charles bronson, star of death wish 1, 2, and god knows how many, has died.
dude... death wish 3 was so rad. seriously.
on a happier note, i got a new laptop!!
domenica, agosto 31
sabato, agosto 30
venerdì, agosto 29
today: i did nothing. i sat in my horribly dirty house and moped around. i also called my room mate and i think i scared her.
yesterday: katies house! i saw it and i saw her room! *gasP* hung out with jeff and i went to usc to visit kat. cool times! i also got pissed at my parents so i stayed with jeff until 12ish. we talked for a looong time. thanks.
tomorrow: more cleaning! huttah!
yesterday: katies house! i saw it and i saw her room! *gasP* hung out with jeff and i went to usc to visit kat. cool times! i also got pissed at my parents so i stayed with jeff until 12ish. we talked for a looong time. thanks.
tomorrow: more cleaning! huttah!
mercoledì, agosto 27
domenica, agosto 24
venerdì, agosto 22
hey kids. im here in georgetown and its rather hot. humid... sticky... hot... yeah, but other wise its great. lots of students being oriented and whatnot. hopefully, we'll be going to tar-jay and i'll buy some dorm stuff and lug it all home in danielle's huge black body bag that i could fit into.
but seriously. i miss the dry los angeles heat.
but seriously. i miss the dry los angeles heat.
giovedì, agosto 21
Congratulations, you are Gretchen Ross. You are very perceptive of the world around you. You are a good person with strong morals. Although your life hasn't been exactly the way you would like it, you still think the world is beautiful. Good for you.
Which Donnie Darko character are you? by Shay
does that mean that erin and i are together? interesting.
im sitting here in my pajamas and i leave for the airport in 30 minutes. good times!
mercoledì, agosto 20
me? blog? thats funny. but i am going to.
wow, im finally going to blog after, what? how long has it been since i've had a substancial blog? july 21st apparently.
i've been working. yes... again with mr dlugolecki. amazement. i work 8 days out of the year and i'm just fine with it. i see people i know and i get to hear the besT gossip. everyone in the class below me are pretty cool now. it has finally struck me that i dont go to ih any more. see the new senior class, and for sure, they are the seniors. i'm now just a first year... and its bizarre how the teachers talk around you. i helped out with faculty pictures for the fourth time the row and ms. k said when she saw me, "oh my gosh, i remember thinking last year, 'vanessa's not going to be here next year', and you're still here! an alum!" yikes. alumae? its finally settling in.
rikki's debut was awesome. she was sOO pretty. thansk for inviting me!
jeff and i's beach party was pretty cool. we saw... "wave."s, i got buried in the sand and we soaked in the sun. thanks to everyone who came, especially the 'trail of tears' bunch, leslie, lauren, erin, hailey, guzman and eden. EDEN who drove soooo much that day. thank you brian for driving a bunch too and kat for driving much.
so tiffany got her license and kat and leslie are in school. craziness...
i move in in a month. im leaving tomorrow for dc with my dad and my sister at noon. i'll be back next wednesday the 27th at 2pm. i'll miss you all. especially jeff.
wow, im finally going to blog after, what? how long has it been since i've had a substancial blog? july 21st apparently.
i've been working. yes... again with mr dlugolecki. amazement. i work 8 days out of the year and i'm just fine with it. i see people i know and i get to hear the besT gossip. everyone in the class below me are pretty cool now. it has finally struck me that i dont go to ih any more. see the new senior class, and for sure, they are the seniors. i'm now just a first year... and its bizarre how the teachers talk around you. i helped out with faculty pictures for the fourth time the row and ms. k said when she saw me, "oh my gosh, i remember thinking last year, 'vanessa's not going to be here next year', and you're still here! an alum!" yikes. alumae? its finally settling in.
rikki's debut was awesome. she was sOO pretty. thansk for inviting me!
jeff and i's beach party was pretty cool. we saw... "wave."s, i got buried in the sand and we soaked in the sun. thanks to everyone who came, especially the 'trail of tears' bunch, leslie, lauren, erin, hailey, guzman and eden. EDEN who drove soooo much that day. thank you brian for driving a bunch too and kat for driving much.
so tiffany got her license and kat and leslie are in school. craziness...
i move in in a month. im leaving tomorrow for dc with my dad and my sister at noon. i'll be back next wednesday the 27th at 2pm. i'll miss you all. especially jeff.
domenica, agosto 17
giovedì, agosto 14
so. at ucr.... i have no place to live. YAY!
oh and..
oh and..
According to the Which Something Corporate Song Are You? Test...
martedì, agosto 12
lunedì, agosto 4
so todays was a cool fun filled day with jeffrey in the land of LACMA. for me, admission was free! for once, being young pays off again. anyways, we saw my most favorite painting ever,

"Ceci n'est nas une pipe",
walked by some abstract art,

looked at some porn,

caught some babies,

saw some s&m,

and basically, hung out together.

we also got a good whiff of tar at the la brea tar pits. good times.
so tomorrow, we're headed for the getty. apparently, many many things are closed on mondays.
and it just occured to me that i didnt blog about katie's birthday! well. katie's surprise birthday bash funtacular. and i think she was surprised. the rushing back and forth between the front and back side of grace's house proved to be a work out, but ding was hobbling! we love you ding!
also, the viewing of donnie darko was pretty freaky for some.
"Ceci n'est nas une pipe",
walked by some abstract art,
looked at some porn,
caught some babies,
saw some s&m,
and basically, hung out together.
we also got a good whiff of tar at the la brea tar pits. good times.
so tomorrow, we're headed for the getty. apparently, many many things are closed on mondays.
and it just occured to me that i didnt blog about katie's birthday! well. katie's surprise birthday bash funtacular. and i think she was surprised. the rushing back and forth between the front and back side of grace's house proved to be a work out, but ding was hobbling! we love you ding!
also, the viewing of donnie darko was pretty freaky for some.
domenica, agosto 3
venerdì, agosto 1
- What is your name: vanessa. vanessa barrios
- What colour pants are you wearing right now? im not wearing pants! wEEEEE!
- What are you listening to right now? coldplay because it makes me happy
- What are the last four digits of your phone number, mobile or home: 4039
- What was the last thing you ate? a piece of bread
- If you were a crayon, what colour would you be? denim. yes. its a color. its like cerulean but not.
- Where do you plan to go on your honeymoon? some place really kick back. someplace with a comfy bed. har har
- How is the weather right now? its night so its cool
- Last person you talked to on the phone? jo to open her door
- What's first thing you notice about the opposite sex? hair
- Do u like the person that sent you this? from leslie hustlers blog.. woo wee! awesome usc trojan! she reaLLY is awesome
- Your favorite drink? hmm. coke with grenadine.
- Your favorite alcoholic drink? margarita on the rocks. heh.
- How do you eat an Oreo? drunk it in soy. damned lactose intolerance.
- Favorite sport, to watch? swimming and basketball to play: swimming
- What's the next CD you're going to get? rufio - 1985
- Hair colour? dark brown.
- Eye Colour? dark brown.
- Do you wear contacts? no. i dont wear my glasses either.
- Do you have any siblings? yes. 20 year old sister currently in new york living it up! lucky bitca.
- Favorite month? october! same as leslie!
- Favourite food? sourdough bread... chinese food...
- Last movie you watched? donnie darko... and mulholland drive... but i didnt finish it! :(
- Favorite day of the year? may 9th-12th
- Are you shy to ask some one out? no. hey jeff, wanna go out? yeah? i thought so. see? no problem.
- Do you like scary or happy movies better? i like scary happy movie.
- Summer or winter? autumn. i like that weather. heat is uncool, literally.
- Hugs or Kisses? satisfying hugs or tingly kisses... must i choose?
- Relationships or one night stands? relationships.
- Chocolate or vanilla? vanilla
- Favorite color? clear
- Favorite fast food joint? tommy's
- First bike: its was one from kmart. but it was christmas present. it was radtacular. light blue and green. i can still ride it!
- First best friend(s): junette sheen! yup. kindergarten.
- First real memory of something: 4th birthday. los angeles county fair. ube birthday cake.
- First car: 1980 Mercedes Benz SEL 450. otherwise known as porbee, the tank, the boat or the mafia car.
- First date: winter formal 1999. lloyd.
- First kiss: 1999. june. graduation party. spin the fork
- First break-up: none.
- First job: working for dlugolecki.
- First screen name: happynes85
- First self purchased album: fiona apple - tidal.
- First funeral: whoa! leslie's grandfather died in 3rd grade too??
- First piercing/tattoo: ears. i think i was a few months old.
- First credit card: erm... none.
- First love: jeff.
- First enemy: danielle
- First big trip: philippines when i was 3 dont remember much,
- First play/musical/performance: 6th grade we performed bible stories. haha.
- First musician you remember hearing in your house: haha. uh. actually... i dont know.
- last good cry: tuesday
- last library book checked out: oh shit! that reminds me...
- last movie seen: lara croft tomb raider. i fell asleep
- last book read: harry potter and the ootp
- last cuss word uttered: see above.
- last beverage drank: water.
- last food consumed: bread
- last crush: i dont know.
- last kiss: kat
- last phone call: well now its jeff
- last tv show watched: 101 objects removed from the human body.. it was farking gross dude.
- last time showered: an hour ago or so
- last shoes worn: my black tsinelas
- last cd played: that classical music cd in my car. i find that it soothes my jangled nerves while driving.
- last item bought: gas at 76
- last downloaded: rchp californication. i missed that song
- last annoyance: library book fines.
- last disappointment: that forgot to return my library books.
- last soda drank: coke... yesterday night.
- last word written: night?
- last key used: hmm the " key
- last word spoken: huh?
- last sleep: yesterday at 1
- last im: jeff but then we parted our ways to play our respective games.
- last weird encounter: at rite aid when buying nail polish base coat, this guy asked me "WHERE ARE THE HAIR PRODUCTS" like.. really deperately.
- last ice cream eaten: i dont remember
- last time amused: by this survey
- last time wanting to die: some time ago
- last time in love: for the past year or so.
- last time hugged: jo and kat
- last chair sat in: the wicker chair.
- last lipstick used: smashbox lipstick. ok i have a confession. i wear make up right before i take showers just i wash it off right away. its weird.
- last shirt worn: 2000 ih walk shirt the red one.
- last time dancing: wow. i dont remember. i wanna dance
- last webpage visited: leslie's blog
- What colour pants are you wearing right now? im not wearing pants! wEEEEE!
- What are you listening to right now? coldplay because it makes me happy
- What are the last four digits of your phone number, mobile or home: 4039
- What was the last thing you ate? a piece of bread
- If you were a crayon, what colour would you be? denim. yes. its a color. its like cerulean but not.
- Where do you plan to go on your honeymoon? some place really kick back. someplace with a comfy bed. har har
- How is the weather right now? its night so its cool
- Last person you talked to on the phone? jo to open her door
- What's first thing you notice about the opposite sex? hair
- Do u like the person that sent you this? from leslie hustlers blog.. woo wee! awesome usc trojan! she reaLLY is awesome
- Your favorite drink? hmm. coke with grenadine.
- Your favorite alcoholic drink? margarita on the rocks. heh.
- How do you eat an Oreo? drunk it in soy. damned lactose intolerance.
- Favorite sport, to watch? swimming and basketball to play: swimming
- What's the next CD you're going to get? rufio - 1985
- Hair colour? dark brown.
- Eye Colour? dark brown.
- Do you wear contacts? no. i dont wear my glasses either.
- Do you have any siblings? yes. 20 year old sister currently in new york living it up! lucky bitca.
- Favorite month? october! same as leslie!
- Favourite food? sourdough bread... chinese food...
- Last movie you watched? donnie darko... and mulholland drive... but i didnt finish it! :(
- Favorite day of the year? may 9th-12th
- Are you shy to ask some one out? no. hey jeff, wanna go out? yeah? i thought so. see? no problem.
- Do you like scary or happy movies better? i like scary happy movie.
- Summer or winter? autumn. i like that weather. heat is uncool, literally.
- Hugs or Kisses? satisfying hugs or tingly kisses... must i choose?
- Relationships or one night stands? relationships.
- Chocolate or vanilla? vanilla
- Favorite color? clear
- Favorite fast food joint? tommy's
- First bike: its was one from kmart. but it was christmas present. it was radtacular. light blue and green. i can still ride it!
- First best friend(s): junette sheen! yup. kindergarten.
- First real memory of something: 4th birthday. los angeles county fair. ube birthday cake.
- First car: 1980 Mercedes Benz SEL 450. otherwise known as porbee, the tank, the boat or the mafia car.
- First date: winter formal 1999. lloyd.
- First kiss: 1999. june. graduation party. spin the fork
- First break-up: none.
- First job: working for dlugolecki.
- First screen name: happynes85
- First self purchased album: fiona apple - tidal.
- First funeral: whoa! leslie's grandfather died in 3rd grade too??
- First piercing/tattoo: ears. i think i was a few months old.
- First credit card: erm... none.
- First love: jeff.
- First enemy: danielle
- First big trip: philippines when i was 3 dont remember much,
- First play/musical/performance: 6th grade we performed bible stories. haha.
- First musician you remember hearing in your house: haha. uh. actually... i dont know.
- last good cry: tuesday
- last library book checked out: oh shit! that reminds me...
- last movie seen: lara croft tomb raider. i fell asleep
- last book read: harry potter and the ootp
- last cuss word uttered: see above.
- last beverage drank: water.
- last food consumed: bread
- last crush: i dont know.
- last kiss: kat
- last phone call: well now its jeff
- last tv show watched: 101 objects removed from the human body.. it was farking gross dude.
- last time showered: an hour ago or so
- last shoes worn: my black tsinelas
- last cd played: that classical music cd in my car. i find that it soothes my jangled nerves while driving.
- last item bought: gas at 76
- last downloaded: rchp californication. i missed that song
- last annoyance: library book fines.
- last disappointment: that forgot to return my library books.
- last soda drank: coke... yesterday night.
- last word written: night?
- last key used: hmm the " key
- last word spoken: huh?
- last sleep: yesterday at 1
- last im: jeff but then we parted our ways to play our respective games.
- last weird encounter: at rite aid when buying nail polish base coat, this guy asked me "WHERE ARE THE HAIR PRODUCTS" like.. really deperately.
- last ice cream eaten: i dont remember
- last time amused: by this survey
- last time wanting to die: some time ago
- last time in love: for the past year or so.
- last time hugged: jo and kat
- last chair sat in: the wicker chair.
- last lipstick used: smashbox lipstick. ok i have a confession. i wear make up right before i take showers just i wash it off right away. its weird.
- last shirt worn: 2000 ih walk shirt the red one.
- last time dancing: wow. i dont remember. i wanna dance
- last webpage visited: leslie's blog
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