mercoledì, dicembre 7

winter reading list.

1) The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe - C.S. Lewis
2) Franny and Zooey - J.D. Salinger.
3) Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West - Gregory Maguire
4) Middlesex - Jeffrey Eugenides
5) possibly the rest of the Chronicles of Narnia.
6) Life of Pi by Yan Martel

any suggestions? i mean to catch up on all the reading i've ment to catch up on over winter break.

im procrastinating. and i need to shower.
jeopardy snobs

BinibiningBaryos: stupidest contestants today
BinibiningBaryos: nobody got the answer for final jeopardy
BinibiningBaryos: but i got it right
BinibiningBaryos: "now the 4th largest state in area, it is the largest state to be formed from land acquired by the louisiana purchase"
oxvanes the rzxo: montana?
BinibiningBaryos: yep
oxvanes the rzxo: oh wow
BinibiningBaryos: exactly
oxvanes the rzxo: HAHAHA
BinibiningBaryos: ok
BinibiningBaryos: these were the three answers given
BinibiningBaryos: florida
oxvanes the rzxo: OMG.
BinibiningBaryos: mississippi
oxvanes the rzxo: OMGGG
BinibiningBaryos: and nevada
oxvanes the rzxo: OMGGGGGGGSTUPIDS.
oxvanes the rzxo: wow.
BinibiningBaryos: omg

martedì, dicembre 6

blue-green hoodie

i was walking back from class today and some guy in this blue green hoodie caught my eye.

he was pretty cute. he was just some white guy in a blue-green hoodie.

he was just about to cross my path and then he asked me,

"can i bum a cigarette?"

and i said, "sure. thats so random because your blue-green hoodie caught my eye"

and he said, "its on sale at urban."

wow, OK.

mercoledì, novembre 30

so instead of

i havent done anything for school. hopefully, the following will be completed by december 13th.

- soc 157 term paper
- soc 137 term paper
- soc 157 final
- soc 137 final
- tagalog 10b final
- tagalog 10b presentation
- entomology final.

instead, i have self taught myself on the following subjects.

- gilmore girls
- yale university
- skull and bones secret society
- the bloods and the crips
- on what the c-walk really is
- secret societies
- freemasonry
- the history of abercrombie and fitch
- the history of the new york subway system

and much more.

wtf, right?

lunedì, novembre 28

one thousand. seven

A- age: 20
B- band listening to most recently: mars volta. i got excited when i found my shirt over the weekend.
C- crush: orange. the bombdiggity.
D- dad's name: guido.
E- easiest person to talk to: myself. she always listens.
F- favorite band: air. probably.
G- gummi bears or worms: bears. except them green onces.
H- hometown: born and raised in los angeles
I- instrument: i can play pieces on the piano. i can play a few songs on the guitar. but thats about it.
J- job: student/retail slave
K- kids: probably within the decade.
L- longest car ride: here to florida. death.
M- mom's name: lydia.
N- no. of siblings: one seester.
O- one wish: ability to shape-shift. that would be SICK.
P- phobia: i dont know if i have one.
Q- favorite quote: "It's true, I do imbue my blue unto myself"
R- reason to smile: warm days, cold nights.
S- song you last sang: fiona apple - on the bound.
T- time you wake up: 9:25 am.
U- unknown fact about me: i know more about you than you think.
V-vegetable you hate: green onion.
W- worst habits: i eat until im too full. its a great feeling though.
X- xrays you've had: teeth. and i've had a sonogram of my uterus.
Y- yummy food: libra.

giovedì, novembre 17

tagalog midterm, in an hour

procrastination to the max. i know i need to study.

its so hard studying for tagalog. its like studying from something that is so foreign but so famiiar at the same time.

and then theres that thing where i suck at reading tagalog.

i love it when i or any of my class mates cant think of the tagalog word so we butcher the spainish word and hope for the best.

thats funnier is when we're right.

notebook = cuaderno = KUWADENO
friday = viernes = BIYERNES
six = seis = SAIS.

no, whats funnier is when we speak taglish.

to play basketball = ?? = mag-BASKETBOL.

side note

i need to get a job = necesito un trabahjo = kukuhan ako ng trabaho kasi walang pera sa banko. :(

domenica, novembre 13

i'll do it later

im ever so plagued. just do this and go to sleep

sabato, novembre 12


did i mention that i will remain celibate until i get married?

which means: marry me now!

im fucking with you.

for some strange and exotic reason, i was watching episodes of felicity on the WE network. it was the episode where felicity wants to have sex with noel so therefore they plan it. she writes it in her day planner and everything

10:10 - 11:00 am : class
11:00 - 3:00 pm : nap
3:10 - 4:00 pm : class
5:00 - 9:00 pm: [insert boy's name here] - sex

5 to 9. is that asking for too much?

hm. i kind wish i had that written down. who am i kidding, i do have that moment written down.


i keep seeing children around me and ive decided that i will have three children and 5 year intervals. yes, that means that every 5 years, i will consciously go off birth control and have a bebe. why? because my kids arent running a muck all over the place. fucking kids.


currently i'm re-learning how to exercise my control over my actions. its my attempt to mentally pull myself out of procrastination. i hope this works.

domenica, novembre 6


so im currently at home because i am in los angeles for a gabriela network conference. my friend lora and i are going to try to start a gabnet chapter in riverside.

what is gabnet you ask? its a us/philippine women's solidarity organization. it addresses issues that not only filipina women face in the philippines but the social issues and issues in general that women face. creating a safe space that women can discuss their problems and concerns in is a vital thing in this male domintated world. yes, i realize how immaculate heart this all is. but its something that i am interested in and something that i remember i was passionate about.

the only thing is that im so shitty regarding following through with things. whenever i'm in a leadership position, im always too busy to do things or i procrastinate with things. and when i look back after my time, i think, damn it would have been so easy just to do this... or that. whatever. this is an opportunity.

i always find it difficult that men always question a large group of women. they stand in awe with thoughts running through their mind like, "oh god. angry brown women... run away."

carolina (my cousin's fiance) ran a workshop today regarding bodies and movement. she stressed that our bodies; ourselves is where solidarity starts. you cannot start a movement without taking control of the space around you. you cannot take control of the space around you without being in control of yourself and your core.

how can i start this when i myself am unsure?

giovedì, novembre 3

post #1001

thats right. 1000 posts before this. whatever. it took me way too long.


why it took me so long to get 1000 posts.

the answer is obvious. i spread myself around. the main means of telling the world what im all about. except its totally a lie. a paid account. can you believe it? thanks danielle in all its myspace glory. its what you're reading right now. arent you special. a sad fucking attempt. yeeh booi. non-existant actually deleted. there, but you're not allowed to read it. except for the people who already do. whatever. the real shit. you'll never be allowed to read it. you're ears would fall of and your eyes would bleed. fuck yes.


mag-bablog ako sa dormtoryo sa riberside.

martedì, novembre 1

i slept through halloween

oh well. i looks like i'll probably go to chruch today... today being a holy day of obligation.

obligation. arent we supposed to be obligated to go to church every weekend? i havent gone in months. i kinda like church, that is, it feels like home.

now i sound religious, which im far from. im not that kind of person. in fact today, the gideon society was on campus.

"would you like a bible?", asked the gideon representative
"no, im wiccan", i replied.

i always wonder where the gideons get their fucking money to put their bibles in every frikkin hotel room in the country. i mean, i should look that shit up in wikipedia.

in anycase, i should probably address my views on religion while no one is watching. i mean, isnt that when people are most truthful? and besides, i havent been religiously invigorated in a while, so my thoughts will be from a far away standpoint.

i was baptized into the Roman Catholic Church in December 1985. the choice was made by my parents (a practice shunned by other christians). i started my Catholic school education in september of 1990. 'religious education' came in the form of "this is our faith" text books, daily prayer, and first friday masses. two good words that can describe my relgious experiences are "blissful" and "blind". i went to church every sunday with my family. and on top of that, people who only went to church on easter and christmas bugged the hell out of me (it still does now, except for the fact that im now one of them).

after graduating from elementary school, i attended imamculate heart high school, a catholic (but we all swear it was more close to pagan) all girls highschool. this is probably where my religious upheaval occured. with the exception of religion two, where we learned about "safe sex" (abstinence) and abortion (we watched the propaganda tape with an opening welcome by charton heston) and contemporary moral issues (rizzo didnt teach me any knowledge or propaganda that had already been forced upon me) religion classes were good.

let me specify that first. any religion class taught by ms. pollia was a good one. had i had ms. knudsen for any class, she'd be on this list too. but alas, no. ms. pollia taught religion in a (at the time) bizarre way. yes, she showed us catholicism and christianity, but she always told us the back story. the back story had so much more meaning. like she said, you cant teach current events without teaching world history before it.

anyways, ms. pollia taught religion in the best way. she didnt pelt us with dogma and facts, she presented us with what was believed and how others interpreted it. we had the decision to believe or not. in experiencing god, she taught us that God can be found everywhere. prayer is not a list of memorized prayer but a conversation with God. sometimes, when we had our 5 mintues of meditation, i found myself. i was able to catch up with everything in my life. in on being catholic, i was able to see the church for what it was, a chuch built by fallible men. all religions are faulty but you have to see through the cracks and be able to see its basic mission. thats probably why im still Catholic. yes, we have some crazy rituals, but thats what keeps us centered. most of the criticisms of the Catholic church have already been addressed by the church in Vatican II. its just up to the whole church itself to catch up.

i stopped going to church when my mom started to leave things in "God's Hands". leaving things in God's hands really means that you're letting go of your issues and allowing them to solve themselves.

yes, the church is a backwards place where gay marriage is prohibited and contraception will get you into hell. i also know that you shouldnt be a selective catholic. but thats what i am, a selective catholic. i believe in God, the trinity, Jesus rising from the tomb, Mary the mother of God. I've read the old testament and the new testamentthe book of revelation. I believe in the basics.

i dont believe that people who have been divorced can't get into heaven. i dont believe that a woman shouldnt not be able to control how many children she wants. i dont believe that you have to be catholic to get into heaven. i believe in karma, the golden rule, and that we have free will. i've read parts of the the qur'an, the vedas, and the pentateuch.

beliefs can change, through life experiences. for example, i used to be an adament pro-lifer. after my own experiences and other friend's experiences, i am pro-choice. if you made a mistake or if someone had violated you, you should be able to fix your life.

marriage is a union between two people who love each other and want to be able to see each other if one of them is in the ER.

in anycase, im not where near the end of my relgious journey in life.

martedì, ottobre 25


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naps are the best invention. i wish i could have more of them.

i bought an assignment notebook for the first time in two years. i plan on using it. i wrote that down in my weekly goals. i miss immac's assignment notebook. they kept me on track, most of the time.

i have no more cigarettes. maybe thats a good thing. i maybe going up north for this weekend for the 4th annual queer pin@y conference. no, im not gay but im going to for awareness. im really excited for it. maybe i've become a conference whore too. but that another story.


recently i changed my mother's mind about gay marriage. i had just finished telling my mom about my friend who she really liked (she wanted me to marry him or something)

me: but mom, he only likes boys!
mom: whaat? he's such a nice boy! i like him.

a day later, we were talking about my sister's winter formal date

mom: he was a nice boy too.
me: well, he's a she now.
mom: whaat? but he was such a nice boy!
me: well he's still a nice person.

so after these two revelations, my mom decided that maybe it IS ok for men to love men and girls to kiss girls. good shit.


i also wonder what my mom thinks about me dating now. i've told her that i saw jeff way more than she knew (she knew that) and that i had dated doug for a while (she knew. she said he looked at me as if i was his girlfriend). i cant wait until i'm a mother. i'll know all about my children's business. i'll snoop in their goddamned rooms.

whatever homies.

lunedì, ottobre 24

maybe i'll start posting

yes, you've all heard/seen/smelled it. i have become a smoker. i've weight the pros and cons, (pro: not looking like an idiot when you stand outside witing for class/bus/life to happen, making smoking friends, being able to talk to the smoker side of the barrios familia con: death)

whatever homies, i'll quit soon. ish.

anyways, lately i've been happy. i stayed in riverside for a whole weekend, and i had a great time.

does anyone know how to fix a television? because my tv is broken. sad.

so i purchase the fiona apple album a few weeks ago. i decided yeasterday that i like the whole album. its ridiculously good.

martedì, settembre 27

im blogging from my dads shop. its always a bad sign. last time i blogged from here, i was paying off a $500 phone bill.

i just had the most horrible two days.

ipod = empty
car = broken.

its sad days.

venerdì, settembre 23

hollywood bowling

during intermission danielle and i decided that we would get hot apple cider the way we would during hollywood bowl concerts of our youths.

alas, the new hollywood bowl does not sell apple cider.

instead, we purchased two hard brownies and decided to have a cigarette.

when approching the smoking area, we discovered that my dad was already there smoking his benson and hedges. happy birthday, dad.

martedì, settembre 20

"i dont really look like this in real life"

showered and clean. you know what i mean?

i tend to speak in tea cups.

sometimes i space out at work and i stare a customers. some of you have the most sour looks on your faces. sometimes you look lost and when i walk over to help, you pull out the bottom most item from the bottom of the stack. boy are you dumb.

school begins in 9 days.

i turn 20 in 10 days.

i want a vaporizer for my birthday.

im kidding

not really.

yes i am.

lunedì, settembre 19

my long forever summer

god, what a long fucking summer. the beginning of summer feels so distant. it doesnt feel like "damn, i just moved out of my apartment like thre days ago."

whatever dudes, i made money at ae, spent money from here to wyoming, then from here to san francisco.

i've learned how to live my life without writing about it in this foresaken blog. not really. i suppose its better for the people who know everything in my life to actually be in my life.

i didnt mean that. i miss everyone. im kicking myself for not making enough of an effort to see people this summer.

i've also learned to stop assuming that people are good people because people suck and they never pick up their clothes even when they see people with armloads of merchandise. fuckers.

my brain is an empty bin. i've emptied it out slowly during the summer and i didnt put anything back. oh except memories.

i remember that saint brendan reunions should probably include more than 7 people.

sony fontopia ear buds will block out everything from the white noise of a buses engine to the harsh vocal stylings of tourists

i probably will be ass before the next harry potter book is released

i am unsure which is worse.

venerdì, settembre 16

i kinda wish i had lungs of steel.

whatever. i have work soon. goodbye

lunedì, agosto 22

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Your personality type is SCUAI
You are social, moderately calm, unstructured, moderately accommodating, and moderately intellectual, and may prefer a city which matches those traits.

The largest representation of your personality type can be found in the these U.S. cities: Providence, Austin, Denver, Salt Lake City, Charlotte, San Antonio, Albuquerque/Santa Fe, Indianapolis, Phoenix, Portland/Salem, Nashville, Louisville and these international countries/regions Turkey, Croatia, Slovenia, Caribbean, Puerto Rico, Iceland, Norway, Ukraine, Sweden, Denmark, Spain, Netherlands, Russia, Japan, India

What Places In The World Match Your Personality?
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by the way, i hate salt lake city.

i didnt post anything during july. wow.

lunedì, giugno 27

Take the MIT Weblog Survey

what? i guess.

giovedì, giugno 23

summer brings beautiful

summer began yesteday. my summer vacation is 2 weeks in. this picture montage is x-posted to livejournal.

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jal's in riverside, but whatever. he's always home. and he looks bootyful in this photo.

giovedì, giugno 16


i'd like to talk about my hand and how its bigger and how i no longer have knuckles and how i invite everyone to see them (yes, come to my house), but i would much rather talk about my evening.

in one word: kidnapbatman110reroutebenitoshome.

sooo good.

mercoledì, giugno 15

i left. and i forgot my bag

how serendipitous. this dog jumped into kat's car.

"its a cocker spaniel! its the SatC dog! !!! !"

we got to the South Los Angeles Animal Shelter. he said, "this isnt a cocker spaniel, this its a king charles cavalier spaniel!"

i just gave a $2000+ dog to the pound. hmph

domenica, giugno 12

"oh my god vanessa, i thought you died"

such words from hugo, a co-worker who was witness to worst of my illness. today marked my triumphant return to ae. whatever, i need monies.

i want to work for lacoste because of their FATTY DISCOUNT. FATTY DISCOUNT.

whatever... its time for the year in review


thats it. i feel ambivalent concerning the events that had created the past three quarters. i didnt love it but i didnt hate it.

or maybe i'm just being negative on purpose. bitches.


by the way, does anyone want to help me move out?

giovedì, giugno 9

the gym

i've joined 24 hour fitness.

ok, i didnt. danielle bought the membership for me. its her little way of saying, "vanessa, you have a large ass."

anyways, i need to get my ass up and to the gym anyways. i'm gym-ing it at the 24 hour fitness near the archlight theaters. i get to see happy people on their happy dates eating happy food while i kill myself at the gym. YAY.


they're over. for me at least. i've finally given myself a break summer-school wise. after 5 years, im not going to summer school. YESS. i can now dedicate my life to slave-like labor at ae.

my benz has now morphed itself into the most gangster car in existance: an oldsmobile cutlass supreme.

martedì, giugno 7

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im chillin'.

venerdì, maggio 27


whatever. it was time for a change.

and it was depressing seeing that chatterbox so lonesome. fuck comments. fuck tags. call me and tell me what you think.

and i'm talking to you, wangster.

i'm kinda restless. not looking forward to summer. not looking forward to anything.

that sucks, yes? not looking forward to anything?

a spider bit me in the eye.

no joke

since i last really posted i have...

- become blonde
- finally learned some tagalog
- became a bitter old soul
- learned to appreciate winters
- created my own religion

yeah. i guess i shouldnt leave ever. ever again. (messy grammar, but its gets the point across)

about the skin

a mother fucking maystar design. personally i hate maystart designs. they're not aesthetically pleasing.

thats my car. thats my ignition. and those are my dad's hands.

i call the picture... frustration.

mercoledì, maggio 18

over a month since i've written in here.

does that mean that this blog is dead?

whatever. life is alright. i cant complain.

sabato, aprile 16


You are


venerdì, aprile 15

whatever. here are some pictures

vanessa, a study in blonde

vanessa, a study in purple

sushi cute

happy birthday. hands that i count: 5.

&jal&vanessa. too hot for bread

we were way too hot for a straight club.
more specifically, a straight riverside club.
never again.

people wonder what girls do in fitting rooms.

fly away little danielle, fly away!

debbie. just debbie!

thats all. byeee

domenica, aprile 10

giovedì, marzo 31

i am so over it, that i'm under it

i have a headache.

whatever. im going to clean.

lunedì, marzo 28

happy easter

so, im back in riverside. woo spring quarter. eh.. someone call me at 9am, please? kthanks.

anyways, four random pictures.

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happy 21st 22nd 26th birthday, jerel.
damn, you're old.
btw, nice rice cake.

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superman said to the field of cupcakes,

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random image of danielle and trotsky after his near death experience.

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holy water from christ the king church.
its in kat's bag for incase there is a need for an emergency exorcism.

sabato, marzo 19

fm transmitter

so, as a finals gift, my dad got me an fm transmitter for my iPod.

and by "my dad" i mean, "i bought it with his credit card".

this was an important occurance, but its already an old one... but...

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sonny came home!

ok... its not just a shawn colvin song now.

mercoledì, marzo 16


meh. and here i am, blogging my life away.

meh. i wish i had all my finals finished already. anyways... i passed the ides of march and its my ex-roomies birthday. woo angie.

more porcrastination


Which Boy Meets World Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

why does topanga's head look really weird? thats really bizzare...

martedì, marzo 15

Lumpia: a small fried eggroll filled with veggies and/or meat.

Which Filipino Food Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla


lunedì, marzo 14

happy pi day

yeah. the end.

You are

instead of studying i have:

1) taken the above quiz.
2) gone home
3) played halo 2.
3.5) listened to jerel talk shit on xbox live. wtheck?
3.75) got a dooney and burke bag! haha. oh the random crap that goes to die at kingsley.
4) developed an amazing theory regarding boys and video games
5) baked cookies.
6) went to immac with kat and posed in the statue garden
7) philosophized over coffee
8) philosophized with kat and norman
9) slept
10) went to the gym for an hour
11) showered twice
12) started blogging


domenica, marzo 13

le bracket

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go tarheels
i had no idea they were doing so well...

i dont consider this a quarter of school. this was dime, no! a nickel!

giovedì, marzo 10

21 year old out of work female. work experience: coffee

PrayIBleed: this is the only thing i can do
oxvanes the rzxo: haha
oxvanes the rzxo: sad day.

lunedì, marzo 7

the notebook

what was all the fuss about? i didnt cry. i was ready for a cry. i was gypped! (racist comment)

anyways... random pics...

whos the girl?
the testosterone zone... whos sitting more like a woman?

they cant resist them. ephraim is touching me like i'm acid...

happy 30th birthday, wen!

this is my coworker ryan in the back room of ae. oh secretive!

oh, and i've been up for 24 hours. go vanessa and no sleep. i blame television and cookies.
random sisterly convo

oxvanes the rzxo: im exciting for my upcoming weight loss from getting off the pill.
oxvanes the rzxo: isnt that sad?
prayibleed: awww
prayibleed: hey ME TOO!!!
oxvanes the rzxo: HAHAHA

haha, yay.

domenica, marzo 6


chrisw a n gster :you are a creature of the night, vanessa
oxvanes the rzxo : i am
oxvanes the rzxo : this is why i need a night owl roommate

le sigh. anyways, i've done the following today:

- got mad at my parents for not having cooked rice in the house (remember, i get grumpy when im hungry, and i only eat rice when in home)
- went to work.
- saw the winner of The WB's Superstar USA. don't worry, its not that i remembered who won, my co-worker watched that show religiously and was shocked that the winner actually showed her face in public after that.
- went home and baked cookies.

i have work tomorow too. i'm kinda tempted to drive my car down third street to work. i dont care if marathoners get in my way. juust keeding.

mercoledì, marzo 2

ooh... my kairos was over two years ago.

man that seems like yesterday... the 4th day... i can't believe its 6am...

rolling orange of death!

oh yes, random blogging vanessa is back. ::glares::

feb sucked. bring me the ides!

onwards and upwards!

lunedì, febbraio 28

my weekend

random jumping in the heights





domenica, febbraio 27

aint no party like a long beach party!

scene: my driveway
time: an hour ago
people: me and jerel

stage directions: vanessa is washing her car wheels. jerel pulls up in the driveway.

jerel: hey, do you guys have any food in your house?
me: i dont know
jerel: how do you not know?
me: well, i was in long beach last night.
jerel: what were you doing in long beach?
me: ::long pause:: i dont know! hahaha

oh my. pictures will be posted early tomorrow morning. happy birthday, joe.

off to work...

venerdì, febbraio 25


i have a feeling that my apartment-mates think i'm on speed.

so, i came home at 4am from la this morning.

and i started cleaning.

i did my laundry, i worked out, i cleaned the kitchen, i cleaned the living room, and now, im going to clean my room.

oh well. at least i got something done.

mercoledì, febbraio 23

link bitch

i updated this links list. i removed people who

a) dont update
b) no longer blog
c) people whom i believe want their privacy.

i also updated stuff for people who have moved to livejournal, which were many.

oh, and i didn't delete mkb because he exclusively uses my links list to see others blogs, haha.


the vagina monologues! 2/23! 8pm! UNLH! UC riverside! $12 at the door! be there!

right now

still raining. le sigh.

martedì, febbraio 22

storm watch 2005!

lake serrano and 2nd

i call this "fuggs and splashes".

results of staying inside all weekend

my great revelation that
i finally have enough shoes.

sabato, febbraio 19

apparently, to shoppers, "pounding rain" is equal to "flock to the beverly center"

whatever. oh american eagle. how i lurve and hate you.

congrats to israel, who graduated. woo hoo.

so i think my obsession with friendster type sites is finally waning. finally... i've been waiting since june 2003 for this to all end.

i can't believe i'm on too. im not even gay. hmph.

martedì, febbraio 15

dear union station

thanks for rubbing it in my face.

venerdì, febbraio 11

i get grumpy when im hungry.
its that mood that you've all been waiting for.

vanessa is pensive.

well i was looking at my stat counter. and for some reason the US Immigration And Naturalization Service in Washington DC, has visited my blog. why? i dont know. anyways. the rain is here. i was excited to use my new windshield wipers. that was like. wow.

oh. and i just brushed my teeth and i looked in the mirror and i made a sad face. i've come to the conclusion that my sad face makes me look like a duck.

im going to be in riverside/not los angeles until saturday night. i'll be in riverside getting things done today (friday). oh and i think i have a hall reunion thing tonight too. i have plans. saturday, im headed to irvine for kaba con because i am so involved. ha! i wasnt being sarcastic!

im tired. thats all. goodnight.

mercoledì, febbraio 9

i dont like my television class

i wanted to squish my ta.

so i did

so begin's lent.

i'll giving up sex.

haha. ::serious face::

we'll see.

real post

wangster is forcing me to post, again. happy birthday to KAT, who is no longer a teenager, but i'll love her anyways.

oh and happy birthday to everyone who had a birthday in the past month (in chronological order: ding (jan 16), chris wang (jan 31), grass (Feb 3), kat (feb 4), tracy (feb 7).

why were you all born in a large clump? my mind is a whirl thinking about it.

martedì, febbraio 1


i know. eleven months. are you joking? nope. i have the ill-est boyfriend around. no, for real, doug is sick. all nice and drugged up on nyquil, just how i like him.

this is my update on life.


im still working at american eagle. for three reasons, 1) i like it there. 2) the gay boys. 3) 40% discount.

i am joining in on a law suit against abercrombie and fitch/hollister (holler!). i got a letter in the mail asking if i wanted a part of it. its has to do with discrimination within the work place (ding!) working times (ding ding!) and psychological effects of working in a discriminatory enviroment (ding ding ding!). so, hurrah! i might makes some money off of this. maybe...


three classes this quarter + class three times a week = one lazy vanessa. my classes, with week three reviews are as follows:

intro to television studies

the professor is a dick, but we watch pretty good television.

english 127a, american poetry before 1900

whitman, dickinson, longfellow, oh my! my professor is pretty rad.

intro to ethnic studies
its aiiight.


all sorts of weird.


sick, but still dougie fresh


also, i need to lose a grip of weight. only reason: i suck at ddr now. sad reason, ya?

whatever. im going to shower. this will be cross posted to livejournal.

giovedì, gennaio 27

so i had a dream last night that i went to london. or france. and it was with EVERYBODY

yes, the whole immac crew was there. all i remember of this rapidly fading dream is that we all went to a super market in london with all our luggage, we bought all this stuff, everyone was on the other ide of the check out stands except me. by the time i was done with checking out ( it took a while because i was trying to buy booze ) everyone was gone, and i had a piece of luggage missing. and it was a vital piece of luggage. it had my camera, clothes, whatever, and a apparently, in the police report that i filed in my dream, a gun. so i was calling everyone, trying to figure out where everyone was, but i couldnt get anywhere, but i had a wallet full of money.

eh. i dont know. i dont like interpreting my own dreams.

venerdì, gennaio 14

In the year 2005 I resolve to:
Become a slut.

Get your resolution here.


anyways, hi kids (chris). because you read this and you make yourself known.

2005 has been depressing but fuck that. it cant get any worse, right? right?

i went to the funeral on monday. has anyone realized that an acronym for funeral is real fun? boy am i depressing.

so i've come to the realization that people who were born in 1990 can be 15 years old now. people born in 1989 can also be on the road, cutting me off.

this fact angers me.

my car is on vacation.




things i did in the past month:

i learned to like biting peoples' heads off

i launched my modeling career

i went blind with kat and israel

i went to tigerheat. so did leslie

i went to beverages and more

i went all margot kidder on you all

i got this fantastic sweater

i went red and emo at the same time

i caught a grasshopper at the pingols

and i got the ugliest picture taken of me. ever.