mercoledì, febbraio 18

good afternoon readers, its is 12:30 on the west coast and you're coasting with the barrios. sO, i've come to these conclusions about food:

- i like stealing tea from the cafeteria
- chunky soup = good
- the lady on the left who makes sushi needs to try harder.
- honey comes from bees. think about it.
- dishes are harder to clean 5 days after they have been used
- 3 pure beef tacos and a fanta plus a nacho = good times
- i miss yucas.
- i'm beginning to forget what chimichangas taste like. i actually had a dream about them last night
- cinnamon toast cruch cereal bars = pretty good

so why have i talked about food for the past few lines? well obviously because lent is coming up. i'm thinking of doing kat's lent diet... or giving up sex. just kidding. about the lent diet. just kidding about that too. ha... ha... should i give up chocolate? why would i, i dont even like chocolate. i would usually give up soda, but i dont even drink that much soda anymore.

anyways, back to this whole lent thing. why did they call it abstaining from meat? is meat like having sex? i wouldnt know, because im a vegetarian. haha. no.

hmm. im listening to portishead - glorybox with my window open, and its raining. currently im in a pensive mood but its not what you think. im more concerned with the fact that now riverside will have that cow smell times 5.

also: to danielle, i seriously dont know where im finding jack. its not that im searching him out, i just happen to stumble upon random flyers and all that what not.

doug: 4896 days. thats fucking insane. no, no, we are insane for figuring it out.

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