martedì, gennaio 7

this is vanessa neighborhood blogging at request of jeffrey brown.

what shall i blog about... oh!

a BIG FUCK YOU to the guy who crashed into kat! tish! *shakes fist in general direction*. no one crashes into my friend and doesnt get away with it! stupid driver.

ok, otherwise, the day was ok. we were reaping the benefits of being a senior! extended lunch! a whopping hour and a half for lunch! its still too little. there should be like... day lunch... the whole day is lunch.

today i realized that finals are IN ONE WEEK. grab on to your "oh shit" bars. this'll be a cram filled week. i resolve that i really will study like a mother this time. i shoulda started last month but... yeah, lets not dwell on that.

alsot today, i went into the chem lab and gave those starving chemists pepperidge farm cookies. poor kids... then i hear "RUN VANESSA! GO!" hahahaha then i hear "VANESSA, WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY CHEM LAB?!" so i ran out of the chem room and i'm like... jesus, why did you guy say that it was me? couldnt you all have said some other obscure name? hahaha just kidding y'all.

im listening to that SR-71 song, right now... " she may not be miss right, but she'll do right now" wow.. what a line. what ever happened to those kids?

and it seems that renee's favorite fish from bio has died. Whiskers was its name... did you know the sex of it? didja check its anal fin... ok.. that much sound very very bizarre if you dont know how to check the sex of your fish... the fish that have survived in my tank have bizarrely been most of the fish stephanie so gave me and my beautiful sucker fish. the bottom of my tank is now developing a horrible algae problem... :( oh well.

i got my senior pics today! radacious. especially when i turned in my order form less than a month ago. i got an uber cleavage pic... man, am i sexy. if jeff said i look hot in that pic, i'd believe him... haha. myrcia is so right. if you got it, flaunt it. except i dont really flaunt it, it was the shrit! i swear! and i got a truck load of wallets. they dont even fit in the little box they gave. they're bigger than a deck of playing cards. man... airbrushing is a wonderful thing.

this is the title of the most recent email i have received. "* Bigger, firmer breasts that look natural! * "


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