just kidding.
statistic about my blog:
apparently, after changing my blogskin to that really plain skin, my visitor rate plummeted! pish.
what is that? you come here for visual stimulation? not for my titillating content? ok, perhaps the fact that i havent posted anything of content in a while gives you an excuse...
also, if you search on the following search engines and type in the following words, you'll get this blog as a result.
Google - erin eden
Google - junette sheen
Google - arbutol
Google - chili stain
Google - got-into-uc-riverside
Google - site:blogspot.com pantsed class
Google - gothika soundtrack songlist
MSN - practically free prom dress
Yahoo ! - if i dont come back, avenge my death
Yahoo ! - free download pucking sex movie
fun fact. if you google "got-into-uc-riverside" you get my blog. on top of that, you get my sisters old blog. how funny, isnt it, danielle?
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