religions.. that was blah too. then i had mixed media, which was like, the highlight of my day... I GOT ART SUPPLIES! my art box is super heavy! WEEEEEEEEE!
for some reason, i went to jet rag with my parents.. they needed 70's clothing for a party.
so now im here.
if any body needs me, i'll be in my room.
lunedì, settembre 2
im me if you want to know.
although, when you're in a small enclosed hot space where all you hear is chitter chatter in tagalog and "TALAGA!?>??!!?!? SHIT!?!?!?!!!!!!" you start to talk to yourself and become cynical and swing from that mood to "i'll join in and talk like that"
interesting weekend.
mercoledì, agosto 28
my parents have been gone for the week. and obviously i've been too lazy/busy to here i am... blogging.. indepth
ok. so... my parents left on wednesday.. OH HAPPY DAY. with my parents gone, my house will soon deteriorate
thursday: work... faculty pics... and later senior pics.... i got paid. good shtuff!
friday: freshman orientation... its went smoothly. after that i went out with ding and jeff, and we picked up kat. we were supposed to go to the gym, but we went play ddr instead and hung around
saturday: reductions, reductions! but then i just ended up going to the grove and the beverly center with my cousin and his girl friend... we pondered how they should re-name The Grove to "The Bouge" after that, i bought a lottery ticket. i got ONE number! 17! wow!!
sunday: took the bus... hee hee :)
monday: see blog entry
tuesday: tommy's day.. hung out with ding, kat, norm, nan and jeff. wow, i saw jeff 3 times this week! thats a fucking record!!!
wednesday: today. blah.. full day of school. i must understand my summer reading books... good bye.
lunedì, agosto 26
you know. its weird. i wasnt excited to see any of the people at school today because i already saw all of them over the summer... O.o
and this is kat and my senior section song
"senior sec-tion, senior sec-tion, senior sec-tion, senior sec-tion, senior sec-tion, senior sec-tion, senior sec-tion, senior sec-tion"
yeah. heh
martedì, agosto 20
sabato, agosto 17
so much i cant write about it... just yet.
just telling you, my 3 readers that im alive.
and that i really really want to change that packing layout.
and that i took senior pics.
and that im not even finished with books
and that i havent done reductions
and that i really really like driving with kat
and cool hi to jeff just because
oh gads... book buying day is in a day.
mercoledì, agosto 14
venerdì, agosto 9
which crazy NFG member are YOU?
created by
aaaaawwwwww the drummer!
ok ok! NO more quizzes after this one!
i swear!
giovedì, agosto 8
anyone wanna buy one for me?
its my birthday in 52 days...
im allegedly in gryffindor...
and my wand has a dragon heartstring, its cedar and 13 inches.
Which Of Our Beloved Movies Are You? by Hannah & Rachel
yay! good movie!!!
how cool!
my prediciton:
draco and ginny will get together in book 5 just to SPITE ron.
...and which lesser Harry Potter character are you?
uh... right.
can some one please stop me from taking these quizzes?
im addicted
and all i hear is "want-ta fanta, dontcha wanta"
Ooooo Shiney!
What Random Object From Ydoc Nameloc's Room Are You?
The red thing with sneakers
Find out what secondary animated character you are.
thats what his name was? no freaking way! i love that thing!
Sexy Sidekick
Find out what Cartoon villan you coooooool
Take the What Should Your New Year's Resolution Be? Quiz
ok. i'll start now :)
me? addicted to quizzes?
mercoledì, agosto 7
What obscure band are you?
treally? treally.
What Was Your PastLife?
and you thought i was lying to mr vanvliet when i told him that i use to want to be a nun...
martedì, agosto 6
ox vanestherz xo: i think im gonna blog this
KntUndrstnmYAdng: yeah! make a blog about looking at other people's blog
KntUndrstnmYAdng: then you could blog about that!
so its fucking late and im talking to kuya brian about how we are such FREAKS for reading other peoples blogs. we like reading about other peoples lives! its FUN! i think so. and so does kuya. we dont know these people!! we DONT CARE!! so im hopping from blog to blog. fun times naman! do that make me sound too loser like? nah i doubt it.
and looking at other peoples prom pics is quite interesting and also angering.. por ejemplo:
ox vanestherz xo: man.. im all jealous
ox vanestherz xo: im looking at his prom pics.
ox vanestherz xo: i wish we had a sleep over!
ox vanestherz xo: MAN! THAT"D BE FUN
KntUndrstnmYAdng: you looked at those too>?
KntUndrstnmYAdng: hahaha!!
ox vanestherz xo: hahahha
KntUndrstnmYAdng: I looked at all of his pics
KntUndrstnmYAdng: lol!!
you know, i just realized that this summer has been the most eventful summer EVER in my life
so like.. i have a research paper due on wednesday and ive barely touched it..
SCREWd am I!!!
55 days till my bday!
its good to know that certain PEOPLE are thinking about it too.. *hint hint.. nudge nudge.. subtle kick*
uhhhhh... anyhoo. im going to go back to talking to my coool generic kuya! whos car i christened! :þ
sabato, agosto 3
that was the best clean free fun i've had all year!
funny moment: i stole this blatantly from ding's profile
i added some goodbye! *everyone turns to jeff and me*
me: ok turn around
kat: *sings* Oh, my love, my darling, I've hungered for your touch
brian: someone sing the national anthem
ding: OoOh say, can you see?
brian: FILIPINO!
mark, brian, ate kat, me: bayang magiliw...nanananana
me: ok we're finished
ding: *turns* NO YOU'RE NOT!!!!
and through all of that, me and jeff tired to say bye! and other things.... :þ
but wow.. yesterday was so cool. fun times you guys!!!!