domenica, febbraio 29

oh... and how could i forget? this is a day late anniversary-wise, but...

live the 4th.
happy leap day. and now, they'll mean more.

venerdì, febbraio 27

DO I SMELL... MARDI GRAS??? - zette's away message

word. anyhoo. long beach friday was cut short and turned into usc friday.

the scary people of the day:

- poli-sci professor ( was he trying to be funny?)
- pink/green braided girl on the blue line. (or was that a dream?)
- guy in the cape at popeyes (maybe i should have taken a picture.)

heres a big shout out to lauren. yes, the lauren battling for dominion over my chatter box with doug. lauren went to elementary with dougie fresh and me. we are dually handedly reuniting our class (so this reunion will be a two day thing; first day, catch up, second day, get fucked up ) because its somewhat less scary when two people are googling names not just one singular lonesome person. anyways, she moved out to nevada in 6th grade and was never heard from again, well, from me anyways. ha.

by the way... lauren = me. you'd be surprised. doug and i called her this morning and doug was listening to her voice message...

doug: ::listens::
doug: oh shit, she even sounds like you.


oh also, after getting off the blue line, we ventured through downtown (we walked two blocks west of the metro stop) and caught the dash bus to usc just as it started to rain. this was our stupidity

::walks onto bus::
doug: do you have a quarter?
me: ::fumbles with wallet, but finds a quarter in jacket pocket:: hmm... do you have a quater?
d: ::looks in empty wallet:: no.
me: ::more fumbling::

[note, the dash bus is full. people are staring]

d: ::whips out bus pass:: can i use this?
bus driver: ...yeah
me: can i use this :: whips out day pass::
bus driver: ...yeah
me: alright then, so we're idiots.

the end!

so now, i am going for a walk. good night!

giovedì, febbraio 26

stolen from renee/erin/guzman's journals/blogs. go here. pick your birth month. italicized apply to me. struckthough does not.

Suave and compromising. ha, no
Careful, cautious and organized. haha, NO
Likes to point out people's mistakes.
Likes to criticize.
Stubborn. well, sort of.
Quiet but able to talk well. ha
Calm and cool. [ha]
Kind and sympathetic. well would YOU think so>
Concerned and detailed.
Loyal but not always honest. thats rather shady
Does work well. i do work half assed-ly
Very confident. you'd be surprised
Thinking generous.
Good memory.
Clever and knowledgeable.
Loves to look for information.
i'm a news junkie
Must control oneself when criticizing.
Able to motivate oneself. ha
Fun to be around.

Loves sports, leisure and traveling.
Hardly shows emotions. ha
Tends to bottle up feelings.
Very choosy, especially in relationships.

since i was born on the last day of september, lets see how october applys

Loves to chat.
Loves those who loves them. 'i love people who love me'
Loves to takes things at the center. what does this mean?
Inner and physical beauty.
Lies but doesn't pretend. if lying was an olympic sport...
Gets angry often.
Treats friends importantly.
Always making friends.
Easily hurt but recovers easily.
Does not care of what others think.
Strong clairvoyance.
Loves to travel, the arts and literature.
Touchy and easily jealous.
Loves outdoors.
Just and fair.
Easily influenced.
Easily loses confidence.
Loves children.

me: oh my god, oral sex is linked to mouth cancer
yalie: oh, no more dick sucking for me!

i swear. it was funny when she said it

mercoledì, febbraio 25

meh. i need to finish this essay by 5:15.

anyhoo. im procrastinating like its going out of style. word.

okay, so instead of doing my essay, i was looking through the random pics from my weekend. thats the cardboard harry potter thing that was sitting at the multiplex at city walk. it has the wanted sign for sirius black, ad for the firebolt (i want a firebolt for christmas. muaha), hedwig, etc. so i ask you, my wonderful readers...

why would there be a sign that had both diagon alley (diagonally! thanks doug) and hogsmeade on it? if hogwarts/hogsmeade is all the way up north near scotland (thats the direction the hogwarts express goes in), why would diagon alley be anywhere NEAR it? alright, you all can claim port keys, floo powder and disapparating. but... why would you need direction?

alright... im probably just nuts. nuts, i say, nuts.

martedì, febbraio 24

AmnEsIAc2057: haha i just IMed jjsexie
oxvanes The rzxo: haha
oxvanes The rzxo: why..?
AmnEsIAc2057: to tell him of us
AmnEsIAc2057: lol
oxvanes The rzxo: hahahaha
fuck. i cant believe its almost been a year since i've left for kairos. that event is perhaps the single most important event in my life other than being born. i seriously wish to feel that "fresh off kairos high" if kairos was a drug, i'd be the first chick on the corner of a dark city block with cash in hand.

anyways! its mardi gras! sad that i knew that simply because of the decor on yahoo!'s tool bar.

ok, so what is my lenten sacrifice? im giving up being messy. and im seriously going to try. but since today is fat tuesday, i'll throw my crap around today.

tomorrow: ash wednesday. i need to go to church. anyone want to help me out in that department?

lunedì, febbraio 23

haha! so i had a long blog entry... AND I CLOSED THE WINDOW!

haha. let me laugh at myself. haha

anyways, i dont remember what i wrote. but i did remember this! the picture of the weekend: indeed. if only the rest of the world could be as loving as joe and doug.

its late. i usually have something profound to say. but i suppose danielle's take on being profound and philosophical is true. one can be philosophical all the time. its just that soberness tends to get in the way of voicing these profound words.

and on top of that, i'd like to elaborate on danielle's first entry on her blog. we truly do live in "the voyeuristic land of the internet." why do we do it? is it for the reason of having some sort of name on this fake façade that is the internet? or is it for the satifaction that someone is reading? as a matter of fact, i feel that its the latter. if one really wanted to keep a record of their daily experiences, a journal could make due, right?

eh... i tried that. the december blog haitus left me with random scribble that even i couldnt decipher. what i wouldnt give to try harder in handwriting in 2nd grade.

thank god im happy again. its quite difficult being cynical.

domenica, febbraio 22


- croissants and cellos. thats friggin' classy.
- fish. wow, that IS good fish.
- fight club. i must watch it again.
- wrestling. on ps2. w00t.
- sex and the city. for a show i only really got into in the past year, i really liked this series and even the series finale. john, ay? danielle and i agree that he's more of a james.

sabato, febbraio 21

estoy en la casita del kat.

so, long beach friday was another success. i seriously ate way too much this weekend, and its not even done. i went to banana bay with brian and we had the continental fried rice and the pad see ewe. then the next day, at long beach, joe, brian, ding, doug and i went to bj's and had... a lot of food. then doug and i had our adventure through los angeles. blueline, redline, redline, arclight, lost in translation, hot dog in front of amoeba, oreo icecream, redline, getting and kats house.

now, for another adventure... ::vanessa theme song plays::

giovedì, febbraio 19

uh huh, so yeah, the final sex and the city is on sunday and i have no hbo anywhere.

can some one tivo/tape/download/burn it for me? please?

mercoledì, febbraio 18

my goal for my 21st birthday is to take on the midwest. w00t.

create your own visited states map

i've visited 49% of all the states. wowsas.

oh... and cover that little edge of red where virginia and new york and dc are and the remaining red states are all states that my family DROVE through. hellz yessers
good afternoon readers, its is 12:30 on the west coast and you're coasting with the barrios. sO, i've come to these conclusions about food:

- i like stealing tea from the cafeteria
- chunky soup = good
- the lady on the left who makes sushi needs to try harder.
- honey comes from bees. think about it.
- dishes are harder to clean 5 days after they have been used
- 3 pure beef tacos and a fanta plus a nacho = good times
- i miss yucas.
- i'm beginning to forget what chimichangas taste like. i actually had a dream about them last night
- cinnamon toast cruch cereal bars = pretty good

so why have i talked about food for the past few lines? well obviously because lent is coming up. i'm thinking of doing kat's lent diet... or giving up sex. just kidding. about the lent diet. just kidding about that too. ha... ha... should i give up chocolate? why would i, i dont even like chocolate. i would usually give up soda, but i dont even drink that much soda anymore.

anyways, back to this whole lent thing. why did they call it abstaining from meat? is meat like having sex? i wouldnt know, because im a vegetarian. haha. no.

hmm. im listening to portishead - glorybox with my window open, and its raining. currently im in a pensive mood but its not what you think. im more concerned with the fact that now riverside will have that cow smell times 5.

also: to danielle, i seriously dont know where im finding jack. its not that im searching him out, i just happen to stumble upon random flyers and all that what not.

doug: 4896 days. thats fucking insane. no, no, we are insane for figuring it out.

martedì, febbraio 17

i am taking a nap.

lunedì, febbraio 16

hey guys. i was supposed to leave for riverside this morning but no, my insides were dripping from my nose. apparently, i have a sort of cold and a sinus headache. thanks mom! anyways, im headed back to riverside nowish.

but before that i ate tree beef tacos. and a fanta. and a neck. ha.

domenica, febbraio 15

haha uh... i went out with my dad to buy ink for my printer and came back with a new phone.

yeah yeah, nokia 3595. yes, a nokia again. its perdy.

so, all in one weekend...

visited lb
had a rad valentines
managed to get a trip to dc for spring break
renewed my fafsa
bought ink for my printer
got a new phone

damn, im good.

sabato, febbraio 14

oh yeah! happy valentines day!

oh! my parents' valentines day: the grove, theater hopping (cold mountain and barbershop)

my mom, "i couldnt understand barbershop"

also, yesterday, han kook market!
so! i woke up today at 10. and now its 9:52. w00t

places gone to today: starbecks, arclight, amoeba (thrice, spears, radiohead) hotdog cart, arclight, borders, the bus stop on sunset and vine, the bus stop on sunset and argyle, bus stop on western and sunset, kfc (w00t), and the nexus of the universe (serrano and 2nds street).

people seen today (in order of apperance): mom, beck, doug, hot dog man, biker man, overly jolly refreshment guy, frodo and sam, ariel hosmann, the guy "when is the bus coming?", the drunk guy "hey princess, you're holding up the line", and the drinking man[?]

line of the day:

::walking down sunset::
doug: you should never drive, this is fun!
me: ::hidden incredulous look on face::

the end!

venerdì, febbraio 13

im vanessa b. and im real. im sorry, we dont do that here.

hehe... I RULE. word. :)

mercoledì, febbraio 11

presenting: riverside's trees that smell like cum.

a close up. are these cherry blossoms?

my nose smelling the trees



me, the sign and the tree.

w00t. nessa hearts trees

martedì, febbraio 10

i was messing with the numbers and widths of my blog and i dont know how, but now this column is further over. oh well!
i have the strange urge to go buy a new practice suit and goggles. i guess i've done so for the past year that i need it to keep the rhythm of my life going.

anyways. i didnt stay up in art history. i got a b minusss on my paper, which is good because i was i didnt know what i was talking about.

that darkness video! haha. what a cool video.

goals for today: stay awake in art history

lunedì, febbraio 9

today was interesting. i woke up, got out of bed. went to lunch. funny thing happened at lunch. everything was bad (chicken stuff and egg rolls) so i made myself something on the grill originally i was going to make a mushroom and a cheese sandwich... but i thought, but 2 and 2 together. so i made a portabella cheese tomato sourdough sandwich. w00t. funny moment while grilling:

some guy: is that a mushroom?
me: yup
some guy: cool.

haha. anyways, i need ink. also: los angeles, i may not be coming home for the weekend. thats right. i might bear riverside another weekend. heehee
i am up EARLY.



anyhoo, i must agree with jp, my sister has the coolest away message,

"Hello? Can I speak to, to ______? Oh, hey how you doing? I feel kinda silly doing this but uh, this is the cashier at Midnight Mug on the 2nd floor of Lauinger, you know, the Asian one? Yeah, well I see you Saturdays all the time. You come in after band practice, I think, and you always order the bagel and cream cheese, and the hot chocolate. My manager be tripping, talking about how customers have to pay for whipped cream, but I always add some 'cuz I think you're kinda sweet. Anyway, you always got on your fly Rivers Cuomo glasses. So what year are you? Oh word? Look man, I don't wanna waste your time but I know girls don't usually do this, but I was wondering if maybe we could get together outside mmug one day? I do look a little different outside my work clothes. I mean we could just go sit on Copley. Wait, hold up my... my cell phone, breaking up, hold up, can you hear me now? Yeah, so what day did you say?"

i have to do an essay

trust me, its getting done.

in the mean time... i must put on some pants. w00t. pants-less blogging. its a revolution.

domenica, febbraio 8

presenting: "agatha" the scary lady at palermos.

hehe. sorry jo. i know that this brings back frightening memories. that white sweatshirt on the right is christine who is desperately trying to move away from agatha.
highlights of today

- the redline
- visiting pirates
- the goldline
- visiting hooters
- the goldline again
- on the goldline, "im mY opinionation, the sun is gonna surely shine"
- driving angrily
- palermos
- happy birthday kat and grass!
- 'nacho boyfriend'
- bruce, the waiter
- joann, "i knew he was ___ "
- that scary old lady
- "you look naughty! like a villan!"
- 299999!
- 151!
- lizzie mcguire
- "now, they're going to have sex"
- home
- "you are sooo cool"

mucho props to ding for an awesome partay
mucho props to doug for an awesome day

giovedì, febbraio 5

are you sure?
are you sure?
my dad: they need your password
vanessa: my password is *******
my dad: what?? thats so stupid!

haha. uh. so i have a loaner comp right now. this thing is sitting where my owncomputer would usually be sitting. its pretty rad none the less.

my note to self: remember to do mathxl. i havent done my homework on time and i've been screwing myself thoroughly. and i'd rather get a rabbit for that. just joking. anyways. i think im off my cloud, but im in a good place on the ground. and thats all that matters.

its a bit windy outside. and my window is open. chaos, chaos.

i havent been to the gym in a week and i still fit in my pants. w00t.

katrina flowers visited my blog! aww, you've made me totally homesick for immac. have they finished the pool house yet? we would be swimming in that 4 lane pool. and i'd be in lane 1, the slow lane. aww, memories. senior year swimming was farking tough. what were they thinking putting me in 4 events every meet? i guess i shouldnt complain, they never pushed me into varsity so i wouldnt be up for the 500. haha. if i swam the 500 i'd make renee be my lap counter. or maybe gina nam.

note to la: im coming back tonight. perhaps i'll do some illegal driving.

on another note, there are trees that are planted outside of my dorms around the parking lot that seriously smell like cum.

the end!

mercoledì, febbraio 4

happy 19th birthday katherine j g m c p sevilla!

i hope i got all the letters in your name. may we be heterolifemates even until we go bowling in canada.

in the mean time, i will be doing an essay that is due in 5 hours. w00t.

also, im the immortal words of zette, "no... shut up... you're fucking with me... no... shut up... SWEAR ON YOUR IMMAC RING"


but on another note, you all have no idea how uncynical i feel now-a-days. i feel its like its been raining for the past 3 months and suddenly everything has cleared up. and everything is GOOD. its so good that i hardly care that my computer is dead. i DONT CARE. i have an essay due, but i dont CARE. the wind is blowing, the sky is clear, and the sun is shining. there are better things out there! in the immortal words of f. apple.

"i stood too long in the way of the door and now i’m giving up on you"

dont worry kids... its good, trust me

martedì, febbraio 3


if only you lived closer i would show up at your door with a bouquet of sunflowers. but no. i hope you're getting mighty drunk for your birthday. or not. be safe!
sO. my computer is on vacation for 5 to 6 weeks. and my bike has a flat tire. i've been bumming off of other peoples computers. i've been eating too much cafeteria food.

it bugs me when my side bar is longer than my actual posts. so i shall talk more.

i want my computer back. more elaboration about my trip to los angeles yesterday morning. i think i averaged 95 miles per hours last night. all in the name of my hetero lifemate, kat.

lunedì, febbraio 2

riverside to los angeles? in 40 minutes? impossible? nope.

anyways. i wokeup at 2 today. yay. highlight of day:

- messages on the phone.
- dinner time, "whats your porn name... coco serrano, mike cmmings, kiwi brenda... DuSTIN FORTY-THIRD STREET


domenica, febbraio 1

im off to riverside... with no comp. O.o
oh chit. its february. i hate februaries. except for kats birthday! thats the cool part. and the leap days.