giovedì, marzo 31

i am so over it, that i'm under it

i have a headache.

whatever. im going to clean.

lunedì, marzo 28

happy easter

so, im back in riverside. woo spring quarter. eh.. someone call me at 9am, please? kthanks.

anyways, four random pictures.

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happy 21st 22nd 26th birthday, jerel.
damn, you're old.
btw, nice rice cake.

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superman said to the field of cupcakes,

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random image of danielle and trotsky after his near death experience.

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holy water from christ the king church.
its in kat's bag for incase there is a need for an emergency exorcism.

sabato, marzo 19

fm transmitter

so, as a finals gift, my dad got me an fm transmitter for my iPod.

and by "my dad" i mean, "i bought it with his credit card".

this was an important occurance, but its already an old one... but...

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sonny came home!

ok... its not just a shawn colvin song now.

mercoledì, marzo 16


meh. and here i am, blogging my life away.

meh. i wish i had all my finals finished already. anyways... i passed the ides of march and its my ex-roomies birthday. woo angie.

more porcrastination


Which Boy Meets World Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

why does topanga's head look really weird? thats really bizzare...

martedì, marzo 15

Lumpia: a small fried eggroll filled with veggies and/or meat.

Which Filipino Food Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla


lunedì, marzo 14

happy pi day

yeah. the end.

You are

instead of studying i have:

1) taken the above quiz.
2) gone home
3) played halo 2.
3.5) listened to jerel talk shit on xbox live. wtheck?
3.75) got a dooney and burke bag! haha. oh the random crap that goes to die at kingsley.
4) developed an amazing theory regarding boys and video games
5) baked cookies.
6) went to immac with kat and posed in the statue garden
7) philosophized over coffee
8) philosophized with kat and norman
9) slept
10) went to the gym for an hour
11) showered twice
12) started blogging


domenica, marzo 13

le bracket

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go tarheels
i had no idea they were doing so well...

i dont consider this a quarter of school. this was dime, no! a nickel!

giovedì, marzo 10

21 year old out of work female. work experience: coffee

PrayIBleed: this is the only thing i can do
oxvanes the rzxo: haha
oxvanes the rzxo: sad day.

lunedì, marzo 7

the notebook

what was all the fuss about? i didnt cry. i was ready for a cry. i was gypped! (racist comment)

anyways... random pics...

whos the girl?
the testosterone zone... whos sitting more like a woman?

they cant resist them. ephraim is touching me like i'm acid...

happy 30th birthday, wen!

this is my coworker ryan in the back room of ae. oh secretive!

oh, and i've been up for 24 hours. go vanessa and no sleep. i blame television and cookies.
random sisterly convo

oxvanes the rzxo: im exciting for my upcoming weight loss from getting off the pill.
oxvanes the rzxo: isnt that sad?
prayibleed: awww
prayibleed: hey ME TOO!!!
oxvanes the rzxo: HAHAHA

haha, yay.

domenica, marzo 6


chrisw a n gster :you are a creature of the night, vanessa
oxvanes the rzxo : i am
oxvanes the rzxo : this is why i need a night owl roommate

le sigh. anyways, i've done the following today:

- got mad at my parents for not having cooked rice in the house (remember, i get grumpy when im hungry, and i only eat rice when in home)
- went to work.
- saw the winner of The WB's Superstar USA. don't worry, its not that i remembered who won, my co-worker watched that show religiously and was shocked that the winner actually showed her face in public after that.
- went home and baked cookies.

i have work tomorow too. i'm kinda tempted to drive my car down third street to work. i dont care if marathoners get in my way. juust keeding.

mercoledì, marzo 2

ooh... my kairos was over two years ago.

man that seems like yesterday... the 4th day... i can't believe its 6am...

rolling orange of death!

oh yes, random blogging vanessa is back. ::glares::

feb sucked. bring me the ides!

onwards and upwards!