in the immortal words of douglas macArthur... "i shall return." and i have.
sadly, i didnt have the will power to stay away for more than a month. but thats ok, not blogging for almost four weeks has been killer. anyways, my life has been alright. last you folks read, it was katrina's birthday! now, its the end of the year and some of your have been deprived of my thoughts and reflections of my life. well, here you go: my december, ruby from cold mountain style.
1) i had finals. yes, i made it. except for that whopping 4 days between my math final and my religion and science final. that was a lot of eating between my hall seeing that we had to clean out our refridgerators. classy moment: eating garlic cheese and melba toast with the guys next door while watching rich girls. lovely. by the time saturday struck, all of my hall had gone home.
2) i passed all my classes. yay. ::twirls finger like a party::
3) the third week of december was basically a big block of shopping. i hit south coast plaza for the first time which is the most eclectic mall ever. its simply fabulous that theres a sears and a tiffany and co. there. fucking fabulous.
4) i returned to immac. there were a whole mess of people from my class there. it seriously felt like i was back at home. dennys was rad too.
5) debut practices were in abundance this month. good times.
6) danielle came home on the 20th with a suitcase full of dirty laundry. classy.
7) baja fresh rocks.
8) i watched a good amount of movies this break. i watched the last samurai with some people in my hall. it was good. enjoyable and entertaining. lord of the rings: return of the king was lengthy but a suitable end to an amazing triology. perhaps when i set aside a year in my life, i'll read the first book. i also watched love actually again with my sister, who LOOVED it.
9) on the 26th, grass, jo, kat and i headed over to west covina to visit the son of God and watch a movie. at my request, we watched cold mountain, which was AROUSING. word.
10) this isnt really a point, but watching return of the king for a second times was a lot better than the first. so go re-watch it. yes, that is at my request.
in any case, my life in the past month has been interesting. instead of blogging i actually wrote in a notebook. but then i remembered why blogging was so much easier: i could re-read what i write. damn illegible writing.
mercoledì, dicembre 31
sabato, dicembre 6
venerdì, dicembre 5
to anonymous
we broke up. that simple phrase is the one way to sum it up. in fact, there really is no way to sum it up. i'd have to spill the whole story if you'd want to understand it. i dont feel like sharing all the juicy details unless you want me to bust into tears, and thats besides the fact that i myself dont understand it. also, its been two months... and a day.
and if you all are curious on how im doing; some days i'm doing great, some days i'm alright and yet, some days i just feel downright horrible to the point where i want to crawl into a hollow log, get picked up by some firewood company and get shipped to a grocery store where city folk buy firewood, get transported by them to a bonfire pit in huntington beach and crawl out of my hollow log and sit on the beach until everything solves itself, but obviously, that will never happen.
in conclusion, if any of you anonymous readers are still out there are wondering, jeff and i are not together.
and if you all are curious on how im doing; some days i'm doing great, some days i'm alright and yet, some days i just feel downright horrible to the point where i want to crawl into a hollow log, get picked up by some firewood company and get shipped to a grocery store where city folk buy firewood, get transported by them to a bonfire pit in huntington beach and crawl out of my hollow log and sit on the beach until everything solves itself, but obviously, that will never happen.
in conclusion, if any of you anonymous readers are still out there are wondering, jeff and i are not together.

Which O.C. Character Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty
eee... he's so cute.
shush. yeah i watched my first full episode yesterday. man, i love watching rich people blunder, even if it is a tv show. i am ready for the magic of chrismukkah.
so today was a cool day, last day of math discussion and last day of r&s... both fun times. oh wait... that means my quarter is over... all i need is to take my finals.
and instead of studying, i am taking quizzes again not for my real result but for the result i want, for example:

Which Sex and the City Player Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty
did you know the season 5 came out and its only 8 episode but for the full price of that of previous 3 disc dvd sets from sex and the city. that is ludicrous. frikkin hbo. stealing our money.
also... go to jp's blog... it has SNOW on it. word.
also... visit brian's blog... his words of wisom are amazing.
also... eden... when are we mini golfing?? is it going to be a hoo haA?
Which O.C. Character Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty
eee... he's so cute.
shush. yeah i watched my first full episode yesterday. man, i love watching rich people blunder, even if it is a tv show. i am ready for the magic of chrismukkah.
so today was a cool day, last day of math discussion and last day of r&s... both fun times. oh wait... that means my quarter is over... all i need is to take my finals.
and instead of studying, i am taking quizzes again not for my real result but for the result i want, for example:
Which Sex and the City Player Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty
did you know the season 5 came out and its only 8 episode but for the full price of that of previous 3 disc dvd sets from sex and the city. that is ludicrous. frikkin hbo. stealing our money.
also... go to jp's blog... it has SNOW on it. word.
also... visit brian's blog... his words of wisom are amazing.
also... eden... when are we mini golfing?? is it going to be a hoo haA?
giovedì, dicembre 4
love actually
i forgot! i watched love actually with pingol on sunday! and we got gingerbread lattes from starbucks.
love actually put me in the holiday mood.
love actually put me in the holiday mood.
mercoledì, dicembre 3
i've been sitting here in front of my computer attempting to write something. behind me, im watching tv. there area ton of thoughts in my head but i cant even get it out. for some reason, i've become self conscious about what i write on here. if i type out something happy, i'll feel like im being so fake. if i type something overtly depressing, i'll seem so whiny.
blah. thats depressing, make it stop.
i guess its because i just saw that hersheys kiss commercial. you know, the one with the bells. i can remember seeing it last year and actually feeling happy. and i quote, "i know its christmas time now that the hersey's kisses hand-bell commercial is making its daily rounds. ahh. the cute little bell at the end that rings its heart out and wipes it brow with the little hersey tag.. heh." dec. 02. interesting. lethargicness has already started. i feel like ally in rich girls, that she is afraid that she doesnt know what she wants to do with her life, except i go to college, im not rich and i know how to make a burrito.
blah. thats depressing, make it stop.
i guess its because i just saw that hersheys kiss commercial. you know, the one with the bells. i can remember seeing it last year and actually feeling happy. and i quote, "i know its christmas time now that the hersey's kisses hand-bell commercial is making its daily rounds. ahh. the cute little bell at the end that rings its heart out and wipes it brow with the little hersey tag.. heh." dec. 02. interesting. lethargicness has already started. i feel like ally in rich girls, that she is afraid that she doesnt know what she wants to do with her life, except i go to college, im not rich and i know how to make a burrito.
martedì, dicembre 2
for danielle... she needs to get published or something.
I miss the sound of your voice
Though your words cut me
I miss the look of your eyes
Though it hurts me to see
I miss the touch of your hand
But it pains me
I want you back next to me
Though your toxicity poisons me
I miss the smell of you
Though I know it will destroy me
I need the warmth of your body
But I know you will crush me
I need you
Because I've forgotten how bad you are for me.
D. Barrios, 2003
Though your words cut me
I miss the look of your eyes
Though it hurts me to see
I miss the touch of your hand
But it pains me
I want you back next to me
Though your toxicity poisons me
I miss the smell of you
Though I know it will destroy me
I need the warmth of your body
But I know you will crush me
I need you
Because I've forgotten how bad you are for me.
D. Barrios, 2003
lunedì, dicembre 1
sabato, novembre 29
the best thanksgiving... ever
wow, for once i had an enjoyable thanksgiving. my sister eventually came home at 6pm and we had thanksgiving dinner for the first time. it was a pleasant change. cousins came and we watched elf at burbank. their exits are really cool. i'll share pics if you come over to see. i stayed up talking to my sister laughing at things that only we would laugh about. "i looooooooooooooove youUUUUUUUUU. see, i can speak whale" we also tried on all the dresses we had in our closets. from our immac graduation dresses, to her formal dresses, to my prom dresses. good times.
friday i woke up at FIVE... or i dont remember. all i know is that it was late. quite late. i had some of my cousin, jerel's girlfriend, debbie's dad's apple pie. it was good. seriously good. wow. yeah. good pie. i hung out with my cousin wendell and i cleaned his salt water tank which had a major red algae problem. today i woke up to nicole knocking on my door. danielle hung out with her and valeda while i sat at home doing nothing
and im still here, loafing around doing nothing. oh im going to clean my cousins turtle tank! yay! and possibly go shopping... maybe...
friday i woke up at FIVE... or i dont remember. all i know is that it was late. quite late. i had some of my cousin, jerel's girlfriend, debbie's dad's apple pie. it was good. seriously good. wow. yeah. good pie. i hung out with my cousin wendell and i cleaned his salt water tank which had a major red algae problem. today i woke up to nicole knocking on my door. danielle hung out with her and valeda while i sat at home doing nothing
and im still here, loafing around doing nothing. oh im going to clean my cousins turtle tank! yay! and possibly go shopping... maybe...
venerdì, novembre 28
buddy the elf, whats your favorite color?
word. fun times with cousins... and elf... and orange walls... and glowing dildos. O.o
leon the snowman is too cool.
leon the snowman is too cool.
giovedì, novembre 27
computer porn
first came furniture porn, now, a pascual-salviejo-barrios creation... computer porn:
its a threesome, word. and its a multi-racial relationship, see the pc and the mac? thats what i thought.
its a threesome, word. and its a multi-racial relationship, see the pc and the mac? thats what i thought.
ok ok, so let me explain. my sister missed her flight at 4am because she was doing her LAUNDRY. yes folks, even smart people folly. anyways, last i talked to her she was in chicago on standby but the cooler part is that she wasnt charge for it. happy thanksgiving! reminds me of my story... i almost got run over by a van that was backing up at costco last week and i was like... ahhh! and i kept walking thinking the driver would be like, whatever. but no! he honked and waved! yeah, at least he acknowledged me.
anyways, my sis should be home pretty soon. for the first time ever, my family is having thanksgiving at night. hopefully, we dont break out in huge fights. *knock on wood*
anyways, my sis should be home pretty soon. for the first time ever, my family is having thanksgiving at night. hopefully, we dont break out in huge fights. *knock on wood*
good morning everyone. im talking to my mom and she feels happy. and you know what? for the first time in a long while, me too. the fish tank is clean, i'm in my favorite pair of sweats, my bangs are finally beginning to look the way that i want them to, i actually look somewhat good in a skirt, i fit in a size eleven... even though thats a skirt from urban outfitters. harry potter in coming out in nine months, so, woo hoo.
so, i hung out with kat and israel. actually, first, i woke up and dragged myself to math class and then got picked up by my dad at 12:30. when i got home, i sat around in my empty house for about half an hour before i remembered that i didnt like being alone, so after asking my dad if i could illegally drive my car, i found myself on my usual route down 2nd street towards kats house. we watched a disc of family guy episodes which was really good times.
israel joined us and we headed to burbank where we ate at fuddruckers. i tried on clothes at urban outfitters. do you think the tweed look appeals to me?
after watching gothika, we saw lorenz, jp and ed. i also took pics of the harry potter cardboard thing.
oh yeah! some guy stepped on my camera during the movie now theres a dent RIGHT on the lens and the lens doesnt open completely unless i actually move the flap thingy. eh.
so, i hung out with kat and israel. actually, first, i woke up and dragged myself to math class and then got picked up by my dad at 12:30. when i got home, i sat around in my empty house for about half an hour before i remembered that i didnt like being alone, so after asking my dad if i could illegally drive my car, i found myself on my usual route down 2nd street towards kats house. we watched a disc of family guy episodes which was really good times.
israel joined us and we headed to burbank where we ate at fuddruckers. i tried on clothes at urban outfitters. do you think the tweed look appeals to me?
after watching gothika, we saw lorenz, jp and ed. i also took pics of the harry potter cardboard thing.
oh yeah! some guy stepped on my camera during the movie now theres a dent RIGHT on the lens and the lens doesnt open completely unless i actually move the flap thingy. eh.
martedì, novembre 25
heh. i had this amazing post to post i closed the window and that thing where they ask to save or whatever pops up didnt do anything
and the bizzare thing was that i was writing about what would happen in the institution that is the internet collapsed and everything was lost? that would be rather sad.
and the bizzare thing was that i was writing about what would happen in the institution that is the internet collapsed and everything was lost? that would be rather sad.
click here!
this is our awesome fire in action. i dont know how long the download is. by the way, the person handling the lighter fluid is KAT.
this is our awesome fire in action. i dont know how long the download is. by the way, the person handling the lighter fluid is KAT.
lunedì, novembre 24
pictures from my saturday
my house. how quaint.
the odometer. woo woo.
downtown la on kuya's arm.
uh.. yeah. we found those in a wizard of oz pop up book.
it was patrick the pup's 10th birthday. as you can see, kuya was sooo excited.
future friendster pic
our fire... word.
random pic
kat and i's toes.
our fire before it was taken by those people.
my house. how quaint.
the odometer. woo woo.
downtown la on kuya's arm.
uh.. yeah. we found those in a wizard of oz pop up book.
it was patrick the pup's 10th birthday. as you can see, kuya was sooo excited.
future friendster pic
our fire... word.
random pic
kat and i's toes.
our fire before it was taken by those people.
What to do if your mom discovers your blog?
the scary thing is that my mom is actually intellegent enough to find it. it frightens me.
and what do you get when you type in my name on yahoo? number one search return:
1. no title. no theme.
im vanessa. changed the skin again. ... de plan is dat we get away from our messy
lives for one day." word. barrios passed by at 12:53. ever watch seaquest? ... - 10k - Cached
the scary thing is that my mom is actually intellegent enough to find it. it frightens me.
and what do you get when you type in my name on yahoo? number one search return:
1. no title. no theme.
im vanessa. changed the skin again. ... de plan is dat we get away from our messy
lives for one day." word. barrios passed by at 12:53. ever watch seaquest? ... - 10k - Cached
sabato, novembre 22
home! well i was home yesterday. anyways... im actually in a good mood! yes, yes! and that goddamned wind aint gonna blow away my happiness. yeah.. .freakiness last night with that wind. i let trotsky in for a while because i was afraid he would blow away in the wind.
woo woo. yesterday i saw jeff in a way i've never seen him. in lavender. he was really beautiful. angie really enjoyed it! it was major roomie bonding times! we also saw the cutest skunk on the way back. he was sooooo cute! until it started raising its tail at us...
well today im hanging with everyone's favoritest manong/kuya, brian! woo woo! what are we going to do you ask? we are , and i quote... "de plan is dat we get away from our messy lives for one day."
woo woo. yesterday i saw jeff in a way i've never seen him. in lavender. he was really beautiful. angie really enjoyed it! it was major roomie bonding times! we also saw the cutest skunk on the way back. he was sooooo cute! until it started raising its tail at us...
well today im hanging with everyone's favoritest manong/kuya, brian! woo woo! what are we going to do you ask? we are , and i quote... "de plan is dat we get away from our messy lives for one day."
venerdì, novembre 21
giovedì, novembre 20
mercoledì, novembre 19
i had a dream last night. i dreamt that i was going down a water slide. a really dirty one... anyways, as i was slowly going down in it, i realized that people we're behind me. as i felt the water at the end on the tube. i realized that i was salt water and when i inhaled it, it felt sweet. when i fell into the ocean, it was a clear blue and the water was cold. i reached down and held a shell that had a hermit crab much like those mall kiosk things that sell hermit crabs. when i walked out of the ocean, i was at a funeral. i dont know who died, but i had a feeling it was some one from saint brendan. the front seat was occupied by my mother, my aunt and my dead grandmother. but it didnt seem like my grandma. but her voice was the same which is weird because i've almost forgotten what it sounds like. i started walking away from the funeral and i saw my teachers from saint brendan. i ended the dream at a skate shop at some strip mall. it was closed but i walked in anyways. i was going to steal a patch for my back pack but then i woke up.
hmm. eclectic.
hmm. eclectic.
martedì, novembre 18
oh. that was painful. fucking pensive-ness. i guess this is the reason why people dont stay up this late/early. when you end up staying awake with no one to talk to but yourself, you start to question your actions... you begin to aimlessly wander through the internet and stumble upon memories that were happy but are the memories that you are still trying to get over.
and then you remember that you worked hard for something to work. you put effort in and it was something that mattered in your otherwise useless life. but just by being yourself... it falls apart.
its makes you question not only who you are but why you became yourself.
i need to go to sleep. hopefully i'll get good dreams. i'm currently on a good streak. i havent been having happy dreams but they arent terrifying. i dreamt last night that i was opening shoe boxes. all of them were empty, except for one. i guess that dream just ended up making me feel depressed. i need ms knudsen to interpret that dream.
i need a kairos.
and then you remember that you worked hard for something to work. you put effort in and it was something that mattered in your otherwise useless life. but just by being yourself... it falls apart.
its makes you question not only who you are but why you became yourself.
i need to go to sleep. hopefully i'll get good dreams. i'm currently on a good streak. i havent been having happy dreams but they arent terrifying. i dreamt last night that i was opening shoe boxes. all of them were empty, except for one. i guess that dream just ended up making me feel depressed. i need ms knudsen to interpret that dream.
i need a kairos.
lunedì, novembre 17
weird thoughts at 3 am
i have a mirror that sits on my bed that is set at the right angle so i can watch the tv which is sitting right behind me. i was looking in that mirror and saw my back reflection in the tv screen which was off, pictured below
then looked at the tv screen and saw myself.
sorry. that was amusing when i thought of it. i'll probably wake up tomorrow and say, "what the hell was i thinking?"
i have a mirror that sits on my bed that is set at the right angle so i can watch the tv which is sitting right behind me. i was looking in that mirror and saw my back reflection in the tv screen which was off, pictured below
then looked at the tv screen and saw myself.
sorry. that was amusing when i thought of it. i'll probably wake up tomorrow and say, "what the hell was i thinking?"
domenica, novembre 16
Recorded by Ernest Tubb
Writers: Billy Cox and Clarke Van Ness
When the warships left Manila
Sailing proudly o'er the sea,
All the sailor's hearts were filled with fond regret
Looking backward to this island
Where they spent such happy hours
Making love to every pretty girl they met.
When up stepped a little sailor with his bright eyes all aglow
Sayin, "Take a look at my gal's photograph"
Then the sailors gathered round him just look upon her face
And he said, "I love my Filipino Baby."
She's my Filipino baby
She's my treasure and my pet
Her teeth are bright and pearly
And her hair is black as jet
Oh, her lips are sweet as honey
And her heart is true I know
She's my darlin' little Filipino Baby.
In a little rustic cottage in the far off Philippines
Dwells a pretty little maiden all alone
She is thinking of her true love, though he's far across the sea
And her heart beats true for him and him alone.
Then one day he whispered, "Darlin' I've come back from Caroline
I've come back to claim the only girl I love
Then that night there was a wedding while the ship's crew gathered 'round
And he wed his little Filipino Baby.
this is a song of the the american occupation of the philippines. damn you white man taking away the innocence of that filipino woman
Recorded by Ernest Tubb
Writers: Billy Cox and Clarke Van Ness
When the warships left Manila
Sailing proudly o'er the sea,
All the sailor's hearts were filled with fond regret
Looking backward to this island
Where they spent such happy hours
Making love to every pretty girl they met.
When up stepped a little sailor with his bright eyes all aglow
Sayin, "Take a look at my gal's photograph"
Then the sailors gathered round him just look upon her face
And he said, "I love my Filipino Baby."
She's my Filipino baby
She's my treasure and my pet
Her teeth are bright and pearly
And her hair is black as jet
Oh, her lips are sweet as honey
And her heart is true I know
She's my darlin' little Filipino Baby.
In a little rustic cottage in the far off Philippines
Dwells a pretty little maiden all alone
She is thinking of her true love, though he's far across the sea
And her heart beats true for him and him alone.
Then one day he whispered, "Darlin' I've come back from Caroline
I've come back to claim the only girl I love
Then that night there was a wedding while the ship's crew gathered 'round
And he wed his little Filipino Baby.
this is a song of the the american occupation of the philippines. damn you white man taking away the innocence of that filipino woman
procrastinations galore
1. name: vanessa
2. nicknames: vaness, ness, barrios
3. name that you wanted: i always wanted to be called by my initials. ok that was just me in 4th grade
4. DOB: 093085
5. astroSIGN: libra
6. school: rivesiiiide
7. your reputation: my large car... porbeee
8. toothpaste: aquafresh. i dont think that has ever changed.
9. braces: no
10. shave: special occasions
11. shampoo/soap: dove and olay.
12. fav pasttime: driving and hanging out
13. fav book: that bible the gideons where passed out on campus last week
14. fav play: rosencrantz and guildenstern are dead
15. book that taught you the most: how to be an ax murderer
16. reading now: the confessions of al-ghazzali
17. sport like to watch: swimming and iceskating
18. sport like to play: swimming
19. fav teams: lakers and ih pandas. haha.
20. # times wet the bed: i dont think i ever did...
21. article of clothing always wear: underwear
22. first best friend: nicole in kindergarten... whatever happened to her?
23. fav toy: haha. hahahaha.
24. fav cartoon: animaniacs!get it! they wer animated and they were maniacs!
25. shows watch: rich girls. heehee
26. shows hate: rich girls. hehehee
27. show that makes you laugh out loud: the simpsons.
28. movie musical: the wiz
29. sci/fi movie: is the matrix sci/fi?
30. scary movie: the sixth sense.
31. made you cry: i dont know
32. made you want to kick ass: kill bill vol. 1
33. feel good movie: uhh... stand and deliver!
34. guily pleasure movie: haha. uh... dangerous beauty!
35. romantic/ comedy: princess bride!
36. witty actors: eh?
37. song you have to dance to: smooth criminal!
38. song you have to sing to: when in rome, promise!
39. makes you happy: junior senior!
40. disco pleasure: how deep is your love! is that disco?
41. madonna/janet song: again
42. makes you sad: love ridden by fiona
43. cd that you've listened to way too much: dashboard confessional. way too many a time i listened to that on my way to school
44. artists/band: tori, fiona, lennon, mccartney, motion city soundtrack
45. store: target and the fish store i go to
46. restaurant: old spaghetti factory
47. drink: peach tea
48. dessert: ice cream. damn lactose intolerance
49. chocolate: i dont like hersheys chocolate. i like good chocolate
50. flower: orchids are nice. so are roses, red ones
51. ice cream flavor: sweet cream with irish crem flavoring with almonds
52. starbucks order: venti tazo tea lemonade on summer days and tall caramel macchiato on cold mornings
53. cereal: lucky charms
54. color: clear
55. fav curse word: crap
56. sound you love: the sound of cooking
57. sound hate: you know that sound you get when you get a messed up download of a song. i HATE that
58. when you arrive at the pearly gates of heaven, what would you like god to say: what are you doing here?
59. word that you replace for badword: fack
60. worst habit, besides procrastination: minesweeper. i just cleared the beginners mine in 8 seconds. woo woo
61. pet peeve: not being able to remember my pet peeves
62. what you're known for: my hair.
63. season of the year you love: autumn
64. if you were to commit suicide, what method: perhaps the path of sylvia plath or lux lisbon from the virgin suicides.
65. if you had to have relations with cartoon character which: mighty max!
66. if relations with same sex which: hehee someone really sexy
67. if you could be someone else, whom: eden bautista
68. if you were to get a piercing, where: i think i want 0 gauges now.
69. if you were to get a tattoo, where&what: the immaculate heart on my hip.
70. fav pickup line: hey can i have a picture? for what? so i can show santa what i want for christmas
71. instrument play/ want to play: piano and guitar. both played poorly
72. language want to learn: german
73. skill you wish you had: to swim with really good form
74. obsessions: friendster and flipflops
75. shortest/longest length of hair: 5th grade, chin length. i think before i cut my hair, that was the longest it was.
76. car you wish you drove: one with a smaller turn radius
77. must buy cd: motion city soundtrack
78. must buy movie: igby goes down
79. mustbuy dvd set: sex and the city season 3
80. anything else: this survey brought to you by kt, eden and erin. thanks guys.
1. name: vanessa
2. nicknames: vaness, ness, barrios
3. name that you wanted: i always wanted to be called by my initials. ok that was just me in 4th grade
4. DOB: 093085
5. astroSIGN: libra
6. school: rivesiiiide
7. your reputation: my large car... porbeee
8. toothpaste: aquafresh. i dont think that has ever changed.
9. braces: no
10. shave: special occasions
11. shampoo/soap: dove and olay.
12. fav pasttime: driving and hanging out
13. fav book: that bible the gideons where passed out on campus last week
14. fav play: rosencrantz and guildenstern are dead
15. book that taught you the most: how to be an ax murderer
16. reading now: the confessions of al-ghazzali
17. sport like to watch: swimming and iceskating
18. sport like to play: swimming
19. fav teams: lakers and ih pandas. haha.
20. # times wet the bed: i dont think i ever did...
21. article of clothing always wear: underwear
22. first best friend: nicole in kindergarten... whatever happened to her?
23. fav toy: haha. hahahaha.
24. fav cartoon: animaniacs!get it! they wer animated and they were maniacs!
25. shows watch: rich girls. heehee
26. shows hate: rich girls. hehehee
27. show that makes you laugh out loud: the simpsons.
28. movie musical: the wiz
29. sci/fi movie: is the matrix sci/fi?
30. scary movie: the sixth sense.
31. made you cry: i dont know
32. made you want to kick ass: kill bill vol. 1
33. feel good movie: uhh... stand and deliver!
34. guily pleasure movie: haha. uh... dangerous beauty!
35. romantic/ comedy: princess bride!
36. witty actors: eh?
37. song you have to dance to: smooth criminal!
38. song you have to sing to: when in rome, promise!
39. makes you happy: junior senior!
40. disco pleasure: how deep is your love! is that disco?
41. madonna/janet song: again
42. makes you sad: love ridden by fiona
43. cd that you've listened to way too much: dashboard confessional. way too many a time i listened to that on my way to school
44. artists/band: tori, fiona, lennon, mccartney, motion city soundtrack
45. store: target and the fish store i go to
46. restaurant: old spaghetti factory
47. drink: peach tea
48. dessert: ice cream. damn lactose intolerance
49. chocolate: i dont like hersheys chocolate. i like good chocolate
50. flower: orchids are nice. so are roses, red ones
51. ice cream flavor: sweet cream with irish crem flavoring with almonds
52. starbucks order: venti tazo tea lemonade on summer days and tall caramel macchiato on cold mornings
53. cereal: lucky charms
54. color: clear
55. fav curse word: crap
56. sound you love: the sound of cooking
57. sound hate: you know that sound you get when you get a messed up download of a song. i HATE that
58. when you arrive at the pearly gates of heaven, what would you like god to say: what are you doing here?
59. word that you replace for badword: fack
60. worst habit, besides procrastination: minesweeper. i just cleared the beginners mine in 8 seconds. woo woo
61. pet peeve: not being able to remember my pet peeves
62. what you're known for: my hair.
63. season of the year you love: autumn
64. if you were to commit suicide, what method: perhaps the path of sylvia plath or lux lisbon from the virgin suicides.
65. if you had to have relations with cartoon character which: mighty max!
66. if relations with same sex which: hehee someone really sexy
67. if you could be someone else, whom: eden bautista
68. if you were to get a piercing, where: i think i want 0 gauges now.
69. if you were to get a tattoo, where&what: the immaculate heart on my hip.
70. fav pickup line: hey can i have a picture? for what? so i can show santa what i want for christmas
71. instrument play/ want to play: piano and guitar. both played poorly
72. language want to learn: german
73. skill you wish you had: to swim with really good form
74. obsessions: friendster and flipflops
75. shortest/longest length of hair: 5th grade, chin length. i think before i cut my hair, that was the longest it was.
76. car you wish you drove: one with a smaller turn radius
77. must buy cd: motion city soundtrack
78. must buy movie: igby goes down
79. mustbuy dvd set: sex and the city season 3
80. anything else: this survey brought to you by kt, eden and erin. thanks guys.
mercoledì, novembre 12
waa. im back! christ man, i have to take this blog off hiatus. why? the trailer for harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban came out! WOO WOO!
seriously, i need to re-read that wonderful book because it took me 5 times of watching the trailer that that freaky ass looking hand was a dementor.
anyways. yes, im back. you cant resist me. im took rad for fads. and yeah, this is a boring ass skin. it wasnt much better before i messed around with it. i just threw the pig in. do something funny and if i catch it on my camera it might end up in place of the flying pig. word.
seriously, i need to re-read that wonderful book because it took me 5 times of watching the trailer that that freaky ass looking hand was a dementor.
anyways. yes, im back. you cant resist me. im took rad for fads. and yeah, this is a boring ass skin. it wasnt much better before i messed around with it. i just threw the pig in. do something funny and if i catch it on my camera it might end up in place of the flying pig. word.
mercoledì, novembre 5
martedì, novembre 4
hello children. how are you? me ? oh im just fine. wonderful, even. magnificent. great. simply fabulous.
meh. im feeling lethargic again. lethargic in the sense that im just feeling really sluggish. i dont feel like doing anything now.
i've been cleaning a lot. i'd do more, but i dont know where the hall vaccuum cleaner is.
thanksgiving is in 16 days. woo hoo. good times. danielle's coming home, so that'll be fun. wait... i have no car. looks like danielle's gonna be driving the civic all weekend.
you ever feel like you're putting effort into something and its just not working out for you? yeah, thats me.
oh i know why i've been in such a torpid mood. frikking winamp songlist!
A Perfect Circle - 3 Libra's
A Perfect Circle - Weak And Powerless
AFI - Synesthesia
Beatles - Come Together
Better Than Ezra - At The Stars
Bush - Come Down
Coldplay - Don't Panic
Coldplay - Shiver
Coldplay - Sparks
Counting Crows - Colorblind
Dave Matthews Band - Crash into Me
Dave Matthews Band - Crush
Dave Matthews Band - Where Are You Going
Deftones - Minerva
Jimi Hendrix - Castles Made Of Sand
Jimi Hendrix - Little Wing
Jimmy Eat World - For Me This Is Heaven
Jimmy Eat World - Goodbye Sky Harbor
Mazzy Star - Fade Into You
Norah Jones - Don't Know Why
Portishead - Nobody Loves Me
Radiohead - Dollars And Cents
Radiohead - High and Dry
Radiohead - Hunting Bears
Radiohead - I Might Be Wrong
Radiohead - Knives Out
Radiohead - Life in a Glass House
Radiohead - Pyramid Song
Radiohead - You and Whose Army?
Smashing Pumpkins - Perfect
Something Corporate - Konstantine
Travis - As You Are
Weezer - Only in Dreams
meh. im feeling lethargic again. lethargic in the sense that im just feeling really sluggish. i dont feel like doing anything now.
i've been cleaning a lot. i'd do more, but i dont know where the hall vaccuum cleaner is.
thanksgiving is in 16 days. woo hoo. good times. danielle's coming home, so that'll be fun. wait... i have no car. looks like danielle's gonna be driving the civic all weekend.
you ever feel like you're putting effort into something and its just not working out for you? yeah, thats me.
oh i know why i've been in such a torpid mood. frikking winamp songlist!
A Perfect Circle - 3 Libra's
A Perfect Circle - Weak And Powerless
AFI - Synesthesia
Beatles - Come Together
Better Than Ezra - At The Stars
Bush - Come Down
Coldplay - Don't Panic
Coldplay - Shiver
Coldplay - Sparks
Counting Crows - Colorblind
Dave Matthews Band - Crash into Me
Dave Matthews Band - Crush
Dave Matthews Band - Where Are You Going
Deftones - Minerva
Jimi Hendrix - Castles Made Of Sand
Jimi Hendrix - Little Wing
Jimmy Eat World - For Me This Is Heaven
Jimmy Eat World - Goodbye Sky Harbor
Mazzy Star - Fade Into You
Norah Jones - Don't Know Why
Portishead - Nobody Loves Me
Radiohead - Dollars And Cents
Radiohead - High and Dry
Radiohead - Hunting Bears
Radiohead - I Might Be Wrong
Radiohead - Knives Out
Radiohead - Life in a Glass House
Radiohead - Pyramid Song
Radiohead - You and Whose Army?
Smashing Pumpkins - Perfect
Something Corporate - Konstantine
Travis - As You Are
Weezer - Only in Dreams
lunedì, novembre 3
domenica, novembre 2
sabato, novembre 1
"it makes me feel" - eden on my guitar playing.
fun times for my halloween/all saints day.
well i went home with lauren and robin G! oh i miss her! that was fun... slow... times. except for that woman without a nose we saw... *shudder*
it was quite cold and rainly last night. i love cold. i love cold with a passion. i was a catholic school girl for halloween. a st. brendan catholic school girl. and kat was a christ the king school girl. word. we went to Conrads to visit katie and watch her seat people. yay kt!
i slept over at eden's house with lauren. that was cool times. leslie, guzman and hailey hung out too. apple juice and arm wrestling. word.
today i hung out with eden. i was her model. i was captain underpants and i ran with my flail. i seriously want to see how those pictures turn out.
fun times for my halloween/all saints day.
well i went home with lauren and robin G! oh i miss her! that was fun... slow... times. except for that woman without a nose we saw... *shudder*
it was quite cold and rainly last night. i love cold. i love cold with a passion. i was a catholic school girl for halloween. a st. brendan catholic school girl. and kat was a christ the king school girl. word. we went to Conrads to visit katie and watch her seat people. yay kt!
i slept over at eden's house with lauren. that was cool times. leslie, guzman and hailey hung out too. apple juice and arm wrestling. word.
today i hung out with eden. i was her model. i was captain underpants and i ran with my flail. i seriously want to see how those pictures turn out.
venerdì, ottobre 31
mercoledì, ottobre 29
"well now it's on again, it's dawn again. yeah yeah
and we're alright we're up all night
to see the sun come up again now
just one more time, no reason why
to see the sun come up again "
things i miss about late nights:
- random thoughts
- remembering random songs to download
- taking random pictures
- thinking of brilliant things to write
- seeing the window and realizing that its light already.
and we're alright we're up all night
to see the sun come up again now
just one more time, no reason why
to see the sun come up again "
things i miss about late nights:
- random thoughts
- remembering random songs to download
- taking random pictures
- thinking of brilliant things to write
- seeing the window and realizing that its light already.
its different. i know. not as different as a total re-skinning because im too lazy to do that. the pig is flying. the fruits of my non-sleepingness. anyhoo, i've been good. my bangs are starting to behave fairly well and my hair is slowly groing back. i'll keep up my bangs. unless you all dont like them. i already got a vote yes from faiza.
martedì, ottobre 28
lunedì, ottobre 27
domenica, ottobre 26
"as i layed on my bed and looked up and admired the beautiful sky, i thought to myself, where the hell is my ceiling?" me, quoting a line that i heard long, last night.
that, my friend, was the sky yesterday. frightning isnt it? god is smiting us.
well, the sky hasnt cleared up at all. oh. to fill you all in... theres fire everywhere. and to quote brian, "whats that glowing up there..."
the brush fires that are to the north of riverside have caused a smell of "burning eggplant" outside. yes lovely. the sky is raining in ashes which has mimicked, in a far less creepier way, that scene from schindlers list. the sky is literally orange. the sun's rays are orange too.
that, my friend, was the sky yesterday. frightning isnt it? god is smiting us.
well, the sky hasnt cleared up at all. oh. to fill you all in... theres fire everywhere. and to quote brian, "whats that glowing up there..."
the brush fires that are to the north of riverside have caused a smell of "burning eggplant" outside. yes lovely. the sky is raining in ashes which has mimicked, in a far less creepier way, that scene from schindlers list. the sky is literally orange. the sun's rays are orange too.
venerdì, ottobre 24
giovedì, ottobre 23
lunedì, ottobre 20
domenica, ottobre 19
pics from leslies thing/my weekend.
those humongously big phones at the body shop
leslie... appreciating bob.
the six of us. kat and israel are there in spirit.
eden... looking 'hookish'
yeah... thats what we said.
the infamous red hair! aint it pretty!?
lorenz's pic of being trapped in the backseat of eden's car is on hold because it is being difficult with me. tune back later.
the cigarette garden!
the many faces of...
the illegal handstand at hollywood and highland
on our way back. i took this pic.
yeah.. that was probably a whole lotta bandwidth right there forr yah... anyways. i'll move this pics onto a page specially made for pics. that will probably happen when i have internet again... and free time...
those humongously big phones at the body shop
leslie... appreciating bob.
the six of us. kat and israel are there in spirit.
eden... looking 'hookish'
yeah... thats what we said.
the infamous red hair! aint it pretty!?
lorenz's pic of being trapped in the backseat of eden's car is on hold because it is being difficult with me. tune back later.
the cigarette garden!
the many faces of...
the illegal handstand at hollywood and highland
on our way back. i took this pic.
yeah.. that was probably a whole lotta bandwidth right there forr yah... anyways. i'll move this pics onto a page specially made for pics. that will probably happen when i have internet again... and free time...
alright folks. heres some of my weekend and even some of my week for you.
yes, as i've told people, my internet is down in riverside... for only my connection in my room. interesting. i left riverside on friday at around 3 in the afternoon with my birthday buddy, lauren. we traveled through the 60 to the 57 north to the 210 to the 5 to her house waaaay up in the hills in los fielz. my god i am JEALOUS of that house. geee willikers. it has an amazing view, just like leslies house... oh! and yes! leslie was another reason why we went home in the first place! it was her birthday on friday! wooow... 19. last year of teenager-dom. and to celebrate that, a party a bobs big boy. anyways... lauren and i meet up with eden and head over to the galleria to get leslies present. no, we are NOT procrastinators, we simply had no means of buying her a present! really!
seriously, cant describe the night evens better than eden's blog.
to sum it up:
cool cars
traffic 134 east
lorenz' fixation on erupted dogs
scary u-turns
lauren's beyonce dance
my "side salad and brownie sundae"
passing willoughby drive three times throughout the night
kill bill
lorenz as prisoner
guzman's layers and layers of clothing
and leslie's magnificent RED hair. oh man. i LOVE her hair a lot.
while walking into the movie theater, who should be walking out by klara m and tiana! fun immac people times.
kill bill was a funky movie which i really enjoyed. its also the first movie i've watched in a while since pirates of the carriabean with jeff. craazy.
anyways, i ended up sleeping over at usc on a couch after watching the most bizarre infomercials... 6 second abs and that 4 in one dolly, step ladder and stuff.
i woke up at 10:40 and headed over to my house which was totally deserted. kat picked me up at 12:35 for debut practice which was at dings house. katie's smooth criminal dance is sOOOOO graceful... everyone, follow katie. :) i was kat's partner today due to our mutal lack of partners. we learned the salsa swing thing. YAY! WE GET DIPPED! heehee. oh man, it was too funny today. good times.
after that, i went to target with kat and her mom. heehee. i bought a mini shopping cart for no apparent reason. yaaay! also: kat and i now have the same bed sheets. so when we get tired of our old sheets, we'll have sexy red beds! woo hoo
for dinner i had el gran and finally i headed home. i ended up falling asleep on the plastic covered couch in my computer room at 8:30 while watching the nightmare before christmas on channel five. i moved to my bed at 10ish and fell asleep more only to be awaken by at t phone call from jef at 2am. i fell asleep again and wokeup at 3am to shower and what not. i tried to fall asleep again which didnt work so therefore i am here blogging about my attempts to go to sleep at 5:40 in the morning. yes. this is good for my sleeping habits.
my dad is arriving home at 1pm tomorrow and im going back to riverside with lauren at around 3. yaaay.
yes, as i've told people, my internet is down in riverside... for only my connection in my room. interesting. i left riverside on friday at around 3 in the afternoon with my birthday buddy, lauren. we traveled through the 60 to the 57 north to the 210 to the 5 to her house waaaay up in the hills in los fielz. my god i am JEALOUS of that house. geee willikers. it has an amazing view, just like leslies house... oh! and yes! leslie was another reason why we went home in the first place! it was her birthday on friday! wooow... 19. last year of teenager-dom. and to celebrate that, a party a bobs big boy. anyways... lauren and i meet up with eden and head over to the galleria to get leslies present. no, we are NOT procrastinators, we simply had no means of buying her a present! really!
seriously, cant describe the night evens better than eden's blog.
to sum it up:
cool cars
traffic 134 east
lorenz' fixation on erupted dogs
scary u-turns
lauren's beyonce dance
my "side salad and brownie sundae"
passing willoughby drive three times throughout the night
kill bill
lorenz as prisoner
guzman's layers and layers of clothing
and leslie's magnificent RED hair. oh man. i LOVE her hair a lot.
while walking into the movie theater, who should be walking out by klara m and tiana! fun immac people times.
kill bill was a funky movie which i really enjoyed. its also the first movie i've watched in a while since pirates of the carriabean with jeff. craazy.
anyways, i ended up sleeping over at usc on a couch after watching the most bizarre infomercials... 6 second abs and that 4 in one dolly, step ladder and stuff.
i woke up at 10:40 and headed over to my house which was totally deserted. kat picked me up at 12:35 for debut practice which was at dings house. katie's smooth criminal dance is sOOOOO graceful... everyone, follow katie. :) i was kat's partner today due to our mutal lack of partners. we learned the salsa swing thing. YAY! WE GET DIPPED! heehee. oh man, it was too funny today. good times.
after that, i went to target with kat and her mom. heehee. i bought a mini shopping cart for no apparent reason. yaaay! also: kat and i now have the same bed sheets. so when we get tired of our old sheets, we'll have sexy red beds! woo hoo
for dinner i had el gran and finally i headed home. i ended up falling asleep on the plastic covered couch in my computer room at 8:30 while watching the nightmare before christmas on channel five. i moved to my bed at 10ish and fell asleep more only to be awaken by at t phone call from jef at 2am. i fell asleep again and wokeup at 3am to shower and what not. i tried to fall asleep again which didnt work so therefore i am here blogging about my attempts to go to sleep at 5:40 in the morning. yes. this is good for my sleeping habits.
my dad is arriving home at 1pm tomorrow and im going back to riverside with lauren at around 3. yaaay.
sabato, ottobre 18
giovedì, ottobre 16
wow. i hate mathxl. anyways. how about a real blog? uhh... so! how bout that picture of britney? should i post another one? yah? yah? uh huh... i bet you want that dont you! oh well. too bad for you. anyways, school has been pretty cool. met cool people and im enjoying my living situation. i have the neatest roomate in the world. its great. the room always looks at LEAST half clean. i have an embarrasing amount of shoes and i have embarrasingly expensive moisturizer, yet i have practically no clothes hanging in my closet. its pretty funny.
anyways, i cut my hair short... its shoulder length. i dont like it. it gets pouffy at night. i seriously should have kept my long hair with out bangs. it would shave off so much time in the morning if i just threw my hair in a bun and walked out the door. blah *waits for har to grow*
for halloween, maybe i'll be someone who got stood up for prom again. that'll be a hoot. i wonder if my dress still fits. anyhoo, if my parents got let my stow it away in the car i'll just sneak back my immac uniform and ahely and i will be women of great heart *pound chest with fist twice* and right conscience*taps temple*.
anyways, i cut my hair short... its shoulder length. i dont like it. it gets pouffy at night. i seriously should have kept my long hair with out bangs. it would shave off so much time in the morning if i just threw my hair in a bun and walked out the door. blah *waits for har to grow*
for halloween, maybe i'll be someone who got stood up for prom again. that'll be a hoot. i wonder if my dress still fits. anyhoo, if my parents got let my stow it away in the car i'll just sneak back my immac uniform and ahely and i will be women of great heart *pound chest with fist twice* and right conscience*taps temple*.
mercoledì, ottobre 15
martedì, ottobre 14
lunedì, ottobre 13
giovedì, ottobre 9
"love ridden, i’ve looked at you
with the focus I gave to my birthday candles
i’ve wished on the lidded blue flames
under your brow
and baby, i wished for you
nobody sees when you are lying in your bed
and i wanna crawl in with you
but i cry instead
i want your warm, but it will only make
me colder when it's over
so I can’t tonight, baby
no, not ‘baby’ anymore - if i need you
i’ll just use your simple name
only kisses on the cheek from now on
and in a little while, we’ll only have to wave
my hand won’t hold you down no more
the path is clear to follow through
i stood too long in the way of the door
and now i’m giving up on you
no, not ‘baby’ anymore - if i need you
i’ll just use your simple name
only kisses on the cheek from now on
and in a little while, we’ll only have to wave
no, not ‘baby’ anymore - if i need you
i’ll just use your simple name
only kisses on the cheek from now on
and in a little while, we’ll only have to wave"
with the focus I gave to my birthday candles
i’ve wished on the lidded blue flames
under your brow
and baby, i wished for you
nobody sees when you are lying in your bed
and i wanna crawl in with you
but i cry instead
i want your warm, but it will only make
me colder when it's over
so I can’t tonight, baby
no, not ‘baby’ anymore - if i need you
i’ll just use your simple name
only kisses on the cheek from now on
and in a little while, we’ll only have to wave
my hand won’t hold you down no more
the path is clear to follow through
i stood too long in the way of the door
no, not ‘baby’ anymore - if i need you
i’ll just use your simple name
only kisses on the cheek from now on
and in a little while, we’ll only have to wave
no, not ‘baby’ anymore - if i need you
i’ll just use your simple name
only kisses on the cheek from now on
and in a little while, we’ll only have to wave"
mercoledì, ottobre 8
Ted: Food & Wine Connoisseur
Which Member from Queer Eye for the Straight Guy is your type?
brought to you by Quizilla
martedì, ottobre 7
Other returns had Schwarzenegger ahead with 1,439,374 votes; Democratic Lt. Gov. Cruz Bustamante (news - web sites) with 924,423; Republican state Sen. Tom McClintock (news - web sites) with 376,068; and Green Party candidate Peter Camejo (news - web sites) with 70,554.
oHHH camejo was only 1,368,820 votes behind!
oHHH camejo was only 1,368,820 votes behind!
lunedì, ottobre 6
"Well, she's walking through the clouds,
With a circus mind that's running wild,
Butterflies and Zebras,
And Moonbeams and fairy tales.
That's all she ever thinks about.
Riding with the wind.
When I'm sad, she comes to me,
With a thousand smiles she gives to me free.
It's alright, she says it's alright,
Take anything you want from me,
Fly on little wing."
can still be that?
With a circus mind that's running wild,
Butterflies and Zebras,
And Moonbeams and fairy tales.
That's all she ever thinks about.
Riding with the wind.
When I'm sad, she comes to me,
With a thousand smiles she gives to me free.
It's alright, she says it's alright,
Take anything you want from me,
Fly on little wing."
can still be that?
domenica, ottobre 5
fucking fuck fuck
dad: hi! we're coming over!
me: really? why?
dad: because we want to have dinner... and you have to sign something
me: sign what
dad: the insurance
dad: we're taking you off the insurance for the mercedes
me: WHAT? WHY?
dad: because you're too expensive and you're not driving it
me: yeah? whos fault is that that im not driving it?
fuck them. im not letting them up here.
dad: hi! we're coming over!
me: really? why?
dad: because we want to have dinner... and you have to sign something
me: sign what
dad: the insurance
dad: we're taking you off the insurance for the mercedes
me: WHAT? WHY?
dad: because you're too expensive and you're not driving it
me: yeah? whos fault is that that im not driving it?
fuck them. im not letting them up here.
venerdì, ottobre 3
mercoledì, ottobre 1
my birthday:
holy poo! my birthday was SOO cool! so, about 30 minutes after i posted that last post, i walked over to meet up with jeff at a&i, the dorm thats the midpoint between jeff and me. well, we start walking and he suggests we take the dark scenic route through the barracks, aka family housing. we spot a playground, so we hang around there. we swung on the swings. we monkied on the monkey bars, and jeff did chin ups. so, after much adieu, we headed for his apartment.
let me set up the scene for you all. its dark. his apartment is TOTALLY clean. he lead me into the bedroom to stash me away because he has to set up this dinner he made for me... so im sitting inside, and i need to pee. so for some reason, i feel the need to inform him of this fact. and as i open the door to tell him "i need to use the restroom" i see belinda rush out of vlads room. so then i was thinking... oh! jeff got some people to show up tonight! thats so cool. so i use the restroom and i after im finished, i come out and... PAH! the lights turn on and they say, surprise! and who is they, you ask? well that would be ian, ej, vlad, christine chang, sharlene, belinda (of course), KAT, israel (who i havent seen is such a long time), leslie, guzman and jeff! wowsers naman! i knew that belinda was here but aLL those people? that was a true surprise.
so we ate cake. there were two cakes, one the vlad and jeff made and one from food for less. the one that jeff made was 100% times better than the store bought one.
OH! presents we SOOO cool! kat got me, Unusually Rich-But Not Greasy At All-Hand Cream from Kiehls!! belinda, christine and sharlene got me a box of oatmeal cookies, chocolate and a thong. leslie and guzman got me really pretty flowers, with cardinal purple carnations? jeff got me underwear! yay! *giddy dance* and lotion, bubble bath and body splash in Tender Whisper! it smells pretty too.
the fun highlight of the night was indian poker. thanks to israel's ever changing games.. "bullshit, texas hold'em (jeff's suggestion actually), regular poker!" we all started to be interested in indian poker because it was the easiest. for those who dont know how that works, this is how it goes. and even number of people get dealt out on card. they're not allowed to see that one card. then , at all the same time, you raise the card, face out, to your forehead and you challenge people. challenge meaning "i think my card i higher than yours, and i bet you... a glass of water! ok all, you may think that might be pretty weak, but water is fucking HARD. by the end of that part of the game, belinda and kat each drank a cup of water, jeff drank one cup of water and israel drank 3 cups! after running out of water, we decided to use sode, because we had such a surplus. at the end, i drank one sunkist and a sprite, guzman CHUGGED three sodas, isarel drank 4, jeff drank 3 and vlad... at a whopping 5. oh man, we're WE all hyper. and burping... A LOT. we heard some interesting belches. hehe
in any case, i had such an awesome birthday party, thanks to everyone that came. and thanks soooo much to jeff, who organized it all. i love you ALL
holy poo! my birthday was SOO cool! so, about 30 minutes after i posted that last post, i walked over to meet up with jeff at a&i, the dorm thats the midpoint between jeff and me. well, we start walking and he suggests we take the dark scenic route through the barracks, aka family housing. we spot a playground, so we hang around there. we swung on the swings. we monkied on the monkey bars, and jeff did chin ups. so, after much adieu, we headed for his apartment.
let me set up the scene for you all. its dark. his apartment is TOTALLY clean. he lead me into the bedroom to stash me away because he has to set up this dinner he made for me... so im sitting inside, and i need to pee. so for some reason, i feel the need to inform him of this fact. and as i open the door to tell him "i need to use the restroom" i see belinda rush out of vlads room. so then i was thinking... oh! jeff got some people to show up tonight! thats so cool. so i use the restroom and i after im finished, i come out and... PAH! the lights turn on and they say, surprise! and who is they, you ask? well that would be ian, ej, vlad, christine chang, sharlene, belinda (of course), KAT, israel (who i havent seen is such a long time), leslie, guzman and jeff! wowsers naman! i knew that belinda was here but aLL those people? that was a true surprise.
so we ate cake. there were two cakes, one the vlad and jeff made and one from food for less. the one that jeff made was 100% times better than the store bought one.
OH! presents we SOOO cool! kat got me, Unusually Rich-But Not Greasy At All-Hand Cream from Kiehls!! belinda, christine and sharlene got me a box of oatmeal cookies, chocolate and a thong. leslie and guzman got me really pretty flowers, with cardinal purple carnations? jeff got me underwear! yay! *giddy dance* and lotion, bubble bath and body splash in Tender Whisper! it smells pretty too.
the fun highlight of the night was indian poker. thanks to israel's ever changing games.. "bullshit, texas hold'em (jeff's suggestion actually), regular poker!" we all started to be interested in indian poker because it was the easiest. for those who dont know how that works, this is how it goes. and even number of people get dealt out on card. they're not allowed to see that one card. then , at all the same time, you raise the card, face out, to your forehead and you challenge people. challenge meaning "i think my card i higher than yours, and i bet you... a glass of water! ok all, you may think that might be pretty weak, but water is fucking HARD. by the end of that part of the game, belinda and kat each drank a cup of water, jeff drank one cup of water and israel drank 3 cups! after running out of water, we decided to use sode, because we had such a surplus. at the end, i drank one sunkist and a sprite, guzman CHUGGED three sodas, isarel drank 4, jeff drank 3 and vlad... at a whopping 5. oh man, we're WE all hyper. and burping... A LOT. we heard some interesting belches. hehe
in any case, i had such an awesome birthday party, thanks to everyone that came. and thanks soooo much to jeff, who organized it all. i love you ALL
martedì, settembre 30
my birthday so far:
i talked with jeff during the transition of september 29th to 30th. good times! my RA made me a sign saying happy birthday so people came by and said happy birthday to me. good times. i woke up to my dad calling me, and three texts from eden, katie and alisha! ding later called and we talked for a while. aww i miss bethel! i got up and had a birthday breakfast with lauren. then i went to sign up for a swim class which is basically... swimming. so its good times. they sang happy bday in my math lab and after i walked back to my room. my mom finally called me and so did my sister. i had to head over to my next class which was cool and my other discussion. oh! eden "walked" me back to my dorm. haha :)
well now im here. im headed for jeff's soon, sooo.
i talked with jeff during the transition of september 29th to 30th. good times! my RA made me a sign saying happy birthday so people came by and said happy birthday to me. good times. i woke up to my dad calling me, and three texts from eden, katie and alisha! ding later called and we talked for a while. aww i miss bethel! i got up and had a birthday breakfast with lauren. then i went to sign up for a swim class which is basically... swimming. so its good times. they sang happy bday in my math lab and after i walked back to my room. my mom finally called me and so did my sister. i had to head over to my next class which was cool and my other discussion. oh! eden "walked" me back to my dorm. haha :)
well now im here. im headed for jeff's soon, sooo.
lunedì, settembre 29
how sad.
anyways, i did my laundry today and a girl doing her laundry at the same time as me accidentally left a red piece of paper in one of her jean pockets during the wash. all her jeans turned an ugly splotchy red. i dont know why i just shared that with you. but it sucks to be her!
i had lunch with jeff, belinda and other a phi o people. it just occured to me that i didnt say "bye" or "nice meeting you" to any of them. yikes.
well. today has been my last day of seventeen. hmm. is it the age of eighteen or twenty-one where you get considered to be an adult?
but i do hope to
domenica, settembre 28
venerdì, settembre 26
so cool times today!
i didnt have class because i dont have class on friday. dont worry all, i'll be all cramped with classes by next quarter. anyhoo i basically stayed in my room all day except for the morning. there was a block party on campus and thrice played. pretty cool but jeff and i got separated and he got trampled on and i got groped (gross) but i got to the front for part of it, so it was pretty cool. after the concert i met some a phi o people, pretty cool. we'll see if i pledge.
well now i back at my dorm, thanks to a ride from jeff's big, ian. good times. but i feel gross. sweaty and gross. anyways, i'll be in los angeles tomorrow and that'll be fun times at bethel's debut practice. hard to believe that two weeks ago we saw rufio. craaazy.
i didnt have class because i dont have class on friday. dont worry all, i'll be all cramped with classes by next quarter. anyhoo i basically stayed in my room all day except for the morning. there was a block party on campus and thrice played. pretty cool but jeff and i got separated and he got trampled on and i got groped (gross) but i got to the front for part of it, so it was pretty cool. after the concert i met some a phi o people, pretty cool. we'll see if i pledge.
well now i back at my dorm, thanks to a ride from jeff's big, ian. good times. but i feel gross. sweaty and gross. anyways, i'll be in los angeles tomorrow and that'll be fun times at bethel's debut practice. hard to believe that two weeks ago we saw rufio. craaazy.
giovedì, settembre 25
mercoledì, settembre 24
well the past few days have been pleasant.
riverside is not too bad. the people on my floor are loud and ... loud, but in general pretty nice. i live in what they here in the building i live in, lothian, call the cave. why? because i live past the part where most people think the hall ends. visit me to find out what that means. my roommate is really nice. the guy who lives next door to me knows a bunch of people from immac like bel, chon and esther. the girls down my hall think im a genius because i fixed their lamp that the guy who lives next to themcouldnt. oh! and ahely lives down my hall!
jeff's apartment is a pleasant 15 minute walk from my dorm. i think its great that walking therfe takes less time than driving from my house to his in whittier. very nice apartment. i helped his big from a phi o build his futon and i built his nightstand. fun times.
my dorm is dorm-sized, so i really cant say anything.
yeah cool time.
riverside is not too bad. the people on my floor are loud and ... loud, but in general pretty nice. i live in what they here in the building i live in, lothian, call the cave. why? because i live past the part where most people think the hall ends. visit me to find out what that means. my roommate is really nice. the guy who lives next door to me knows a bunch of people from immac like bel, chon and esther. the girls down my hall think im a genius because i fixed their lamp that the guy who lives next to themcouldnt. oh! and ahely lives down my hall!
jeff's apartment is a pleasant 15 minute walk from my dorm. i think its great that walking therfe takes less time than driving from my house to his in whittier. very nice apartment. i helped his big from a phi o build his futon and i built his nightstand. fun times.
my dorm is dorm-sized, so i really cant say anything.
yeah cool time.
domenica, settembre 21
sabato, settembre 20
uhh. im in east lothian in the their comp lab. apparently, theres a virus going around and they're recommending us to not connected to the internet...
anyhoo.. YAY! college stuffage. im con belinda pingol! and shes drinking wild cherry pepsi! wah hoo.
my roommate's pretty cool. we both like the same type of music... ie radiohead, fiona apple, tori.. yeah
and thats all.
anyhoo.. YAY! college stuffage. im con belinda pingol! and shes drinking wild cherry pepsi! wah hoo.
my roommate's pretty cool. we both like the same type of music... ie radiohead, fiona apple, tori.. yeah
and thats all.
venerdì, settembre 19
giovedì, settembre 18
mercoledì, settembre 17
My inner child is sixteen years old!
Life's not fair! It's never been fair, but while
adults might just accept that, I know
something's gotta change. And it's gonna
change, just as soon as I become an adult and
get some power of my own.
How Old is Your Inner Child?
brought to you by Quizilla
how utterly accurate.
well.. on tuesday, i hung out with jeff and today, i tried to open a checking account at washington mutual but apparently you have to be 18 for that. the things i have to wait for for free cheking. then i hung out wiht jeffrey.
domenica, settembre 14
alas. so things have happened in the past few days.
one: jeff and i recognized our 16 months together. :)
two: i took my mom the arcadia in the thick thick morning fog and dropped by jo's house at 8:30 in the morning and later headed to welcome day. those freshmn are some durned cute. lets hope they're not as sexually active as some people the in the previous freshman class. and durned faculty and they're 'immaculate hogwarts'. maybe they'll get a clue and make it a reality. that would be rad
three: met up with kat at immac and headed back to jo's where we were later joined by katie, eden, ding, grass and our old friend yuca's. after that, i parted to pick up my mom and then to jeff a work to pick him up for... the rufio concert!
so man.. the concert at the Troubadour was pretty damned awesome. i got me self a rufio tee shirt for 12 bucks. the first band was pretty cool. the second band sounded like radiohead so i really dug that. they seemed a little out of place except for the second to the last song, but all in all pretty good. the third band, motion city sound track was sooooo rad, especially the keyboad dude and his acrobatice skills. and then rufio was sooooooo faaaaaacking good. man. kat was just bouncing and moshing away to the front and i was just pushing and moving with the crowd. but maan it was crazy. i fell once and three people pulled me back up and i almost fell just jeff caught me in time. in the end, they played "still" which was craaaazay. we also had a huge group with us.. brian, bethel, kat, jo , norm, bel, keith, and of course jeff and me. after the concert we ate at "el gran burrito" next to the subway station. yum.
four: today was lauren's birthday thang. i was the first there because... yeah hehe. anyways, when i got there, lauren and her cousin anthony who i met at a JSA convention where watching bringing down the house. gabi was the second to arrive and them leslie, guzman, erin, rushayne, laura, hailey and renee arrived in her four dolla skirt. the food was good and so was sitting in a circle and talking about random things. eden described it pretty well, and i quote, from her blog... "after sitting around, waltzing,fiddling around with Anthony's guitar, and the usual dose of random things..lauren thought that it would be lovely to sit at the park and do the same thing." so we did.
and another thing... EDEN IS MY TWIN. for serious. 1) we drive big cars and we haul people around. 2) we both we're watching that "according to jim" episode a week ago. 3) we both had that circle blog. 4) her blog layout now and my previous blog layout looks similar. 5) we both have the same class ring (blue stone, yellow gold) 6)we both have the SAME kind of levi's jeans. 7) we both heart aimee mann songs.
so there. is that not the best proof? yes.
when we got back to lauren's grandparents' house, we played "in my world" guzman got it really quickly! like... when eden, leslie, lauren, renee, grass and erin we throwing things out, he piped in with the right answer! wowsas! then leslie got it, then grass, then i had to write it out for erin, eden and renee. lauren will soon figure it out.
after lauren's shin-dig, i headed for dockweiler beach and met up with bj, belinda, keith and of course, jeff. i stuck around for a little bit but then took jeff home. his knees we're killing him, so i left his house at 11 and now im home. yay! and the weekend isnt even over yet!
one: jeff and i recognized our 16 months together. :)
two: i took my mom the arcadia in the thick thick morning fog and dropped by jo's house at 8:30 in the morning and later headed to welcome day. those freshmn are some durned cute. lets hope they're not as sexually active as some people the in the previous freshman class. and durned faculty and they're 'immaculate hogwarts'. maybe they'll get a clue and make it a reality. that would be rad
three: met up with kat at immac and headed back to jo's where we were later joined by katie, eden, ding, grass and our old friend yuca's. after that, i parted to pick up my mom and then to jeff a work to pick him up for... the rufio concert!
so man.. the concert at the Troubadour was pretty damned awesome. i got me self a rufio tee shirt for 12 bucks. the first band was pretty cool. the second band sounded like radiohead so i really dug that. they seemed a little out of place except for the second to the last song, but all in all pretty good. the third band, motion city sound track was sooooo rad, especially the keyboad dude and his acrobatice skills. and then rufio was sooooooo faaaaaacking good. man. kat was just bouncing and moshing away to the front and i was just pushing and moving with the crowd. but maan it was crazy. i fell once and three people pulled me back up and i almost fell just jeff caught me in time. in the end, they played "still" which was craaaazay. we also had a huge group with us.. brian, bethel, kat, jo , norm, bel, keith, and of course jeff and me. after the concert we ate at "el gran burrito" next to the subway station. yum.
four: today was lauren's birthday thang. i was the first there because... yeah hehe. anyways, when i got there, lauren and her cousin anthony who i met at a JSA convention where watching bringing down the house. gabi was the second to arrive and them leslie, guzman, erin, rushayne, laura, hailey and renee arrived in her four dolla skirt. the food was good and so was sitting in a circle and talking about random things. eden described it pretty well, and i quote, from her blog... "after sitting around, waltzing,fiddling around with Anthony's guitar, and the usual dose of random things..lauren thought that it would be lovely to sit at the park and do the same thing." so we did.
and another thing... EDEN IS MY TWIN. for serious. 1) we drive big cars and we haul people around. 2) we both we're watching that "according to jim" episode a week ago. 3) we both had that circle blog. 4) her blog layout now and my previous blog layout looks similar. 5) we both have the same class ring (blue stone, yellow gold) 6)we both have the SAME kind of levi's jeans. 7) we both heart aimee mann songs.
so there. is that not the best proof? yes.
when we got back to lauren's grandparents' house, we played "in my world" guzman got it really quickly! like... when eden, leslie, lauren, renee, grass and erin we throwing things out, he piped in with the right answer! wowsas! then leslie got it, then grass, then i had to write it out for erin, eden and renee. lauren will soon figure it out.
after lauren's shin-dig, i headed for dockweiler beach and met up with bj, belinda, keith and of course, jeff. i stuck around for a little bit but then took jeff home. his knees we're killing him, so i left his house at 11 and now im home. yay! and the weekend isnt even over yet!
mercoledì, settembre 10
martedì, settembre 9
so today, because i seriously cannot leave my house, i went blog hopping. but serious blog hopping. like... clicking on links. and like most times i've ended up on a xanga site. wow. this girl has a million and a half links, a boyfriend, and when you right click on her site, a warning bow pops up and says, "FUCK OFF" and guess what? this girl is twelve.
wait a second. what was i doing when i was twelve? hmm.. boyfriendless, kissless, blogless, and ooh! internetless!
wait a second. what was i doing when i was twelve? hmm.. boyfriendless, kissless, blogless, and ooh! internetless!
domenica, settembre 7
life in a box is better than no life at all. -guildenstern... or rosencrantz?
well thats david blaine up there. kudos to him. proved r&g right.
this blog entry will cover my weekend.
so i went back to work today... and yay! i brought home work! im sorting out ALL the senior proofs and negatives! its time consuming and it sucks to think that if fuck up on this, girl's will order the wrong picture and will cause them to get this pics later than usual. everyone turned out really well so thats really good for them. likei said before, im working at home, so i'll be sitting on my ass this week cutting up negatives but getting paid 8 bucks an hour. very cool.
and who showed up on my door step today? the elusive kat!
today seriously felt like a monday. thats frightening.
on saturday, jeff and i picked up a sick Kat to get to debut practice. waltzing is frigging difficult as jeff and i learned yesterday. and yes, we rubbed each other the wrong way but we figured things out and now its all good again.
venerdì, settembre 5
again with the staying up late...
i've just watched donnie darko in full again, with commentary. theres so much i didnt see the first time (part in due that my tv screen is the size of a dinnerplate) and some things are still almost making sense.
anyways. im just took a finding nemo quiz. yaaay

What Finding Nemo Character are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
i've just watched donnie darko in full again, with commentary. theres so much i didnt see the first time (part in due that my tv screen is the size of a dinnerplate) and some things are still almost making sense.
anyways. im just took a finding nemo quiz. yaaay
What Finding Nemo Character are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
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