giovedì, marzo 23

b! miiinuuuus

hhahahahaha wtf. i didnt fail physics. i remained above average. yessssss

lunedì, marzo 20

sociological theory


venerdì, marzo 17

next week. eep.

spring quarter

im taking taiko. because i discovered unvented rage beneath my cool exterior. HA. that and i like hitting things.

lunedì, marzo 13

dear god,

could you make it snow in riverside? that would seriously make my week.

<3 vanessa
dear the N,

thanks for telling me something that i already knew, but making it seem a little degrading.

<3 vanessa

thats how many degrees it is. in riverside. ha.

anyways, its dead week. and my room in messy.

tomorrow night is the "livelihood for leyte" benefit show for the mudslide victims of the Philippines. please come out and support this cause.

its not even that much to get in. 3 dollars! or canned goods! good stuff! you'll feel great about yourself, i promise.


so with finals coming up, i would like to post my finals schedule here.

physics final - 8:00am to 11:30am
soc 168 final - 3:00pm to 6:00pm

get drunk


get drunk and burn


soc 158 final - 11:00am - 2:30pm



i should bring a tent to riverside and set it up on my patio. because honestly, that would be so cool.

domenica, marzo 12


the organizing committee of GABnet Riverside present: self-inflicted violence.

our mask was fucking scary. a la 'nip tuck'

mercoledì, marzo 8


alex: so you're going to italy
me: yes sir!
alex: how long with you be there?
me: august to december
alex: thats a lot of pasta
me: i know!
alex: "i know!" she says!!

lunedì, marzo 6

not doing anything

Four Jobs I’ve Had In My Life in LA:
1) telephone picker-upper at GB Tune up
2) retail slave at American Eagle Outfitters

Four Movies About LA I Could Watch Over And Over:
1) Collateral
2) Volcano ( come on, my former place of employment got blown up in it )
3) Crash
4) magnolia

Four Places I’ve Lived All Over L.A. (With Food Memories From Each):
1) koreatown - pho 2000
i've only lived in one place in la

Four LA-Themed Shows I Love(d) To Watch:
1) six feet under
2) arrested development
3) threes company
4) animaniacs (ok fine, its burbank)

Four LA-Based Websites I Visit Daily:
1) losanjealous
4) curbed la

Four Of My Favorite Foods Found In LA:
1) steak sandwich at yucas
2) swingers fries at swingers
3) combo wrap + hot potatoes at california chicken cafe
4) mac 'n' cheese + sweet potato fries at cafe 101

Four Places In LA I Would Rather Be Right Now:
1) eating a combo wrap at CCC
2) buying secondhand juicy at buffalo exchange
3) smoking a ciagrette in my car aimlessly driving through la
4) smoking a cigarette at fred 62 after eating a BLTA.

My music from my ipod got deleted, once again.
Whatever. My music will return, stronger than ever.
whatever man

Kat and I had the best conversation ever. I love my best friend.

This week has called the end of "Shitty February, 2006". It spilled over a little into March. I blame Myla for this because she's extending black history month.

Today, I have decided to ditch my sacrifice of smoking and myspace due to the fact that I have fucked up already and its only 6 days into Lent.

My New Lenten Promises Will Be

- learn how to capitalize letters
- re-organize life (keep computer on point, keep room clean)

Fuck man, I haven't felt this good in ages. I feel like I've been dragging my feet for forever and things are finally beginning to pick up.

giovedì, marzo 2


dear god,

i wish that computers never fucked up on me.
because that would spare me a lot of stress.
and since i have given up cigarettes for you
its giving me a headache. and i'm sick of it

i don't make any sense and i have no intention to change that.

love, vanessa