anyways, i havent blogged with real content for a while... but there really is nothing to talk about except... my new laptop? yup! i really like it. its pretty damned sexy and after a day of having it, its still in one piece! double snaps for me! and since its two in the morning, you get a view of it due to my extreme boredom!
so this is me typing
and oh joy! a non yellow screen!
you all have no idea how utterly estatic i am because my screen isnt yellow... its like... being blind for years and all of the suddedn being able to see again... well no, its like being colorblind and finally, seeing colors again. blues are not blacks, pink isnt red and if erin still had that yellow blog, it would actually look yellow. also, in the above picture, you can see my old computer screen behind it, being jealous.
on another off subject about computers, for years i've had my webcam that shot really really grainy pictures, and just yesterday, i realized it was set on high compression which cause the dark and grainy-ness. blaaah. well at least you can see things now, right when i've moved computers... *grumbles to self* you can actually make out some type on the screen in the picture above. otherwise, it would just look gray.
and has anyone seen jeff's testimonial on friendster for me? its like, a frigging bible. and its wonderful. :)
hey! its my birthmonth! its my last month being non-legal... and being a provisional driver... and not being able to buy cigarettes. oh well, its not like i do that. drive, that is.
just kidding.
well now i will watch my SatC where Charlotte gets married again. huttah!
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