giovedì, febbraio 5

my dad: they need your password
vanessa: my password is *******
my dad: what?? thats so stupid!

haha. uh. so i have a loaner comp right now. this thing is sitting where my owncomputer would usually be sitting. its pretty rad none the less.

my note to self: remember to do mathxl. i havent done my homework on time and i've been screwing myself thoroughly. and i'd rather get a rabbit for that. just joking. anyways. i think im off my cloud, but im in a good place on the ground. and thats all that matters.

its a bit windy outside. and my window is open. chaos, chaos.

i havent been to the gym in a week and i still fit in my pants. w00t.

katrina flowers visited my blog! aww, you've made me totally homesick for immac. have they finished the pool house yet? we would be swimming in that 4 lane pool. and i'd be in lane 1, the slow lane. aww, memories. senior year swimming was farking tough. what were they thinking putting me in 4 events every meet? i guess i shouldnt complain, they never pushed me into varsity so i wouldnt be up for the 500. haha. if i swam the 500 i'd make renee be my lap counter. or maybe gina nam.

note to la: im coming back tonight. perhaps i'll do some illegal driving.

on another note, there are trees that are planted outside of my dorms around the parking lot that seriously smell like cum.

the end!

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