giovedì, gennaio 26

obsession. project runway. so much that i have been re-thinking much of my wardrobe. and thinking of actually losing weight i look better in clothes (and out of clothes as well ;) anyways, i'll discuss this week's project runway, Inspiration.

"its a mother fucking walk-off"

i love daniel v. i love his crooked nose, the way he ties up his hair when he's working, and the fact that i can never have him. oh yeah, i love his designs too

taken from project runway's homepage. donnt sue me pls.

anyways. he won this weeks challenge with his flower dress. i loved the concept and i loved the dress but i know i could never pull it off.

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nothing is a mistake
there's no win and no fail
there's only make.

venerdì, gennaio 6


1) procrastinate.
2) quit smoking.
3) drink a lot of water.

im kidding about number 2.

just kidding.