sabato, marzo 27

yeah, so i wrote up a nice post. and yeah, my mother closed the window to look up news about figure skating. and yeah, i think she read a couple of my posts.

anyways i'll still post about my past few days.

wednesday: redline, doug, central liberry, 7-11, SUZETTE, JJ SEXIE, galleria, shaggin wagon, "we're all adults here", and nexus of the universe

thursday: dentist, 'beach', sbs, galleria, jj sexie again, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. word.

friday: church with the priest, stations of the cross with a priest, nap, lacma with kat, blueline, doug, grace's, pizza, "this half of the pizza was hunger, the other half is sheer will power", porkchops, family guy, 'IM LIEZEL!', walk.

today: i got up at 4. my dad was having a party. but i blame the food coma for not getting up. i eventually took my cousin cheryl out. we watched eternal sunshine of the spotless mind again. it was just as good the second time. we saw doug. hehe

anyways, im here now. the end!

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