lunedì, aprile 5

class at 9:10 is heinous. i cant believe that i had a 8:10 class before that. how did i think i was going to survive. anyways, i guess i can now discuss my classes...

my professor is this guy... professor patch. everytime i hear his name, i think "Pirate", "ARRRRR", and "Erin". its a cool class, much reading such as, the conquest of spain by diaz, the prince by machiavelli, and the communist manifesto. in my discussion class, you actually have to read.

poli sci 10
american politics. this guy is rather dry. oh well. this class is right before history 15 so i sit in the university lecture hall for a fine two hours on monday, wednesdys and fridays. the discussion class for it is really bland too.

anthro 1
this class has everyone. a couple of my hallmates and other people to boot. i havent had discussion for that class, so maybe that will be bland too.

english 1c
wow, this class reminds me of rlst 14. my instructor named this particular class "critical writing through detective fiction and film". my instructor has a pretty cool energy. quite refreshing from my english 1b instructor.

oh, i passed all my classes. i barely passed math, but thats alright.

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