venerdì, febbraio 27

DO I SMELL... MARDI GRAS??? - zette's away message

word. anyhoo. long beach friday was cut short and turned into usc friday.

the scary people of the day:

- poli-sci professor ( was he trying to be funny?)
- pink/green braided girl on the blue line. (or was that a dream?)
- guy in the cape at popeyes (maybe i should have taken a picture.)

heres a big shout out to lauren. yes, the lauren battling for dominion over my chatter box with doug. lauren went to elementary with dougie fresh and me. we are dually handedly reuniting our class (so this reunion will be a two day thing; first day, catch up, second day, get fucked up ) because its somewhat less scary when two people are googling names not just one singular lonesome person. anyways, she moved out to nevada in 6th grade and was never heard from again, well, from me anyways. ha.

by the way... lauren = me. you'd be surprised. doug and i called her this morning and doug was listening to her voice message...

doug: ::listens::
doug: oh shit, she even sounds like you.


oh also, after getting off the blue line, we ventured through downtown (we walked two blocks west of the metro stop) and caught the dash bus to usc just as it started to rain. this was our stupidity

::walks onto bus::
doug: do you have a quarter?
me: ::fumbles with wallet, but finds a quarter in jacket pocket:: hmm... do you have a quater?
d: ::looks in empty wallet:: no.
me: ::more fumbling::

[note, the dash bus is full. people are staring]

d: ::whips out bus pass:: can i use this?
bus driver: ...yeah
me: can i use this :: whips out day pass::
bus driver: ...yeah
me: alright then, so we're idiots.

the end!

so now, i am going for a walk. good night!

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