martedì, dicembre 31

ok... last blog entry[ies] of the year.

the year has been utterly interesting. i know that i'll tell my great grandkids about this year. i'll tell them this advice.

- fear the girls who dont grow up
- date. blind dates arent too bad. they're even better when they turn out wonderfully
- when you hear the name of torres, run far, far away.
- life in a box is better than no life at all.
- procrastinate. procrastinate. procrastinate. ;)
i feel like this day has gone on and on forever. doesnt even feel like the new year. what crap. not excitement whatsoever. and i actually miss my barrios cousins!

ragh. i feel like saying the f word really loud...


since my anger towards my mother has come to the point that... i dont know... blah. eh..

i talked to jeff most of today. we talked about harry potter. wow, i've converted him. yay! i reread a part of the goblet of fire today... wow.. that book was funny too!

"I told you!" Ron hissed at Hermione as she stared down the article. "I told you not to annoy Rita Skeeter! She's made you out to be some sort of - scarlet woman!"
Hermione stopped looking atonished and snorted with laughter. "Scarlet woman?" she repeated, shaking with surpressed giggles as she looked around at Ron.
"It's what my mum calls them," Ron muttered, his ears going red.



Jeff likes Hermione! Jeff likes Hermione! Jeff likes Hermione! Jeff likes Hermione! Jeff likes Hermione! Jeff likes Hermione! Jeff likes Hermione! Jeff likes Hermione! Jeff likes Hermione! Jeff likes Hermione! Jeff likes Hermione! Jeff likes Hermione! Jeff likes Hermione! Jeff likes Hermione! Jeff likes Hermione! Jeff likes Hermione! Jeff likes Hermione! Jeff likes Hermione! Jeff likes Hermione! Jeff likes Hermione! Jeff likes Hermione! Jeff likes Hermione! Jeff likes Hermione! Jeff likes Hermione!

but he likes me more.
p:'re weird
v: haha.
v: i sure am, has anything changed since kindergarten?
p: nope
v: hehe. indeed.

lunedì, dicembre 30

i dont care anymore.
im in a really bad mood

i hate my mother. what a horrible woman.
v: what can you write about..
v: hmm..
v: winning that beauty pageant and ended up coming to america
v: oh wow. that's a bad topic.
k: hahahaha

sabato, dicembre 28

oxvAn es therzxo: pat and oscars its in la puente but they're opening one in glendale
oxvAn es therzxo: so... radness!
kaYteaEsS: hmmm
kaYteaEsS: kool
kaYteaEsS: where in glendale?
kaYteaEsS: like mall friendly?
oxvAn es therzxo: nay.
oxvAn es therzxo: costco friendly!
kaYteaEsS: ooh
kaYteaEsS: okay
oxvAn es therzxo: yup
kaYteaEsS: i suppose that'll do
oxvAn es therzxo: indeed
oxvAn es therzxo: that means it 'down the street' from ih!
kaYteaEsS: YAY!!!
kaYteaEsS: road trip!!!
kaYteaEsS: puahaha
oxvAn es therzxo: hahahahaha!
kaYteaEsS: that should be cool
kaYteaEsS: mimi's and this place!!
oxvAn es therzxo: YA!
kaYteaEsS: idont' know if i can stand the excitement
oxvAn es therzxo: hahahha
oxvAn es therzxo: and tha panda express
kaYteaEsS: really????
oxvAn es therzxo: jah!
kaYteaEsS: i'm becoming giddy!
oxvAn es therzxo: hahaha

girls and food. dont get in our way
jeff got pierced! jeff got pierced! jeff got pierced!

wow.. my sexy boypren is now a sexy pierced boypren... what a rebel

i just hope that his dad doesnt kill him. ^_^
wow, i havent blogged in a while.

december 26th:

i went out with my mom that day. we went to borders today and i got jeff's gift which he later figured out.. GRR! haha anyhoo, i met up with ding and we went to the sharper image for a while and sat in the 'rape chairs' after that, i went home and ding came too. we slept for a while. she got picked up later.

my sister came home and she told me she was going to new orleans the next day. so we decided to go to ross to buy shoes. so after an hour and 6 pairs of shoes later, we decided to drive across the street and watch 'two towers' we got tickets for the 10:45 show so we had and hour and 45 minutes to burn, so we walked around. two towers was [soooooooo awesome. the battle at helms deep was utterly amazing. and legolas... mmm. ] i dont want to give anything away so if you want to read my rant about it... hightlight the space between the brackets.

december 27th:

jeff's hoo-haw! wow! jeff throws a pretty damned cool hoo ha! the pingol's, kat, ding, nan, israel, brian and i, all went to jeff's birthday. we ate at pat and oscars which had the best breadsticks in the world. wowsers. not only that, pj and i went typical hunting.. oh my! so many damned typicals! 'catch me if you can' was a looooong movie. but it was pretty damned good! the ending was soooo cool. on the way back, we were the fob car... so fobulous. wow wow. yesterday was really fun... especially because i got to see jeff and give him his christmasbirthday gifts. i got him a chocolate frog, harry potter and the chamber of secrets and a bottle of ketchup. he got me a moulin rouge poster, a little harry potter lego set and a pic of us from formal... awwwwwwwww! :)

the car ride back, kat only gota japanese station and for a while we were really listening to it. haha. after she dropped off the pingol'ses i turned the radio tuner to the right and we got kroq! hahahaha! :) but we lost it. thanks kat for bring the lot of us! kat rocks!

ok. thats it.

mercoledì, dicembre 25


dropped my sis at work
came home
wrapped presents
blah blah bllaaaaaaaaah

church too at midnight...omg... my sister was all fooling around like "gee, wheres father gard" and like in a fob voice " ai, that father gard, turn this place into a whore house" OMG... but we were in the choir loft... back row, and it was all dark

then iwent home, called up jeff and talked about what not... he's 18 years and 1 day old! ooooo


me: merry christmas!
leslie: feliz navidad!
me: weeeee!
leslie: awwwww
leslie: cute picture
leslie: funny how we are spending xmas mornin on the NET
leslie: hehe
me: i KNOW
me: wow
me: hehehe

tee hee


martedì, dicembre 24

what's YOUR deepest secret?

brought to you by Quizilla

i swear, it wasnt me.

How azn are u?

brought to you by Quizilla
more like fob...not like racer azn and yeah tHiS tYpE oF iSh.

* Which Tragic Shakespearean Heroin are You? *

brought to you by Quizilla
i just clicked on all the options that pointed towards desdemona. ophelia was crazy and juliet was... too young... desdemona was rad.

happy birthday jeff!

domenica, dicembre 22

this is my sister's aim profile

"Things change. Friends are different. People get married. Kids get engaged. Restaurants close. Fish die. Krispy Kremes open where they weren't before. Moms buy new couches. Rooms get painted. And apparently, my parish priest had an affair with the cantor and got kicked out of the Catholic church."


sabato, dicembre 21

the day before yesterday was our last day of school. the chirstmas program was rad. i was woodstock in the skit... hehe.

ok ok, i supposed i should blog about formal...

so i got my nails and stuff done from one to four... wow.. its fun driving up and down western ave. anyhoo, i got ready and stuff... danielle ended up coming back at like... 7:00 so i didnt get to see her until after i got home. i looked pretty snazzy and i was ready to go by 6:00. jeff came to my house by 6:05 something. oh my gads... he looked gdoubleOHd good. oh so spiffylicous. and cute with his nerd glasses on... oh my! *snoppy dance* mmmm...hehe :-D and my mom was all like, "wow jeff, you look good and touching his tie and such. haha. and my corsage and boutonniere matched... we had to swing by the nail place because i left my glasses there. awwww the women there were soooooo nice. they were like "aww you look like a princess!" that made me feel all warm and fuzzy in the freeing cold. we got to the autry by 6:30... and we got it without a patdown. woo hoo! go us. we're slick. we helped set up the center pieces. they looked pretty cute. for most of formal we wandered together outside, on the overlook, at the splash mountainy looking thing, the gallery, and out in the courtyard. we danced a lot. jeff is the most awesomest date/boyfriend.

thats about it. i probably wont get my pictures developed until forever.. so... yah. ask jeff for pics.

my hair is still up...

tra la la.

venerdì, dicembre 20

formal, formal formallllllll

giovedì, dicembre 19

concerns for today:

- am i going to college?
- am i ready for formal?
- are my transcripts going to be released?


haha anyhoo, i had a rad day. i got my christmas shopping done and i'm sipping on a taro boba.
im wearing layers
i have three layers on

this is ridiculous.

mercoledì, dicembre 18

oxvAn es therzxo (11:41:51 PM): are you finished with your essay?
so erin said (11:45:00 PM): um. no.
oxvAn es therzxo (11:45:05 PM): yay
oxvAn es therzxo (11:45:05 PM): !
so erin said (11:46:31 PM): we are that cool.
oxvAn es therzxo (11:46:47 PM): too cool for school.
so erin said (11:47:06 PM): daaaamn straight.

yay for procrastinating!
haha, my international relations book is clever.

"the follow up agreement to SALT I, creatively termed SALT II" (p.525)

martedì, dicembre 17

awwwww... i keep finding these pics!

today we had our christmas concert. we did godiva! rad yo!

otherwise, i still have to do a lot of crap.

formal is on friday.

am i ready? no...

lunedì, dicembre 16

hahaha, aint that a great pic?

domenica, dicembre 15

*sings* its beginning to look a lot like formal!!!!!!

aww.. people getting hooked up with dates right and left... erin, grace, katie... everyone!

it makes me feel soooo giddy.

awwwwww giddy!

i can't stop smiling!

and jeff is the cutest! :)
what i did today:

- d/led all these versions of carol of the bells
Trans Siberan Orchestra f/ Metallica - Carol Of The Bells
Harlem Boys Choir- Carol of the Bells
Acapella Full Choir - Carol Of The Bells -
Ukrainian Bell Carol - Acapella
Christmas - Carol of the Bells - (Home Alone Soundtrack)
Vienna Boys Choir - Carol of the Bells
Harry Connick, Jr. - Carol of the Bells
- drove to the fish store to buy algae killer, lime away and this plant

- went to church

what i have to do by the end of this week:
- choose what essay to do (brooke one probably)
- choose what colleges im really applying to.
- do my ir memoradum
- website for phys (grr)
- survive in my shoes for the christmas concert
- order a boutonniere
- pick up my dress
- go to winter formal
- clean my room
- clean my aquarium

yeah, thats it.
highlight of my day, as of now:

going to the fish store and buying a plant.

sad, yo.
*inhales... high voice*


sabato, dicembre 14

hehehe, i saw jeff today.

we were wearing the exact same thing!
The Ultimate *Which Harry Potter Character are You?* Quiz

brought to you by Quizilla

Which View Askew Movie Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla
You are "Dogma"!!!! Sinner's beware, you are on the loose. Armed with a sharp blade, and an even sharper tongue. You are also very good at finding loopholes in almost anything!

venerdì, dicembre 13

i just took all of the quizzes on erin's blog ^_^

The Subculture Label Quiz

brought to you by Quizilla
ha. funny.

funnier is the description of freak.. "You are a... FREAK! Wow, you try too hard. I would also put you in the nu-metal category. You do have a very admirable angsty quality, but you aren't goth. You're simply anti-social and pissy. Chances are Hot Topic is your haven."

What swear word are you?

brought to you by Quizilla
hehehe ASSHOLE.

Which Sesame Street Muppet's Dark Secret Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla


giovedì, dicembre 12

hehe... charcoal elephants.

mercoledì, dicembre 11

"Stopping to Buy SparkNotes on a Snowy Evening

Whose words these are you think you know.
Your paper’s due tomorrow, though;
We’re glad to see you stopping here
To get some help before you go.
Lost your course? You’ll find it here.
Face tests and essays without fear.
Between the words, good grades at stake:
Get great results throughout the year.
Once school bells caused your heart to quake
As teachers circled each mistake.
Use SparkNotes and no longer weep,
Ace every single test you take.
Yes, books are lovely, dark and deep,
But only what you grasp you keep,
With hours to go before you sleep,
With hours to go before you sleep."

hehehe... aww, sparks notes rock my socks!
wow, there are sparknotes for "waiting for godot"

i say they're waiting for death. or maybe eden's right, they're waiting for God.

seven months!

lunedì, dicembre 9

juicy kisser

You Are A Juicy Kisser!

Your lips are totally kissable baby, and you know how to use them.

You are the perfect kisser - with the right combo of lips and tongue.

It's important to flaunt it, so kiss early and often on dates!

How Do *You* Kiss?

More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva

should be doing my essay..
what i have to do in the next twelve hours

- chorus practice
- brooke essay
- remember to wear red

domenica, dicembre 8

weeeee! i have a dress.

sabato, dicembre 7


- woke up at 7:00
- went to loyola
- sat around
- saw roxanne
- talked about winter formal, and she's like "i dont have a date" and im like... what, the homecoming queen of daniel murphy and sister of a loyola guy doesnt have a formal date?!?!" and shes like "i dont see guys" and im like *gestures to the loyola guys* then roxanne just looks at me. hahahaha :)
- took my writing sat II.. hehe. i feel good about this one. i wrote about nuclear bombs and hiroshima and the arms race and iraq. the prompt was the quote "success can be disastrous".
- got picked up by my mom
- went to buy a dress, saw 'vanessa' katie r. the sophomore
- went to the beverly center
- didnt buy a dress
- bought algae killer for my aquarium
- bought pillows with my mom
- went to payless to buy my shoes for chorus
- saw my cousin wendell
- got home and was called my lisa from st. brendans! i havent talked to her in a loooooong time!
- made rice

wow wow! now im talking to jeff. so, bye!
You Are Azkaban!
You are the embodiment of the third book.Heralded by many as the best book, Harry really starts to cook in this one. We are introduced to the characters of Sirius Black and Remus Lupin. You rock hard.

Which Harry Potter Book Are You?

by Mina-Clare

Harry Potter: Which Hogwarts professor would you be?

brought to you by Quizilla

yay! my favorite hogwarts profession.. seriously. lupin was sooooooo rad. and i hear he's coming back YAY!

venerdì, dicembre 6

... thirty-eight chapters ... might change ... longest volume ... Ron ... broom ...sacked ... house-elf ... teacher ... dies ... sorry ...


she's teasing us! i want book 5!!
happy birthday to you! happy birthday to you!
happy birthday katrina, timmy, katinka, little belinda, pingol
happy birthday to you!

this had me rolling on floor

Congratulations, you're Los Angeles, the City of Angels.
What US city are you? Take the quiz by Girlwithagun.

heh cool

You're Renee O'Connor.

Which Rene(e) are you?. Take the Rene(e) Quiz by Paradox

hhahahaha cool quiz.. in xena's sidekick! what renee are you. renee! take it!

giovedì, dicembre 5

[start rant]

wow, some people really suck. seriously. if anyone has a problem with someone, they shouldnt fuck up their things or screw around with blogs or aim screenames. its just common courtesy to other people to respect their space, especially if they hadn't done anything to you.

[end rant]

comedy sportz was rad. my balloon swan made it to props! that soooooo cool. i drove myself to school and went back. and i got boba for the first time in a really long time.

my pot looks cool. except for the rim. that part is reaaaally ugly >_< i really want to re-paint it!

otherwise, tomorrow's pj's birthday! i made her a bunny hat! its soooooo cool!

ok. im going to estudiar for physiology...

weeeee... i drove my car all byself and it was legal. im so proud!

skinning mp3 players, icq, kazaa... but caskets?

mercoledì, dicembre 4

wow, music during art class has reached an all time low... but not as low as that slow christmas music.

kost 103.5 christmas music. and robin singing along to "feliz navidad"

anyways... ir homework took a while.. but wow.. i now know a sufficent amount of knowledge to lead a small island country in micronesia. just kidding. i wish.

martedì, dicembre 3

why does it feel that when im writing, i feel like ims going in circles?!

i can't write clearly. i never had that ability.

damn you Paret essay. you've shown what i really am... a crappy writer! RAGH!
i like tea and that pretty cola cola commercial you know with the family of coca cola bottles...

and speaking of commercials, i know its christmas time now that the hersey's kisses hand-bell commercial is making its daily rounds. ahh. the cute little bell at the end that rings its heart out and wipes it brow with the little hersey tag.. heh.
hey kids, im bloggin from my dad's shop... wee... uh ..yeah... HI

lunedì, dicembre 2

i am a licensed driver.

clear the streets!

domenica, dicembre 1

everyone, visit renee's blog. its just toooooo cool. renee's blog is the epitome of all blogs. everyone who signs her chatterbox gets a hug and/or kiss from ME.

hehehe ^_^

happy december!