martedì, novembre 30

argyle socks are love
brought to you by the isLove Generator

such a livejournal thing

venerdì, novembre 26


although i wished that this thanksgiving would be just as good as last years, i already anticipated for a shitty one, and boy, did it turn out shitty.

we didnt break out into huge fights, like other ones, but it was just... EH and just shitty. shitty shitty shitty. whatever, kat and i want to have thanksgiving far away from families. it doesnt even feel like family! jesus christ, someone in my family need to get knocked up so we have a infant presence because everyone is SO OLD and SO dramatic and SO FULL of themselves.

i suppose my blog skin applies again. take them. please. kbye.

venerdì, novembre 19

dear iTunes,
what is wrong with you. suck my jung.

dear blogger,
i have neglected you. fuck you.

dear myspace,
i hate your thrall on me.

why dont you add cal state long beach? oh yeah, fuck you.

dear students of uc riverside,
those of you taking rlst 12, drop it so i can take it

dear livejournal,
i neglect you too, but at least you're used to it.

dear sociology midterm,
sorry for raping you, because i did.

giovedì, novembre 11


i hate myself i want to die i want a cigarette i will delete this post when this mood is over

whoo de whoooo
yeah, im brooding

yeah its red again.

my veterans day has consisted of me, my bed, and eating chicken.


martedì, novembre 9

im such a fraidy cat.

scroll to hollywood. better yet, read here

"Hollywood - Immaculate Heart High School - Sometimes individual students see the shadow of the nun when the closet's open In the drama room. The sound of footsteps on the stage has been reported. One technician has claimed to feel a cold breeze sweep across his neck while on the cat walk. "

but remember! gigi said it was nice ghost. i cant say much for that nun in the science building. durned rosarys clinking. >_<
random pictures/halloween

oh blogger, i have a secret to tell you. i've been cheating on you. whatever. pictures from the last 3[?] weeks.

fcuk rain.
this was at pasadena.
why was i in pasadena?
i dont know...

random gathering.
rude gay boy, rauchy hot bisexual, thai mai, and me.
featuring: the alcoholic drink in mai's hand.

i dunno. random

30 10 04.
the day we found a comb that could tame doug's hair.

le sad day.
the elephants look all distressed.

aww. god as sponge bob.

last minute costume shopping at walmart.

joan of arc and god.
or pimpette and pimp.

the end.