this year has been relatively amazing. riverside disappointed me and amazed me at the same time. my three [count'em, THREE] times that i've stayed for the weekend yielded interesting results. my dorming experience has been great. with a great roommate, a fucking awesome hall, the people i met this year who dont deserve to be here and the people who do, and my first time living with cable made this school year rad.
yesterday, danielle visited in the middle of the night. i took her on a late night tour of the campus and we experienced subpar service at the burger king on university. scary how i've sent danielle home with two boxes of my random crap and i still have ridiculous amounts of things here. i've made two trips down to my car and i still have this in my room
my possessions seem to have multiplied.
but with out my posters/pictures, its eerie to see my room looking much like it did the first time i saw it, full of possessions but void of all personality. weird how i can remember how i felt when coming here and its bizarre how a lot has changed. like my bangs, they're all sorts of cool now. my sandal collection has grown exponentially. my ride has changed from a benz, to a lack there of, to a pink and purple bike, back to a lack there of, and back to my benz. i went from having a boyfriend, to not having a boyfriend, to having a nacho boyfriend, back to having a boyfriend, and to finding genuine happiness when being with a person.
i'll miss the vast volumes of shared music on iTunes through this network.
i'll miss west lothian, the less ghetto a&i.
i'll miss bugging felipe to watch tv. i'll miss bugging chris and vince for mario party. i'll miss comparing ear gauges with monica. i'll miss ddr with monique. i'll miss myla and her single room. i'll miss jalata and his sometimes single room. i'll miss yalie and ahely for real world/rich girls nights. i'll miss maddy and her asian glow. i'll miss chris from up the hall for his acerbic wit. i'll miss it when angie brings all of B2 into our room. i'll miss our balcony.
goodbye west lothian a2. i'll miss you and your haunted halls.
anyways, i have more to pacK! my room awaits!
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