domenica, ottobre 27

stole this from my friend cassie's blog

"Last night, I watched one of my favorite Simpsons episodes. It was the one where Homer had the crayon removed from his brain. Now, the procedure knocked his IQ up by fifty points, giving him a total of 105 overall. Okay, granted Homer was originally at the state of a walking vegetable and the operation greatly helped him in the thinking, speaking, and overall living problems but really . . . 105? What's more amazing is that with an 105 IQ, Homer proved that there was no God. AND he bested Nelson.

So what's the point of the episode? Well, I'm going to take a blind leap here and say the point isn't about Homer's IQ or spiffy nerd ensemble. Rather, the writers are saying that, for those of us who have higher IQs, there are things we should know even with the most basic of intelligence. Thus the whole episode is a crack at the audience more than Homer's intellectual plight."

makes you go hmm.

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