ok so i've been studying for my midterm on monday. i sincerely wish that the gym was open until midnight on sundays because my ass would be in there right now. people have asked me why i hate february so much. so, i've decided to put all my reasons in one conclusive post. lets go over this by year.
- fell UP and flight of stairs on the hidden stair case at immac. result: large bruise
- stabbed in leg by a nail that was protruding out of a chair.
- did not get my class ring when i was supposed to get it. trust me, it was a big fucking deal.
- virus wipe out on computer
- hydroplaned car on rowena and hyperion.
- crashed into curb.
- leap year. i think the fact that it was a leap month, nothing bad happened to me.
- got dumped.
- spider bite on face
- jury duty
- suppose to see rex naverrete. the free show was SOLD OUT. fuckin' a.
- over draft on my account. UGH.
i dare you to say that this whole february thing it ALL in my head. because it isnt. fuck february.
erika's birthday party was yesterday. it was an athena house party. they never fail to impress. i remember a lot of it. i attribute that to the fact that i got so drunk at the pre-party and i threw up most of the alcohol in my system before i got to the athena party. obligatory picture post:
peacock and peahen. protectors of our brood.
so narcissistic that i cut out both mic and jason out of the picture
my breasts look top notch. dont you wish you were there.
"cocoa butter and boobs"
this picture was taken after i announced that i was going to have a debut. they're all going to be there. TANGET: im having a debut. debut/21st birthday party/graduation celebration. june 2007. you're invited. no dancing or cotillion court but i will have 21 candles and 21 roses. kthanks.
2 commenti:
top notch!
nice bone structure!
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