vanessa's tale of two cities.
it was the best of times, and it was the best of times. word.
so you all know that i headed east for the past 5 days. but unless i was calling you and toeing the line of a hundred plus phone bill, thats all you know. so i'll do this day by day.
so, my dad took me to the airport thursday night. dropped me off curbside. thanks dad, way to make your daughter feel loved. anyways, -after much security measures, i boarded and had a mediocre, limited english single serving friend to chicago-midway airport. i noticed the emergency landing things.
hindu cows
i had a lovely sunrise though.
lovely sunrise
so as i watched people run to thier gate friday morning, i calmly boarded my plane to dc.
after a two hour delay ( we're checking the hydraulics... we're refueling the plane ) i arrived in dc. and its cold. and danielle was no where to be found. after about an hour of looking like a loser whos sister totally forgot about her, danielle arrived in a puma jacket, a skirt and uggs. how east coast of her. i dropped my what not in her apartment and we decided to take on M street and she introduced me to my new friend h&m. after buying a lot of stuff, we headed for what i like to call, glorified over priced trader joes, a.k.a., dean & deluca, where we had sushi and the dessert below
i also met a grip of MA apiho folk. jp,danielle, dominick and i had dinner at tombs. and we did other things too
other things
other than jp, i met dominick and we chilled in the thomas jefferson classroom . yeah, thats a class room.
we also drank odwalla juice over the esplanade (sp?) and swapped ghost stories regarding our respective schools. after being properly freaked out, we watched pseudo porn. you call that a catholic school, where you cant even buy condoms on campus but you can watch porn on your school cable? i like the hypocracy in that.
so saturday, i boarded a bus in dc's chinatown, and all of the sudden, four hours later, i was in new york's chinatown. the ride there was fun. i got all sorts of service on my phone, such as CINGULARWIRELE(sic) and AT&T. i arrived at 5pm and didnt get to my destination in ny (NYU) until 11pm.
yes, i took the F train, missed my stop at 4th street, and ended up in queens. the bad part of queens. in the rand in the bad part of queens. the best part of it was that i didnt even know i was in queens. when yalie called and asked me where i was, i ended up asking a gas station attendant, my exact words...
the e train. thats what i was supposed to take
"excuse me, are we in manhattan or queens?"
oh jesus, i must have seemed like a tourist. my sister said i should have acted drunk so i wouldnt look like a dumb tourist. so, after a very very long time [and many calls to dougie fresh, (me,"im on the metro" doug,"whoa, it goes out there? what color?")], my hallmate yalie and her best friend anya who goes to NYU, found me on the moving walk way at the subway station for 23rd and Ely... in queens.
we took on a cafe near washington square. the people were really cool and the tiramisu was... like, wow. good. you can refer to my 3/22 post for the rest of new york, or you can call 868-4039 and you can hear me rant about how cool new york was.
here are a couple of pics though...
on the 6, j. lo's train!
the met, the brotha mustve been HUGE
an eye
monday morning, yalie and i headed back to dc. yalie's never been east. whats been the delay?! he passed by the white house and all those fun monuments and we parted ways. i promptly fell asleep and was awaken by danielle. we decided to eat at this swanky thai restaurant. very nice. zagat rated and everything.
my tom goong yum soup
i woke up the next morning (yesterday morning) and walked to h&m and bought more stuff. walked back, and saw cool license plates. i got back to danielles apartment and packed. jp and dominick stopped by and slowed my packing process down. seeing that my flight was at 7 and it was 5:45 and i was starved, they ushered me to the coffee shop danielle works at and i got a BLUE blueberry bagel. like.. really blue
taxation without representation
i boarded my plane pretty late, but it was no problem. its ATA. its pretty low security... maybe thats a bad thing. anyways, i had a rad single serving friend from dc to midway, he caught the irony that i was reading fight club.
the end of my journey included in 'n' out. its good to be back home. but heres dc, a parting shot.
parting shot
also: when i got picked up, i learned that a priest is living with my family for few days. he's my dad's highschool friend. he's living in my sister's room. weiird. someone save me.
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