giovedì, novembre 21

my cousin jerel is at my house today using up our resources... i.e. hot water, laundry detergent, nail cutter ecetera.

so he came in a minute ago asking:

jerel: is that my mach 3 int he shower
me: no, its mine
jerel: you use a mach 3?
me: *blinks*
jerel: is that my mach 3
me: no! i own the venus!
jerel: i thought so, but whos mach three is that?
me: ali's i suppose.
jerel: oh. *leaves room*
*comes back*
jerel: you know a venus is a mach 3 with a green casing.
me: yes, i know

and a happier note, he finally brought back my Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban book. he's had it since september. he said he kept it so long because its plot twisted so much that he had to read it over and over again. heh heh.

today we looked at the models for graduation dresses... bel was a rad model, so was miriam and ashley... man.. its so sad that some classes wore that dress for graduation.. so sad that its funny.

this is my campaign for the dress i want...

mary elizabeth's dress
a V back
yes. we're going to have a kick ass dress. it's going to be pretty, rad and use-able when i elope cool


naked panda. its ok kat. at least you now have a randy side according to her

oh!!! and my adventure with kat!!!! we were walking toward the deans office and we saw a door open that we've never seen open before. so we looked at each other and said.. HMMM. so we looked inside... and inside we saw a stair case... so we walked up the stair case. and at the top of the stairs, there were two doors, one was locked. but the other one... i opened very slowly... very VERY slowly. we peered cautiously through the doorway... and what was there?? THE ROOF! WOW!

rad story, ay? yeah, we thought so too.

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